
Dha epa liquid gels

Common Questions and Answers about Dha epa liquid gels


Avatar f tn s labeled the prenatal multivitamin tablet. The other bottle has a smaller yellow gel capsule that is labeled prenatal DHA/EPA liquid gels. Totally fine to take together :) definitely eat with them!
Avatar f tn -) very gentle on tummy bc they are liquid gels and my pb was very happy and impressed with my choice on those she said they are a great brand :-)
Avatar m tn 5ml, epa 1.8g dha 0.9g equal to 2.7g.
1756970 tn?1314376733 EPA is found in the fish oil, it helps with mood and brain function. DHA is less needed but is still good for the brain. I think 3000mg of EPA is a good amount but you will need to ask your doctor or professional for the amount. I don't think you can ever have to much. I am on 6 grams of fish oil but with only has 2grams of EPA in the 6 grams of fish oil i take. Its important to make sure your fish oil does not have mercury in it other wise you can get heavy metal poisoning.
Avatar f tn I use nature made soft gels with dha...
Avatar m tn no it is not harmful it is a must, but the quality and concentration of epa and dha must be very high at 2-3g daily (fish oil quantity is not useful check epa/dha), most products are scam with very low dha/epa so useless.
Avatar m tn After pooling and reviewing studies using a total of 1,000 mg to 6,000 mg of EPA and DHA, those in which EPA was 60% or more of the total showed a highly significant improvement, whereas those that were less than 60% EPA did not.
Avatar m tn After pooling and reviewing studies using a total of 1,000 mg to 6,000 mg of EPA and DHA, those in which EPA was 60% or more of the total showed a highly significant improvement, whereas those that were less than 60% EPA did not.
907968 tn?1292622204 So, you really need to take 4 of them a day. It has been proven that EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) has a good effect on the arteries and heart/brain. You just need to find a way to swallow them.
Avatar f tn I love my nature made liquid gels with dha and omega-3. Very easy to swallow and no nausea problems very important fir me as solid vitamins make me puke regardless if I've eaten. When I start breastfeeding I may switch to similac liquid gels these particular ones require two pills a day the vitamin abd a mineral supplement. Not sure though need to do more research on these brute I decide also will cost about 20$ more per 90 days.
Avatar f tn Hello and thanks for this service! Is it more beneficial to take an "omega 3 EPA & DHA fish oil supplement" or an "omega 3, 6 &9 EPA & DHA fish oil supplement"? I'm a bit confused as to which would be of the optimum benefit to purchase. Thanks for your time and expertise!
Avatar f tn Thanks stefano I check the fish oil again. It is only 360 mg EPA and 240 mg DHA per 2000 mg. Its nothing. I will look for higher concentrate ones.
Avatar f tn Nope! :-) they are liquid gels so gentle and easy on tummy im able to take them even in.the beginning when I have morning sickness! :-) they are seriously in my opinion the best of prentals that aren't organic expensive stuff lol.
Avatar f tn ( can i just take the liquid gels and b fine or am i going to have to choke to death on the horse pills too :(
Avatar f tn I am 14 weeks and started taking the prenatal vit I take now 3 months before I got pregnant never have a problem. They are nature made liquid gels with added dha and omega 3. Try liquid gels they are much less harsh on your stomach. You should take something though. You need iron and folic acid.
Avatar n tn t hurt to improve your oesophageal nerves through taking Gota kola (a herb that is a nerve tonic), oats for breakfast and a daily intake of oily fish that is high in DHA and EPA essential fatty acids. DHA should also help to hydrate the mucous membrane of your mouth and EPA will reduce inflammation. I have heard that Slippery Elm is fantastic for preventing tissue damage caused by acid reflux. It is supposedly very nutritious and provides a protective coating down your oesophagus.
Avatar f tn t make me the least nauseous is the nature made prenatal liquid gels with dha and omega-3. The key is they are liquid gels not solids so they are 10x easier on your stomach to digest! :-) they are over the counter. They are ranked in the top 10 of prenatal vitamins (after a bunch of expensive organic ones.) Lol And they aren't terribly expensive. I get them at local grocery where I shop for about 20$ for a 3 month supply.
1885735 tn?1322375616 Fish oil with dha and epa.
Avatar m tn Omega 3 at high doses also has helped (4.5g with 750/500 of EPA and DHA) but not as a liquid which I have just found out because it is giving me huge reflux and increasing the muscous again (which the gel caps didn't do at all). Keep your liquid intake high and avoid using anything that dries out your secretions if possible (ie. antihistamines).
1192727 tn?1282735542 Fish oil capsules contain both DHA and EPA. Supplements containing EPA may not be recommended for infants or small children because they upset the balance between DHA and EPA during early development. Pregnant women should talk to their doctor before taking fish oil supplements. Fish oil capsules may cause minor side effects, such as loose stools, abdominal discomfort, and belching. In addition, they may prolong bleeding time slightly.
Avatar m tn That's not a high dose, but the above is correct in noting that not all fish oil is created equal.
Avatar f tn DHA is a kind of Omega 3 fatty acid (which is usually DHA+EPA) Omega 3 s are considered really beneficial for our brain and general health..and considered really good for fertility.. they're found in fatty fish or you can take them as supplements..
668044 tn?1225913014 I take One A Day Prenatal with DHA/EPA. The box (for $13) comes with one bottle of 30 prenatals and a bottle of 30 DHA/EPA pills. I have been taking them together through my pregnancy. My OB recommended them if the ones she prescribed didn't work out (they gave me a stomach ache so I went with One A Day). I have heard nothing but good things! I recommend them!
628735 tn?1273875777 that Sprouts produces they have a big article and it is all about the same, it states Try a blend of EPA and DHA at 250mgs for ages 3-6 and 500mgs 7-11 1000mgs for age 11 plus also stating that instead of reaching for Ritalin or prozac consider if they are getting enough magnesium.says the author of Magnesium Miracle" Carolyn Dean MD ND some interesting stuff that I am going to digest.
233488 tn?1310693103 At about eight years follow-up, they found a possible biological interaction between the CFH Y402H genotype and intakes of zinc, β-carotene, lutein/zeaxanthin, and eicosapentaenoic/docosahexaenoic acid (EPA/DHA), and between the LOC387715 A69S genotype and zinc and EPA/DHA, based on significant synergy indices (P < .05 for all).