
Dha in mother's milk

Common Questions and Answers about Dha in mother's milk


Avatar f tn I broke down and gave her some formula (once in the hospital and once at home) on day 5. My milk came in that day and so did a case of the baby blues. The next day DD decided that "full" was better than "hungry" so she just took off with the nursing and continued until she was 13 mos old. You won't know about milk production until after birth most of the time, but don't give up if your milk is slow coming in or seems to be in low supply.
Avatar f tn I plan to breastfeed my baby and my friend bought me some Mother's Milk organic tea. Have any of you ladies tried it? Does it work? Is it safe for you and baby?
Avatar f tn The most important things to habe in your prenatals are dha and folic acid :) with those two youre covered.
Avatar f tn /. They also sell milk with DHA its pretty good but expensive.
Avatar f tn I took another brand Rainbow Light Just Once, but it upset my stomach even though it says easy on the stomach. In addition to the multivit, I drink milk with DHA and OJ with vits C + D. While the multivit necessarily won't help us get pregnant, it will hopefully help sustain pregnancy when it finally happens. Baby dust to you!
Avatar f tn I'm going to ask my doctor before drinking it, but I was wondering if anyone has drank mothers milk tea while pregnant? I'm 35w5d and I want to breastfeed. My biggest fear is not being able to or not making enough milk. I wanted to know if it's safe while pregnant. Thanks in advance!
Avatar f tn m not lactose intolerlant, but I believe I am allergic to some kind of homormone in the dairy. I was told to eat lots of yogurt and cheese. Soy milk also works well for me.
1276890 tn?1271027818 I became vegan about a month ago and I have come to realize that now that my stomach has not been using enzymes to break down meat, dairy products, and some fats, I might have lost these enzymes. I am afraid that I should incorporate some fish and some good fats in my diet because not eating any will take a toll on my body. But everyone has a different opinion on what fats are really good.
Avatar f tn I love citranatal
10939157 tn?1413971264 Nestle Good Start with DHA and ARA Natural Cultures had the highest review standing. DHA and ARA are important in the promotion of immune system function, growth and development, as well as, eyes and brain. This formula topped the list, as it contains "comfort proteins," 100 percent whey protein from cow's milk. It easily breaks down during digestion and is available in powder, concentrate, and ready-to-feed preparations.
Avatar n tn Do you mean mother's milk, or formula, or cow's milk? If mother's milk and he was before, see his pediatrician. If formula and you are not breast feeding, see his pediatrician. If he is not interested in drinking cow's milk but he will drink breast milk or formula, don't worry. It's too early for him to drink cow's milk anyway. But if you mean he is not eating anything at all, go right now to the doctor with him.
Avatar f tn I had a similar issue until I figured out to take them with warm milk right before bed. The trick for me was to take the vitamins and then immediately drink 2 cups of milk after taking them ( any other way and I was sick no matter what brand I had. It's changed from soy milk to almond milk and coconut milk and now regular milk throughout my pregnancy depending on what triggered my nausea).
Avatar f tn Your feelings are normal and I was that way too. I had my son on May 2nd and got my milk on May 6th. The first few days was colostrum and since my son was starving (and I was dead tired), I ended up breaking down and giving him formula. I still supplement with maybe 2 ounces of Similac once a day. Make sure from the time of your baby's birth that you're feeding him exclusively every 2-3 hours.
7757724 tn?1396279586 My first was much chubbier and had constipation issues. However I believe it is just the milk protien in it not formula feeding itself. Turns out she is allergic to milk. She also has a quick reflux so she throws up really easily. Also dont know if it was cuz of the formula or just coincidence. My second was very gassy in the beginning and ended up having blood in his stool. Learned it was milk so I took that out of my diet. He has never had bathroom or weight issues.
Avatar f tn I'd say better safe than sorry ... mother's milk is good for babies, but in my uneducated view, the benefits of mother's milk are far outweighed by the risks of Lyme. "my midwife today brought it up again after she had a conversation with the head of the perinatal division and he says its okay." You are assuming that doc understands Lyme and knows how bad it can be for babies (and other living things), but there are many docs who don't think Lyme is a big deal.
9535135 tn?1512335891 Drink water ,oatmeal, you can make cookies too good recipies for production of milk are online, drink mother's milk tea,fenurgreek supplements help too. Mainly a nutrient rich diet and staying properly hydrated are the key things.
Avatar f tn I take prescription prenataland they have dha in them.. OMG they are gross. I was getting sick like crazy when i took them. My Dr told me to start taking them at night with a meal. Well I've found that chocolate milk works. So i take them on a full stomach with my chocolate milk and i haven't had any problems.
Avatar n tn he able to focus things. We are supplementing him with cod liver for DHA and Vit.A boost... is your son on breast milk or formula?
Avatar f tn Okay so my current prenatal vitamin does not have Dha in it possible for me to take a Dha vitamin in conjunction with my prenatal vitamin?...if so what is a good brand to take?
Avatar f tn I bought some prenatal vitamins and they came in a pack with DHA vitamins. Does anyone know what they are or if they are ok to take??
Avatar f tn Almonds Help A lot too. I tried Mother's milk tea and almonds and a lot of water I was bf on demand so I had a lot of milk supply I was kinda drying up so they told me to try all that before trying fenergreek.
9924471 tn?1419954420 this is my second time posting this and I am hoping that I get more responses... Have any moms on here used the mother's milk herbal tea and had any success in increasing their milk supply? I would like to know both positive and negative feedback also if it was a success how much did you drink a day and for how long also by how much would you say it increase your supply? And how quickly after starting it did it increase your supply.
944903 tn?1269268918 I am glad this question came up. For those who have done IVF, Are you taking Pre-natal vitamins all thru your cycle?
Avatar f tn usually it is given on the 1st trimester... coz some women throw up during that time, thats the only med that doctors prescribed.. then at the 2nd trimester, you're to be prescribed prenatals.. and pregnancy milk.. coz you need calcium and iron.. plus DHA for baby's brain development...
1169104 tn?1303349638 I had that too! Its weird! But after I lost my baby they started to disappear. I have no idea what they are. And like you I was drinking alot of milk too.