
Cytomel uses

Common Questions and Answers about Cytomel uses


Avatar n tn Hello. I am currently on 125 mg of Synthroid and 2.5 mcg of Cytomel. I began to feel a little hyper, which is how I have felt pretty much on any Cytomel. My results are below. Can I please get your opinion on the lab results? Also, can you please tell me approximately what the Free T4 should be? Thank you so much.
Avatar f tn i have been taking 37.5 of levothyroxin and 5mcg of cytomel. my doctor said to up my levothyroxin to 50 mg and continue cytomel 5mc. does this sound right to anyone? help my hypo symptoms are returning. i have been on levo since july and cytomel since december.
Avatar n tn Your body ONLY uses T3 hormone ultimately. Cytomel is a pure T3 medication. Levo is a pure T4 medication. Your body symptoms etc will generally react to the levels of Free T3 in your bloodstream as that is the only thing your body uses. Theoretically I believe that a person can be on T3 only medication. I think a few people are. But I'm not sure that totally short circuiting your body's natural response of converting T4 into T3 is the best idea.
1139187 tn?1355706647 I had some questions for you guys regarding cytomel. I am taking straight cytomel. I am on about 12 MCG at this point. I have been slowly building. My ears have been ringing like crazy but i dont have the weird buzzing/neuropothy feeling i had before when taking synthroid and tirosint. I am assuming and hoping that my body will adjust, but can a person Just take cytomel forever? Is this healthy? I dose it throughout the day. I take it in very small amounts either 1.25 or 2.5.
Avatar n tn 100 of levo and 25 of cytomel Then I read that my dose should have been reduced with cytomel..So then I went and did my blood again to see what the heck was happening. I had not taken any meds 2 days prior to testing because of the hives but I was on this dose but with synthroid and had no problems but had to switch due to insurance. Not sure if I was going hyper or having an allergic reaction.
Avatar n tn Why don't you see how the Cytomel goes for a while - you may find that the added T3 now - could help rid those pesty symptoms. You could see if you feel better trying a magnesium supplement too. Both the constipation and aches may get better with taking that.
Avatar n tn My boyfriend has been overdosing on Cytomel for years. He is now trying to lower the dose and having terrible side effects he describes as "head fog." He says he can't focus, can't get work done, etc. He really wants to go back up but I am concerned the higher dose will be bad for his health in other ways. Can anyone offer any advice/help?
Avatar f tn I read your question and I am confused. You were on Synthroid and Cytomel. Cytomel is a T3 drug. Why did you want to switch? Why did your doctor allow that switch without testing you appropriately using the Ft3 and Ft4 and trying to just tweak your meds? Switching thyroid meds is difficult and now being on Armour - it may take you quite a while to stabilize on it. Without correct testing - it's a guessing game on where you may need to tweak your meds.
909086 tn?1242660764 The last time I had my blood work done was about 4 months ago. My TSH was at 1.55 after being on the 112mcg of Synthroid for about a year and the 25mcg of Cytomel for about 4 weeks. I don't know my T4 and T3 numbers. The reference ranges that my lab uses for TSH are 0.4 - 4.0 I have my next appointment with my doc in 2 weeks, so I won't have any new labs until then. I do in fact take the 25mcg of Cytomel all at once.
Avatar f tn I called him back the next week and told him I wanted to stay on 100mcg of Levoxyl along with the Cytomel...he agreed. I still knew not to take the full 25mg of cytomel after the last weeks experience so I began taking 100mcg levoxyl and 1/4 of a 25mg cytomel pill (I cut it 4 ways) once a day for a week then went up to a half pill a day for a week and so on till I got to 25mg of CYTOMEL safely. I took this dose (25mg cytomel and 100mcg of levoxyl) for about a month and felt much better..
Avatar n tn I don't think cytomel should be added unless a Free T3 test shows that T3 is actually low or low normal. Free T4 Index (T7) = 2.3 (range 1.4-3.8) is about mid range - maybe your FT4 needs to come up a bit. It's possible you might have a conversion problem, but there's no way to know that without an FT3 test.....mtkst13 is right - I don't think T3 uptake is of much use anymore - some doctors insist on staying "behind the times"....
566103 tn?1228385767 Synthroid is a brand name (one of several) drug that uses levothyroxine salts as the active ingredient. Levothyroxine is the generic form of the drug. It is a synthetic form of thyroxine, or T4 for short. Your body takes the T4 and converts it to T3 as it is needed. Armour is made by desicating and grinding up thyroids from swine, which is biologically similar to humans. It contains T4, and it also contains T3 (triiodo-something).
Avatar n tn I cannot see the doctor until late next week and I feel I need to get back on cytomel (T3). How should I switch back to cytomel without doing a lot more damgae to my adrenals? Should I taper the armour while adding the cytomel? Or should I go off all of the armour asap?
1369218 tn?1282423884 I have been doing Synthroid/Cytomel for about a year now. I do not really feel better. The more Cytomel I take, the more racey my heart feels. I was on 5mcg twice a day and felt like my heart was coming out of my chest. I then lowered back to just 5mcg and now have hypo symptoms again. My last labs were: TSH 1.47 (0.40-4.50) Free T3 2.6 (2.3-4.2) Free T4 1.4 (0.8-1.8) My Free T3 looks awful, pretty much how I feel!
Avatar n tn My pharmacy uses generic Cytomel made by Sigma Pharma. Googled it a lot of people seem to have complained about it. I have some left from the fall made by Paddock but it won't help me much if my refill will be by Sigma.
Avatar f tn Hello- I'm 33/female and I've had hypothyroidism since age 26. I'm taking Synthroid and Cytomel and my endo checks my levels every 6 months. I'm usually midly elevated and my dr tried a couple times to lower my dosage but it always resulted in me feeling awful and him reverting to my original dose. The reason why I'm writing here is because I've been feeling extremely depressed lately.
1243437 tn?1269011117 Has your doctor told you that you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis? That's what the high antibodies and the enlarged thyroid is.........that means you have antibodies that are "killing" your thyroid. Hashimoto's is treated the same as hypothyroidism (replacement hormones), but can be harder to control. You might try taking a daily dose of selenium to help keep the antibodies from raging so badly. In addition, calcium and magnesium might help with joint/muscle pains.
Avatar f tn Free T4 - 0.8 - 1.8 ng/dL; Free T3 - 230 - 420 pg/dL; TSH - 0.4 - 4.50mIU/L; TPO - < 35 IU/mL. I'm not familiar with TSO - did you mean TSH? I know the TSH range that my lab uses is outdated, but that's what they use, so that's what my doctor goes by. The new reference range for TSH is 0.3 - 3.0. Remember - this is just MY lab; I've had blood work done at other labs that used different ranges and/or units, etc.
1165078 tn?1338655745 According to my lab, FT4 ranges are 0.8-1.8, so you would be too high on T4, unless your lab uses different ranges. I would honestly find a new endo if this doc would not test or treat FT3 levels. You may be high T4 but low T3, in which case, you could feel much better by lowering the Synthroid and adding Cytomel. If you are still feeling hypo, then you should have your FT3 and maybe even reverse T3 levels tested and treated. I had a doc who would only prescribe Synthroid.
Avatar n tn As a child she had been told she was asthmatic however we discovered that she had a deviated septum (this was surgically corrected 2 years ago) and removed Cytomel from her treatment plan which -helped the breathing issues considerably. Now the complication when she takes the asthma medicine she swims AWFUL even though she says her chest isn't so tight. It seems the asthma medicine is working against her. Could her Hashimo's disease be the real source of her breathing issues?
Avatar m tn Find a doctor who treats both FreeT3 and FreeT4. T4 and T3 are obsolete. The frees are direct measurements. TSH is a pituitary hormone, NOT A THYROID HORMONE!! I'm not yelling at you, just your endo. Sheesh!! I found my endo off this site. Call ahead and ask the endo's nurse if the doc treats the symptoms and frees, and not just a TSH. DO NOT wait. I delivered my baby 2 months early. I now know I had Hashimoto's and probably low thyroid.