
Cytomel gluten free

Common Questions and Answers about Cytomel gluten free


Avatar f tn Please try gluten free again for at least a few months. I tested negative on Celiac as well. Please read my journal about my GF experience and how I now need less thyroid hormone. Goolara is right about RT3 dominance. Strange that the Cytomel hasn't helped yet, and you may need to go back for testing in a few weeks and increase Cytomel. You have an endo who will actually test and treat your T3 levels. Lucky! With all due respect to Jo, TSH is a pituitary hormone and NOT always reliable.
Avatar f tn My doctor suggested that I stop eating gluten. I have been gluten free for 2 1/2 days and I'm so hungry. My stomach is growling constanly. I have purchased gluten free crakers, pasta, and bread so I'm eating some carbs. Does this feeling go away after your body adjusts? I have more brain fog than ever and I just feel so weak. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Avatar n tn Free T4 of 0.4 (range 0.8-1.8); no Free T3 was run; and started on synthoid - my TSH bottomed out within a very short period of time and my pcp started cutting back on the med, even though I was still having hypo symptoms and things went from bad to worse........One mistake that a lot of doctors make is to treat thyroid issues based solely on TSH. I finally was sent to an ENT for what was supposedly and unrelated issue that turned out to be thyroid related.
Avatar f tn There are a ton of books out there for this, as it's quite a fad these days even for people who don't have Celiac, so I'd look into that. But cooking gluten free isn't any different from cooking with gluten unless you're making bread or cookies -- most foods don't contain gluten so you're already eating mostly gluten free unless all you eat is bread and pasta.
Avatar f tn s is a brand of gluten free baked goods you may find pretty good. Canyon Bake House makes a terrific gluten free rosemary focaccia bread that is actually soft and not crumbly.
Avatar f tn I have been reading and I also conducted a poll in this forum (To Soy or Not to Soy?) on soy/gluten free diet. If your daughter is not soy/gluten free, it will also impact her T4 absorption. I do feel better without soy or gluten. Also, make sure she's taking her vitamins. We Hashi's tend to lose our vitamins fast, especially the D and B12. For the bloating, give her Cirtrucel drink mix to help her go to the bathroom more. We hypos have constipation issues.
Avatar n tn m on Levoxyl and my doctor just put me on Cytomel as well and I still have all these symptoms. severe myalgia(eating low carb helps a bit), weight gain with servere constipation(Had colectomy which helped some), I just can't seem to find any relief. Please give me any thoughts on what could be checked or changed. What is a good range for TSH if still having symptoms? less than what? Please please any thoughts.
Avatar f tn Luckily many grocery stores around me carry gluten free foods and there is a strict gluten free/dairy free/vegan bakery close by if I get a sweet tooth.
Avatar n tn So About 6 weeks ago I found out I have hashimotos disease. Along with a possible gluten intolerance. I was started on synthroid 25mg but only took it for 10 days because I actually felt worse on it. I know it shouldn't even effect me for 4 weeks. I have another appointment next week, however right now I started taking zoloft for the anxiety.
Avatar f tn I have it mainly in my hands - but have kept under control somewhat by a good diet (vegetarian, gluten free) and supplements. My iron is still low (44) and my vitamin d is 65. I take supplements for both. At one point my RT3 level was high (34) when it should have been below 33, but now it seems normal. I guess I'm still confused about the whole ratio thing and what that all means. Here are my other labs. Do I need to be on cytomel? Why is my TSH and Free T4 so low?
Avatar m tn The brain fog and always tired was getting better as I was on a candida diet (no gluten, dairy, yeast, sugar). I have since added back in sugar and yeast but never eat dairy or gluten unless it is on accident. I have since moved to Ontario and have no family doctor and no one that really understands my issues. I have started on ERFA thyroid and no longer take my adrenal formulas as I cannot find the same brands out here in Ontario. I was taking 90mg of ERFA thyroid.
Avatar f tn Most of what was being proposed previously involved extensive testing related to antibodies. A large part of the approach was based on going gluten free, on the unproven basis that gluten causes the autoimmune system to produce thyroid antibodies. It was never specified as to how that related to there being two different thyroid antibodies. TPO ab and TG ab. The proposed treatment also included special supplements that were only obtained through the author of the book.
Avatar n tn What are your vitamin B12 levels?
Avatar f tn Once you have been gluten free (or free of any other food group) for a while, you have made yourself gluten intolerant. If you binge or return permanently to eating gluten you are going to feel some symptoms at first. It's like drinking (alcohol). If you stop for a while, one little glass of wine will send you for a loop. You have to re-introduce gluten slowly. My best advice to anyone new to Hashi's is to read Michael Pollen's books.
Avatar f tn It is likely the Cytomel that is causing low T4.
Avatar f tn On 3-16-12 (when I was really feeling good at 137 synthroid and 10 cytomel) my TSH was 0.173, Free T4 was 1.29 and Free T3 was 2.9. I have had more labs done than this in between these months but as my TSH changed my synthroid was lowered. Because I have been terribly tired and cold and gaining the weight I lost, my Dr. added another 5 mcg's of cytomel. I have a little more energy in the afternoon, but still feel tired and I can't get going or get anything done. My Dr.
Avatar f tn 75 synthroid and no cytomel. Maybe that was a fluke but now I feel terribly bloated and I am gluten free dairy free and very conscious of all other triggers. She told me to reduce cytomel to two 10 mcg in morning and 5 mcg at night along with my .025 synthroid.
Avatar f tn I am on 30 grain armour and 1/2 5 grain cytomel. Labs us were tsh 9.7/ free t 3 2.8/ free t 4 .95. My doc is trying to treat my adreanal glands (completed adrenal hormone test, ion profile and alcat testing. I am unable to take anything he prescribes because I get very dizzy and brain fog although I exercise and eat healthy. I have been on synthroid in the past but I am also dealing with hairloss, synthroid does not help.
8256587 tn?1399897506 I am currently dairy and gluten free and my fatigue and constipation have cleared up since on the diet, however I retook my Levothyroxine and within 2 hours I was constipated. The only change I had made was retaking the Levothyroxine but I did increase my fluid intake, too. The reaction I had from the medication is making me doubt the benefits of it. Or could I be undermedicated at 125mcg? The nurse taking my blood last time said 125mcg is a lot for a little person like me to be taking!