
Crestor and shortness of breath

Common Questions and Answers about Crestor and shortness of breath


Avatar n tn Could my shortness of breath. weakness and aching be cause by Crestor? I have seen a pulmonary doctor and a cardiologist. They say my heart and lungs are fine.
1294473 tn?1272384580 Yes, there are known exceptions involving the heart microvessels, cardiac output and shortness of breath. Watch your exertion and keep track of your SOB triggers. Best of Luck. Joan.
Avatar n tn The medicines she takes cause her chest pain, shortness of breath, and make her dizzy. Her blood pressure checks out ok, but is the medicine for the blood pressure causing this pain. Some days she is ok and other days the pain comes in the morning and lasts all day. Of all the medecines she takes which is most likely the culprit. Is there any alternatives.
Avatar f tn The first week I had bronchitis. After that cleared, I began having chest pain and shortness of breath. Everyone dismissed my symptoms because I was a young female. I had a hysterectomy in 2009 but they said I still had estrigen to help prevent heart problems. After three weeks of testing (lung vq scan, GERD, and anxiety), a heart cath was done. Cardiologist said I had myocardial bridge (left artery), hypertension, and thick wall.
Avatar f tn Statin drugs are often associated with side-effects including nausea, headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, sexual dysfunction, fatigue, shortness of breath, memory loss, liver problems, muscle weakness, muscle pain, peripheral neuropathy and cardiomyopathy due to a depletion of Coenzyme Q10. If you aren't taking CoQ10, start immediately.
Avatar f tn Clopidogrel (plavix) is a medication given after stenting and this causes shortness of breath with me. I had to endure it for a year and when the medication was stopped, it was like I had a new pair of lungs. ALL medications have side effects but at different severities and are often overlooked.
Avatar f tn heart ablation in jan 09,for a fib,now pulse rate low 54-58 shortness of breath,tired...
Avatar n tn I had severe shortness of breath and other symptoms due to severe bradypnea. At my worst, breathing dropped down to 6 breaths a minute. Bradypnea is my worst symptom of hypothyroidism. Bradypnea can lead to hypoxemia (low oxygen) and hypercapnia (high carbon dioxide). I had a false normal pulse oximeter (a sensor device placed on the fingertip) reading due to high carbon dioxide in the blood. Excerpt from Respiratory function in thyroid disease...
Avatar f tn yes, shortness of breath especially walking up stairs... drink atleast a gallon of water per day...
Avatar f tn I have had the edema on and off, and my Endo used to check my ankles when I had an office visit, so with Hashi's it is common, although I have not had shortness of breath.
Avatar f tn I know anxiety can cause shortness of breath, but in my later pregnancy I got shortness of breath all the time!
Avatar n tn Shortness of breath should always be checked out. It is entirely possible it could be that his stented areas are blocking again or new blockages are forming. I'd suggest he go his health profressional asap.
Avatar f tn Shortness of breath can happen for lots of reasons. Sometimes it can happen because a person is breathing too fast, called hyperventillation. This can happen when people have panic attacks, and are very worried or anxious. Sometimes people also have tingly fingers when this happens. Sometimes shortness of breath can also be from serious medical problems.
Avatar n tn Hi, for the past 9 days I have had constant shortness of breath. It started with a dry cough, tightness in the chest and shortness of breath but now it's pretty much just the shortness of breath. I also am constantly burping and I feel as if I have a lump stuck in my throat. I have had a chest x-ray, ekg, blood tests and a CT angiogram of my chest done. Everything came out normal.
Avatar n tn However, they are not to be taken lightly and MUST be discussed with your Dr. Shortness of breath and chest pains can be symptoms of Heart Problems. I have had a Heart Attack and know what to expect, and I was not overly concerned. But I did immediately discuss this with my Dr.
Avatar f tn m currently 9 weeks pregnant but when my hubby runs my back the shortness of breath goes away but it comes back like 20 to 30 minutes later I'm not sure if it's due to me being pregnant or what it's kinda freaking me out I do smoke and I am really wanting to quit
Avatar m tn Shortness of breath is a common symptom that can be caused by a long list of possible underlying problems. The safest course of action would be to see your physician. Your doctor can take a careful history, conduct a physical exam, and then order appropriate tests. Without any additional information, it would not be possible to answer your question in an accurate manner.
Avatar m tn Hello, two days ago I had a sort of shortness of breath and went to emergency. Doctors there did following tests; 1. ECG 2. Blood 3. Urine 4. Monitored the heart 5. BP 6. Chest x-ray After monitoring for 4 hours I was free to go since they could not find any issues.
Avatar n tn Do any of you suffer shortness of breath along with PVCs? I believe I do. I "skip beats" always at least 1 in every 30. sometimes as often as 1 in 2 or 3 beats.
Avatar f tn thanks its not too bad at the moment, I had asthma as a child till I was about 18 and have always had shortness of breath when exersising, I am now 30 so would have thought the asthma should have cleared up, but it certainly feels like that, a sort of heavy lung feeling. No dizzyness or lightheadedness. Am seeing my doc ob Fri so will mention it then, glad to know that others experienced the same though.
Avatar f tn I meant this to be a comment on a previous post about people who have the same problem I have with excessive yawning or inability to complete the yawn and shortness of breath. The shortness of breath is not really "shortness of breath" though. It is the best way to describe it I guess but it just feels like you can't get a full satisfying deep breath.
4524318 tn?1355879252 do u have a doctor to go to and get checked? Shortness of breath, ie...loss of breath or difficulty breathing.. while climbing stairs or ambulating short distances is often from COPD/a lung disease often affecting smokers.. or heart issues...
338416 tn?1420045702 I've heard a lot of people talk about having shortness of breath. I wanted to pick your brains on this forum and see if you've heard about it being related to MS. I have recurring mild shortness of breath, best described as 'air hunger.' It's one of those things that comes and goes, like the bladder, the weak leg and the sleepy hands, so I think it must be neurological.
Avatar n tn angela ~ Yikes! I taught again today and same thing...I'm talking and talking and then, yep, shortness of breath. What scares me is that in my first pregnancy, the shortness of breath led to dizziness and fainting as I got further along. (I had m/c so I don't know how long it would have lasted). I really hope the dizziness/fainting don't re-occur this time around. Especially when I'm teaching! They're all drama students and they would love it if their teacher fainted.
Avatar n tn m 23 year old male , i started getting short breath and chest tightness on several occasions without any specific triggers it came also with high pulse rate low pressure and disorientation , then it became worse and i almost fainted several times and the worst episode of these symptoms lasted about an hour after that the case improved and i could breath normally , i suspected a cardiology condition and i went to a cardiologist he did ECG and echo tests and told me my heart is very good and the
Avatar f tn Monday afthernoon on my way to lunch, I felt short of breath. So I sat for a bit and it passed. Later that afternoon I went to the ER because I felt short of breath again but this time tingling on my hands and arms. THey did an ekg which was normal, blood pressure was normal and heart beats per min were 106. The doctor there said I was hyperventilating and told me to calm down and take calcium supplements.
Avatar n tn It causes shortness of breath and anxiety. The shortness of breath is very frightening. I have been to the Doctor, but of course, Im never bloated when Im at the Doctors office. Antacids dont help much, and it goes away after a couple of hours, only to return without warning, and isnt related to whether or nor Ive eaten.