
Contractions during your period

Common Questions and Answers about Contractions during your period


Avatar n tn Contractions from orgasm can make your uterus contract. It's theoretically possible that their contractions could shake off the endometrium (that's loose in your uterus already) at a little more rapid rate. But not more blood overall.
6807839 tn?1386436725 Doesn't really matter about how your cramps were before it's just the best analogy to use to describe what contractions feel like. They are like period cramps that grow in intensity, length and pressure.
Avatar f tn Same thing happened to me when I had it two weeks back. It continued to hurt my belly and lower back for the whole night and next day. It was just like period pain. I am so afraid that I didn't attempt for it again since then. What I have been told is that could be contractions as the body prepares itself for labor. I am 36 weeks today.
Avatar f tn Does anxiety get worse during or before your period. The last couple of days I feel like things are out of control, then today I got my preriod. I always seem to have anxiety the last couple of months but some day are just so bad.
Avatar f tn Yes you will definitely feel them in your lower back as well as your lower part of your tummy and i always feel with each of them when im standing that my water is going to break
Avatar f tn 20 hours after getting induced I finally started dilating further and my contractions started feeling like period cramps but not horrible. Then I got the epidural hooked up but they wouldn't give me any meds through it so I pushed for 3 hours and my Dr finally saw that my son was too big, so i finally got meds (ahhhhh awesome lol) and then got the csection. It wasn't horrible, but it was scary because it took so long. I hope everything goes good for you girl!
Avatar n tn Everyone is telling me to be extra cautious during this time period but im so turned on all the time.. I do feel slight discomfort after orgasm.. But nothing to much..
Avatar f tn Contractions feel like period pains but they start off mild, gradually get stronger and then fade away again. The more contractions you get, the stronger they become. Also if you place your hand on your tummy you can usually feel it harden during a contraction. Trust me when I say you will know when it starts. Im on pregnancy number 5.
Avatar f tn Yeah ^ they're a lot worse than period cramps. But the pain is still manageable. At least for me. I waited at home till I was 9cm and went to hospital had my baby within an hour. I didn't want meds and the pain wasn't that bad for meds anyway. But could feel differently for everyone else.
Avatar f tn How far along are you? Are they taking your breath away at all?
Avatar f tn With my first I never felt BH but I just hit 33 weeks with this pregnancy and have been having them all day! When labor hit with my daughter contractions were painful like really painful. So far all I'm feeling is what feels like period cramps not sharp more dull and dont last very long.
9807151 tn?1406762059 I think im having them but im not sure if its just my babies feet.. you know what I mean ?
4842016 tn?1372039067 your stomach gets really really tight during a contraction. and it hurts. if you think you're having contractions start timing them. once your down to five or six minutes apart, it's time to head to the hospital. you will know when you're having a contraction. its kinda hard to explain other than your stomach gets really really tight.
7019649 tn?1396792517 My period cramps don't even compare to contractions and I had horrible period cramps lol! I had a quick labor though so I had some really intense contractions.
8906457 tn?1406849110 Can someone explain exactly how natural birth is? Also how contractions are? Im not sure if I had them or not I think it was during sex because it was a cramping feeling on the side of my stomach. Can someone please leave me Comments! Thanks!
2020005 tn?1628125976 They wouldn't stop my contractions at this point, since I'm 38 weeks, I'm just hoping to not go any sooner than my scheduled c-section date since we have it all planned.
12584065 tn?1436320514 Do any of you have pain during Braxton hicks contractions? I didnt think there was suppose to be pain unless they are real.
Avatar n tn Typically it is just from hormones that causes the cramping, as the surge will cause contractions, making her period painful. Prevention is much better than management for pain. Exercise and eating healthy can help prevent menstrual cramps to a certain point, but won't always get rid of them.
5049711 tn?1364572195 And like the above said your discharge increases during the later part of your pregnancy. Keep us posted and good luck!
Avatar f tn Another thing that hasn't been noted here is that the vagina is covered by a membrane called the hymen. The hymen is a very thin sheath of tissue that can partially or completely cover the vaginal opening. Usually, during the first intercourse the hymen will tear and stretch, this can cause significant bleeding. The hymen could also partially tear the first time and subsequently continue tearing through additional intercourse.
Avatar f tn Idk if ive been having contractions or just pains from being pregnant. My lower back has throbbing sharp pains during the day.. but its not an off an on thing. Its constant. And then at night, i get period like cramps when i lay down. But when i sit up, they seem to go away. Im a ftm, and not really sure what to expect. Im being induced this Thursday. Does anyone think i should go to the hospital if it happens again tonight? I need opinions.
Avatar n tn but the tests could be wrong and you can still get your period during pregnancy so then i when i do find out i am pregnant (obvioulsy if i am pregnant) then it will be too late for any options!!
Avatar f tn Leg cramps are normal in pregnancy but aren't contractions. Since you've only had leg cramps during your period you most likely don't know the feeling of contractions. It's a tightening pain that goes from your back that wraps around your belly. and it feels like you muscles are tensing up and being ripped.
Avatar n tn How bad or not so bad was your contraCtions, I plan on no epidural... But curious. Please explain how it felt ..