
Clonidine gastroparesis

Common Questions and Answers about Clonidine gastroparesis


Avatar m tn Hi. First off let me say that I have Gastroparesis, which I just found out I had in January. This makes my body take a lot longer to get rid of a drug. Anyway, I took abilify for an acute psychotic episode I had last fall. The doctors kept me on it for four months just as a precaution. Anyways, I tapered off of it under doctors supervision and have been off for almost two months now.
Avatar m tn Recently I was given a gastric emptying test and diagnosed with gastroparesis and given a low fiber diet. Can you have IBS and gastroparesis? What diet would help both?
Avatar m tn I had an upper endo done, can that detect gastroparesis? Doc saw little redness, but nothing else. If i had that, when i dry heave, wouldent food come back up instead of nothing?
Avatar f tn I have had gastroparesis for 1 year. Can accupunture cure the vagus nerve?
Avatar f tn I was recently diagnosed with gastroparesis , the DR, said it was because I have Hashimoto's disease and can be caused by hypothyroidism , but TSH tests have been in the normal range so how could I still get gastroparesis ? Also is this condition reversible ?
Avatar n tn I have gastroparesis along with other intestinal motility disorders. What treatments has she tried before resorting to the clinical trial? Is she seeing a motility specialist?
Avatar n tn The problem with it is that it can cause a lot of problems, and one of the big ones is dumping syndrome (basically the opposite of gastroparesis). Also depending on what caused your gastroparesis, it can actually cause more problems like nausea. For instance, my gastroparesis is caused by an autonomic neuropathy, so even though my stomach is the worst, my entire GI tract doesn't work well, so in my case, a pyloroplasty wouldn't be helpful. What medications have you tried?
Avatar f tn Does anyone know if gastroparesis can get better with proper nutrition and medicine (domperidone) and be stable for a long period of time or does it always progress? This discussion is related to <a href=''>Gastroparesis - Can it get worse?</a>.
Avatar f tn i've had ideopathic gastroparesis for a year now and have been unable to find any help on what i should or should not eat to prevent or minimize symptoms. one suggestion was a low-fiber diet but the dietician i was referred to was completely unable to tell me exactly what that was. another suggestion was o soft diet. does that mean just eat anything and grind it up like babyfood or is it foods that become soft or are soft naturally such as jello & ice cream?
Avatar f tn Had an EGD which showed gastritis, probable gastroparesis (b/c of an excess amount of food remaining in the stomach) and a subsequently positive H-pylori. I have already completed treatment of the H-pylori and breath test shows it is gone. Ok, now to my question... My dr wants me to go for a gastric emptying test to determine for sure if I have gastroparesis. Wouldn't this just be a waste of time and money??
Avatar f tn I am also 24 and a female and was just diagnosed with gastroparesis and am getting ready to start Reglan. I have never heard of abdominal migranes or epilepsy. This is very interesting because all my labs and tests came back normal but I have been throwing up for 8 months and had my gallbladder removed already. I have extreme pain in my upper right quadrant and extreme nausea and vomitting. I am not diabetic so the doctors don't really know why this is happening. Any ideas?
Avatar f tn wow, do you guys have diabetes? You probably would have said what kind of pain do you have , burning, stabbing, gnawing, and where is it? I ask because I have been told I have gastritis , duodenitis, gastroparesis, some kind of hernia and now maybe its all because of bile reflux!!
Avatar n tn My 15 year old daughter has been diagnosed with gastroparesis. This has been terrible. I am worried that this is a life-long problem that she will have to endure. She is normally a very healthy teenager. We have seen many doctors and she is on Reglan to help her eat. Still has stomach pain when she eats. On a low-fiber, low-fat diet which makes it hard to put weight back on...has lost 15 pounds so far in 3 months. I am needing a doctor that specializes in this area.
10047460 tn?1407438406 Wow Jeni I'm not sure. The only time I took Clonidine was for my high blood pressure. I've heard that Clonidine helps with a lot of symptoms of withdrawal including cravings. My doctor gave me Zofran 8 mg for nausea. It worked really well. Sorry I can't be of more help. Hang on for a while.
Avatar f tn Thus the reason for the foggy head/headache during the acute phase. The clonidine helped immensely and even helps with sleep.
Avatar m tn It is really amazing my pain is completely almost gone, with the exception of a little soreness. I have starting weaning myself from the oxy and was going to ask my doc for some clonidine. How much does it really help with the w/d symptoms?
Avatar m tn enybody got eny feed back clonidine it was given to me to help with withdraw from oxi and its not doing enygood going through hell right now I have about 7 days
401095 tn?1351391770 anyone use clonidine during WDs? What dose,,,just wondering..
Avatar f tn hi.....i have never used clonidine but it's suppose to be for high BP and also can be used for anxiety from what i've read. I am on a diff med for high BP. Good luck and hope it works for you! i've read that it helps alot of people calm down thru WDs.
198154 tn?1337787265 s but only a caring doctor will give it, most would rather see you suffer....i took .1 mg of clonidine 3 times daily...worked tremendously well...if taking clonidine will help get you off your d.o.c.,...take it as your doctor has prescribed it...regardless of what you think MIGHT does help more than i can describe, i think it is a miracle drug for wd's. i took it for 10 days, then tapered for 3, it is not addictive, but you have to taper to avoid rebound high BP...
Avatar f tn second, my doctor prescribed two clonidine patches for me for any withdrawl symptoms. What do these do ? my doc said it woud basically knock me that of course... but, i am hesitant because i had never heard of it... i know it is a little strange for a prescription lover to be afraid of a new drug...weird. but, i would like to hear about some experiences with people who have tried it before. Thank you so much.
Avatar m tn It really works. It will not make you 100% the same as if you were taking the percs but it helps with anxiety, sleeplessness and overall feeling like crap. My doctor gave me 1.0 milligrams with a refill. She is awesome. Yesterday was my full day 2 from all addictive substances (day 9 from Vicodin) and I had some anxiety late afternoon and evening. Took a pill each time and I was fine. Slept a full 8 hours.
Avatar f tn My methadone doctor suggested clonidine for these symptoms, I know some of you have tried it and I was wondering if it helps much, and is it worth even taking? Thanks for your responses...
Avatar f tn I am going hot and cold and getting hot flashes and really nauseous. My methadone doctor told me that clonidine will help these symptoms, I know some of you have tried it. I was wondering if I should start taking it, I am so uncomfortable. I know this is a slow and low taper, is it worth getting it?