
Clonidine for aspergers

Common Questions and Answers about Clonidine for aspergers


Avatar f tn i am a memeber of a social group for kids with aspergers, a few months ago a few of the mothers were talking about their children taking clonidine the moms noticed favorable results, i am familiar with this drug, i did not know that developmental pediatric doctors, are now putting aspie kids on clonidine, how do you feel about this?
Avatar f tn My 7 yro started a regimine of resperidol and regular clonidine a few months ago the resperidol is working he was changed to kapvay (long acting clonidine) a week ago he just started the morning dose of 2 resperidol n one kapvay and one resperidol n one kapvay at night he has slept 18 +hours in a 24hr period.
Avatar n tn My 9 year old son just started respiradol for aspergers. I heard of all the awful side affects and was wondering if anyone has real life info on it?????
219373 tn?1274921434 i have a 10 year old daughter who was recently diagnosed with aspergers, severe GAD, depression and sever insomnia. she is currently taking meletonin, clonidine and paxil. just prior to having her testing in which she was diagnosed with these she was on adderall for suspected ADD and the adderall was very effective for her concentration and focus, making schoolwork and chores etc much less stressful and frustrating.
Avatar f tn He is now back to full blown meltdowns in school and we are awaiting a phone call to get him back on. The anxiety and stressors in school for an Aspergers child can be miserable and something we could never understand.
Avatar f tn Kids at school are beginning to notice and are asking her about it. I have been given a prescription for Clonidine. Has anyone tried Clonidine? Was the Clonidine successful? What side effects were seen?
401554 tn?1270213756 For the last 5 yrs I've been taken the clonidine patch for high BP, no side effects, but the PVC's are still there off and on.
Avatar f tn I am taking clonidine for my Subutex withdrawal. It has definetly helped with the anxious creepy crawly feeling. It also helped with hot flashes. I wasn't given any info on not to mix it with pain meds, but you may want to call you doctor to find out. Or even a pharmacist might be able to tell. good luck!
Avatar m tn 1mg at 10am, 4 pm since i started and trazodone 100mg at night for sleep... anyone have experience with these? ive heard clonidine if you just stop taking it it can spike your blood pressure... and trazodone is addictive? i dunno.... anyway any comments would help.. i was gonna start today by reducing the trazodone in half and tomorrow cut back to just one clonidine a day for 3 more days... sound alright?
Avatar m tn I went to see my doc and he wants me to continue taking the conidine and ativan but to reduce the clonidine to .1 for two days, then 05 for a day then stop it. He advised just to take the avtivan at night until I can fall alseep on my own. He also gave me some roxicet and told me to take 3 today, 2 tomorrow and one the next day. He claims this will help me with cravings until I get into rehab where I can get something tradition for the craving...I start rehab on Monday and it lasts 5 weeks.....
Avatar f tn Hi, my son is 22 years old and has all the signs of aspergers syndrome. He was never diagnosed, and as a child we thought he was just shy, and was told he had ocd. He is very high functioning and drives, has a part time job and has graduated from college. But he lacks any kind of social skills. He also has sensory issues. I am presently working with him on his social skills, and his sensory problems with the help of other parents on different forums I have been on. .
Avatar n tn Aspergers and other behavioural problems such as adhd and ocd are genetic so it is very likely that you can have two children with them. It is important for you and your children that you get them assesed as then you can find out what the problem is and how to help your children. I read one of your earlier posts about your three year old dont worry many people with aspergers and similar disorders live relatively normal lives i know because my husband has it and ocd.
665125 tn?1273023924 Google DSM IV and look at the diagnostic criteria for autism and aspergers. There isn't a huge amount of difference and it can be even harder to fit the diagnosis to a child/adult because there can be alot of borderline charteristics that fit both diagnosis. But generally those with Aspergers tend to develop language normally. However every parent I know with a child with a diagnosis of Aspergers says that they still have huge problems with language and social interaction.
880900 tn?1467270141 WIkipedia says clonidine is good for reducing sweats and general "unease", but the patient must withdraw carefully from it too, in order to avoid rebound hypertension. Has anyone had experience with this? Did you experience the rebound hypertension after using clonidine? I'm considering asking my doctor for this drug because I'm still experiencing w/d symptoms after 2 weeks w/d. I've not slept for four days, too. Thanks for your help.
Avatar f tn hi.....i have never used clonidine but it's suppose to be for high BP and also can be used for anxiety from what i've read. I am on a diff med for high BP. Good luck and hope it works for you! i've read that it helps alot of people calm down thru WDs.
Avatar m tn It started working for me after about 24 hours.
Avatar f tn second, my doctor prescribed two clonidine patches for me for any withdrawl symptoms. What do these do ? my doc said it woud basically knock me that of course... but, i am hesitant because i had never heard of it... i know it is a little strange for a prescription lover to be afraid of a new drug...weird. but, i would like to hear about some experiences with people who have tried it before. Thank you so much.
656243 tn?1231288052 I just wanted to say that my psychiatrist just prescribed clonidine for anxiety. I am on Klonopin also. I couldn't find much info on using clonidine for anxiety, but at least now I know it's been prescribed for other people with anxiety too. I do NOT have high blood pressure.
Avatar f tn My methadone doctor suggested clonidine for these symptoms, I know some of you have tried it and I was wondering if it helps much, and is it worth even taking? Thanks for your responses...
Avatar f tn How long do you normally take clonidine for withdrawal symptoms from Oxycontin and Percocet?
198154 tn?1337787265 Clonidine worked great for me. Doc gave me .1mgs about 3 weeks worth. taken twice a day. No side effects for me being that I am 6'3" 225lbs. It takes alittle more for us Big Boys.
10047460 tn?1407438406 Wow Jeni I'm not sure. The only time I took Clonidine was for my high blood pressure. I've heard that Clonidine helps with a lot of symptoms of withdrawal including cravings. My doctor gave me Zofran 8 mg for nausea. It worked really well. Sorry I can't be of more help. Hang on for a while.
Avatar m tn anyone have any info on using Clonidine .1 mg for opiate withdrawal systems? Suppose to be a high blood pressure medication, but says it can be used for withdrawal systems too? wondering if it really works?