
Citalopram with zopiclone

Common Questions and Answers about Citalopram with zopiclone


Avatar n tn Reading about this has gotten me really worried as I dont want to go through what i already went though with citalopram, let alone something worse. Would it be reasonable to try out another SSRI before jumping into an SNRI? This isnt something I want to take forever, I just need something to help me get out of the rut im in. Thanks a lot for any advice!
534360 tn?1234721915 i have been prescribed 10 mg of Citalopram for depression today and 40 mg of beta blocker propanolol 3 times a day i stat them all tomorrow i also struggle to sleep and have spare zopiclones 7.5 mg left from a while ago i forgot to ask the doc can i take zopiclone at night to sleep??
Avatar m tn Hi , my partner has receantly had an incident were she collapsed at the side of the road , was attended to by paramedics , was tacicardic , breathing problems and involuntary muscle twitching , unconscious and no reaction to pain test , she was put into a anesthectic state , intubation, fluids and oxygen given and air lifted to hospital , we think this may have been contributed to by her medications as she was prescribed 40mg citalopram , 400mg tramadol , zopiclone and D3 supplement , it was als
603015 tn?1329862973 I came off the meds to have a baby and now just take citalopram and Zopiclone. They wanted me to take it again as soon as my daughter was born, but I refused and so far I have been okish. How much are you taking, I was on 1200mg.
648439 tn?1225058862 The adice I have been given is get off one drug and then deal with the other. I was told deal to with the sleepers first, then the ADs But I guess it's personal preferences. Anyway, check out the site and see what they have to say. The first thing they told me was to restabalise myself on the full dose and then, once stable, taper from there.
Avatar m tn It does get me to sleep but am now concerned with the possible addictiveness of it. Am struggling horribly with withdrawal for the 1st time in 46yrs & been on methadone 18 years & used opiates the previous 7 years. Opiates addicts since 17. if anyone can help me I'd be so grateful. Apparently zopiclone should be only used short term & i've been on it 12 days now with another 20 day script. ?safe?
Avatar f tn Just been browsing through this site and there seems to be a lot of support going on! My main problem is insomnia, from a young age (10) I've been on various medications to help with this. Up until a year ago I was on a number of anti-depressants which weren't helping, so I decided to take myself off them and try to learn to be more positive. One year on and apart from some dark days that has been great but still the marijuana and zopiclone remain.
Avatar f tn However, this is disputed by one study of low dose zopiclone taken for only 7 nights. It found that discontinuation of zopiclone caused significant rebound insomnia. Furthermore when midazolam taken for 7 nights was discontinued no rebound insomnia occurred suggesting that zopiclone may have even more significant problems of tolerance and dependence than the benzodiazepines. After 3 weeks of use mild to moderate rebound withdrawal symptoms appear upon discontinuation of zopiclone.
Avatar n tn i am currently taking 20mg citalopram, i suffer with server back problems and im usually prescribed naproxen 250mg which help with the pain. Am i able to take my naproxen with my citalopram? as i am currently lots of pain and unsure what can take.
Avatar f tn I have depression and post traumatic Stress disorder and am currently on Mirtrazipine, Venoflaxine, Quitiepine and Zopiclone I have been treated for this since my mid twenties, last year I had three small focal seizures which no pathology found. I am now about to start on Sodium Valproate increasing dosage initially to 250mg in morning and 500mg at night this is being prescribed primarily as a mood stabiliser but is thought to help stop the seizures.
Avatar n tn ve only used at night for two days and one 50mg this morning, once I get some more Zopiclone (I run out soon so will likely need to combine tramadol with trazodone to standa chance of sleeping without Zopiclone)... Is a few days / one week of fairly light tramadol use enough to present problems? What is the likely cause of my 'comedown' daytime feelings? Zopiclone? Tramadol? The combination? Or just both in general?
1634491 tn?1302410573 hi and welcome, i am not that familiar with zopiclone, but i do believe it can be addictive, and that it shouldnt be used with methadone, at least not without expert medical advice, someone with more experience will most likely be able to advise you, are you on a methadone program?
Avatar m tn It is used for the short-term and symptomatic relief of sleep disturbances. Zopiclone can help with difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings during the night, or early morning awakenings. Zopiclone should usually not be taken for more than 7 to 10 consecutive days. It should be used only by people for whom disturbed sleep results in functioning problems during the day.
Avatar f tn I have been prescribed zopiclone 7.5mg for 4 weeks by my doctor. It was supposed to be 1 at night but i find 1/2 a tablet helps me get 6-7 good hrs which i am happy with. my question is will i get withdrawal from taking 1/2 tablet nightly for 4 weeks if i stop or will i need to taper? Also is it realistic to expect my liver to repair itself given time....i have no symptoms of liver damage....i'm asking just in case?
1622896 tn?1562364967 No problem. Are you going to try and discontinue the zopiclone? I'm sure your doctor can replace it with something just as effective. Take it slow and easy if you do lower you dose. Good luck and let us know how you do.
Avatar m tn so just quit the actifed and for now keep on taking the zopiclone, you can sort that out later with a dr.
Avatar m tn I was taking 100mgs oxycodone a day for chronic back and knee pain, 900mgs gabapentin also for chronic pain, also 3(7.5mg) zopiclone at night to sleep and 1.5(7.5mg) during the day to sleep. I have stopped the oxycodone cold turkey with bad withdrawals, now at 13 days. My question is can I safely stop the zopiclone cold turkey or do I need to slowly taper off it?
Avatar n tn Hi, Thanks for writing in. Your symptoms are not related to the drug zopiclone.
335728 tn?1331414412 Might I suggest adding as treatments for sleeplessness such as Amitriptyline and Zopiclone as well as some of the other prescription sleep aides that some people may take. I want to keep track of how often I require these aids to help me sleep so that I can report it to my physician. Thank you!
Avatar n tn I am taking zopiclone 1/2 of a 7.5 mg tablet. I would like to stop taking this medication. Can I use glycine powder to help me get off of the zopiclone?
Avatar m tn If these two drugs are cross tollerant will your physical addiction will just swap over and you'll go into withdrawl once you stop taking the zopiclone, even though zopiclone is not a benzo?