
Citalopram and jaw clenching

Common Questions and Answers about Citalopram and jaw clenching


Avatar n tn re responding and let the body slowly adjust to the med. With citalopram, muscle and jaw clenching are common, but it can happen with any of these meds. When my psychiatrist put me on that med she started with 5mg, then moved to 10, then 15, then 20, and it took a while to get there. Perhaps for you you're just moving too quickly, but some people do take a while to find a med that works for them.
1265681 tn?1270103020 Yes, my ears have been stuffed both on Lexapro and Celexa. Apparently one of the side effects is jaw clenching. And if you lose weight on one of these, that's a blessing -- most of us gain. A lot. Give it some time, but not too much time. Sometimes a particular med just isn't for you.
Avatar m tn I am in Czech Republic right now and the dentist that gave me the guard is in Canada. I did wear my guard again last night and it seemed a bit better. I certainly don't want fractured teeth.
Avatar m tn Hi! Are you currently taking any medication for your anxiety? I'm curious because I am having a time with my jaw being really tight and having pain and soreness! I am on 75 mg of Zoloft and I don't recall it starting until I started on medication, but I know clenching in general from anxiety or from anti-depressants can cause clenching of teeth, which can cause the jaw pain. I also have the exact same thing with my arms. I have, too, been afraid of it being heart related.
Avatar f tn I carry a lot of anxiety in my neck and shoulders and I do find myself clenching my jaw quite a bit anymore,but I am now thinking that my tounge and throat muscles are now tensing up. I was wondering if anybody else has/has had this problem and if there is anything I can do for it?
Avatar f tn My symptoms are that my jaw is clenching forwards and upwards. When it does the jaw and mouth is locked and I feel a shortness of breath. I used to have the jaw deviate slightly but that has resolved quite a lot. When the jaw somehow relaxed down and back kind of balanced, I can breathe better as it is not locked. Chewing is particularly frustrating. When the muscles are too loose , I find chewing and swallowing harder.
1302779 tn?1287405029 Been on it for a month at 15mg and the only real side affect im having is jaw clenching. was wondering if this will be less with time?
Avatar f tn Hi confused 1950 Yes, he did say clenching can lead to TMJ. But he didn't know the link between TMJ and migraines. He said to give it a try and see if it makes any difference. It has made a difference for me and as there is some research on the internet about it, I still don't know why the medical profession that I've contacted are turning a blind eye.
1550654 tn?1294747554 but since then even the slightest clenching causes excruciating pain in my entire face and ears. pay attention and see if your clenching or grinding your teeth when you manage to catch some sleep. a dental mouthguard has done wonders for me.
17020225 tn?1455749597 I started taking celexa about 2 weeks ago and have noticed that recently I have been clenching my jaw a lot without realizing it. At night and during the day. I don't even notice I have been doing it until my jaw gets sore and my teeth start to hurt. I didn't have this problem prior to taking celexa. Has anyone else had this happen? Could it be caused by the medication?
1302779 tn?1287405029 Hello all i have dep/anxiety and i am on celexa along with low doses of klonopin and have been waking up in the morning with headaches. i know i have been "clenching" my jaw and bought a mouth guard from pharmacy sometimes helps but sometimes not. I know the clenchng is a side effect of celexa which i may be switching to cymbalta. Any input would be great Does anyone think a tmj dentist is the way to go?
Avatar f tn Whatever it is has my throat hurting when I swallow ans feels like junk in my throat. My jaw hurts to open it and it wont ope all the way. I have a headache too. What is going on?
Avatar f tn I clench my jaw in my sleep. I even catch myself doing it during the day. My doctor told me that I clenched because my bite was off, so I wore braces for 3 1/2 years to re-align my jaw. That didn't work. I am now on my 2nd mouth guard. I find that the guard makes my clenching worse (I got the 2nd one because my current doctor said the 1st must have been poorly fitted. Wrong!). I am convinced that botox is my only hope to loosen my jaw muscles and stop my clenching.
Avatar m tn When your dentist told you that you had TMJ, did he not recommend a mouthpiece be made for you to cushion it? It's possible your dentist doesn't specialize in TMJ -- some do, some don't. If you don't get this taken care of, you will grind your teeth down and crack them, so you need a night guard. Maybe even a day guard. Now, it might not be TMJ, clenching isn't always TMJ. TMJ is the jaw, clenching is clenching. See a dentist who knows how to treat this.
1305767 tn?1361192676 m in horrible pain. I have anxiety and I have bad issues with clenching my jaw and grinding my teeth in my sleep and sometimes I clench my jaw in the day.
Avatar n tn In my opinion it is a symptom of something else. Also open jaw and close and check if they are making cracking noise.
1539379 tn?1294332115 HEY i too am on 40 mg of celexa since oct and saw my specialist yesterday and we discussed my problem with the med is jaw clenching! I also suffer with migraines so jaw clenching and migraines not a good mix! I also take 05 mg klonopin with clexa in the morning and I feel the klonopin helps more than the celexa with anxiety. that being said I am slowly weaning off the celexa very slowly and see if the klonopin will be enough. the jaw clenching especially at night is not fun.
Avatar n tn See if a night guard or flat planed stabilization splint (or whatever) would be of benefit to you. I wear the latter for TMJ problems, jaw arthritis, and night clenching. It helps my headache situation considerably. I once was told with little tingly feelings on my head that that was muscle spasms (a neurologist told me).
Avatar n tn I woke up yesterday with horrendous jaw pain (mostly left side). Has anyone experience this? Any suggestions on how to relieve the pain? Or what may be causing it?
Avatar f tn I smoked a couple of cigarettes and suddenly got a tingling feeling in arms which quickly turned to pain radiating to my neck and jaw with a tight feeling in chest. I experienced anxiousness and unable to be still and a heavy amount anxiety. Also my jaw and feet were clenching. I got really nervous and started to do physical activity and all the symptoms went away. What could this be?
Avatar m tn It really feels like this jaw clenching fist clenching sort of energy . If this is indeed related to hypothyroid, why? I read that low thyroid triggers adrenal stuff could that be it?
Avatar f tn t always bother but I know that it can be damaging. Plus my jaw tends to get tight and sore kind of a lot. Thanks for the suggestions!
Avatar f tn I have had problems with only the left side of neck shoulder and upper back and also I get a twingy head pain in left temple when bending over. Also left side of head has a constant pressure feeling. So now after having MRI's and nothinh there, I am wondering if it's tmj or clenching of the teeth after all I have dealt with anxiety for 2 years.
Avatar f tn I have had a consistant sore throat, bit of ear pain, swollen glands and jaw ache, plus sharp pain in jaw when trying to eat, for over a month now. Dr gave me antibiotics but it hasn't helped. Has anyone else experienced this please?
Avatar n tn Having any dental work can make things in your mouth feel different and that make you clench down. Clenching and grinding your teeth can cause alot of pain. Hope this helps and you find a solution.
Avatar f tn nt elicit discomfort or pressure, try to extend your head and move your jaw upward and backward bimanually,and move your head down while pushing your jaw backward and upward, this maneuver is supposed to be operated by a dentist, and dental assistant holds the articulating paper. An optimally restored tooth is able to withstand cotton roll clenching test.
1353681 tn?1387083733 sounds were so magnified and I felt off balance. My jaw is misaligned due clenching, but due to COVID have waited to see a dentist. Could the misaligned jaw cause the sound sensitivity? I hope to make an appointment soon...had to lay in bed most of the day yesterday.