
Citalopram and increased appetite

Common Questions and Answers about Citalopram and increased appetite


Avatar m tn Amnesia, attempted suicide, confusion, coughing, decreased sexual drive, depression, excessive urination, fever, gas, impaired concentration, increased appetite, increased salivation, itching, joint pain, lack of emotion, loss of menstruation, low blood pressure, migraine, muscle pain, rapid heartbeat, rash, skin tingling, taste disturbances, visual disturbances, weight gain, weight loss, yawning Rare: Abnormal dreams, acne, aggressive behavior, alcohol intolerance, angina ( chest pain ), arth
1451182 tn?1285107397 I have been newly dignose with HIV and have a T cell count of 701 and a viral load of 8 thousand and something I have also been dignose with depression a year ago. I just started back taking Citalopram 40 mg and I'm taking a vitamin B-Complex. I have been have moments of weakness,diharria, headaches, and chest pain for the last week or so. I just want to know if I'm doing something wrong?
2211627 tn?1339141123 The common side effects of citalopram are loss of appetite... but it is best to either talk to your Psychiatrist or check out any suspected side effects on
Avatar f tn That's how I started to feel after about 20 or 22 weeks im 28 weeks and 5 day's now and my appetite has subsided now but I've gained about 15 pounds lol
Avatar f tn Soo I've had pretty normal appetite but now since last week its increased im a ftm and wasn't sure if that's normal or if it's jus me. Im 33weeks and 1day btw.
9215866 tn?1403133867 I am only 4-5 weeks from my last period and my appetite has gone from hardly ever eating at all to constantly eating and craving odd foods. Is this normal?
1305597 tn?1275336446 Another medication in its family is venlafaxine (Effexor) and it CAN cause weight gain, and large increases in blood pressure.
Avatar f tn Iv recently been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and iv literally lost my appetite,any stodgy sort of food is very difficult to eat! Does anyone else have this issue? I’m on day 3 of taking Citalopram also.
Avatar n tn Hi, I've been suffering with some problems with anxiety for a long time and more recently they have led me to depression. Months back before I started really feeling the depression my doctor had me try out 20 mg's of citalopram. I was on it for three months and really didn't feel a difference in myself, so I decided to go off them. I did have some trouble withdrawing as it was quite the pain in the ***.
1751415 tn?1315069443 He sleeps constantly, has very little appetite (if any at all), and is in constant pain. Recently the hospice staff put him on morphine. His appetite has picked up just a bit. When I asked about it the nurse said morphine is known to increase a person's appetite. Is this true???
Avatar m tn Loss of appetite is often a symptom of depression. Are you on any anti depressant medication? Some medications can cause loss of appetite and some can increase appetite. If yours is not connected to medication, then you may find that you may get your appetite back. I don't think we are able to tell you definitely if you will get your appetite back. Have you asked your doctor?
1265681 tn?1270103020 Hello, I have just started on citalopram too and have been taking it for almost 2 weeks for anxiety and depression - i feel this has made me feel worse and i have been feeling very weird and strange too - not like me at all. I have also been having vivid dreams, which i never normally do.
Avatar m tn hi i suffer with really bad health anxiety,i was taking 10mg of citalopram when i was pregnant but i was increased to 20 a few months back as i didnt seem to be making progress,i was worse in some ways,since my increase i have noticed some improvements.
Avatar n tn During those three months I have been on three different antidepressants (Poraxetine, Zoloft, and Citalopram). Presently, I am on citalopram 10 mil. I started out on the 20 mil but my body could not take it, my anxiety increased ten fold. I was put on the 10 mil for 7 to 10 days and then tried the 20 mil. But again the anxiety increased, and I had muscle twitching and involuntary muscle jerking while seated and in bed at night.
Avatar n tn I've just been put on citalopram for depression and BDD and after reading the reviews and side effects leaflets, im worried about gaining weight on this medication...Is it the actual increase in hunger that causes weight gain or the tablet itself? I am quite worried about this as my body image issues make me scared about putting on weight..
Avatar n tn I have been on almost every depression pill known to man over the past 10 years and I can say the only prescriptions that did not cause me weight gain are the ones i'm currently on, which are citalopram and wellbutrin sr.
Avatar f tn I stuck it out and once the side effects cleared I felt great - more sociable/connected to people and increased confidence (and libido!).The only down side was that my appetite came back with a vengeance I have gained around 15-20lbs since going on it and this is really starting to get me down. Has anyone switched from Prozac to Citalopram (or another AD) and lost weight? I'm in the UK where they don't prescribe Wellbutrin unfortunately.
581954 tn?1223391496 I have used this in the past and it is a type of medication grouped into SSRIs (Zoloft (Sertraline), Paxil, Prozac, Lexapro, etc. These affect people in different ways, so it is sometimes hard to say how each individual will react. I am a big proponent for these types of medications COMBINED with talk therapy. In my opinion, there is no 'magic pill' that will 'cure' you of anxiety or depression.
Avatar m tn i took it for about a year and then got off it because one side effect was increased appetite and I gained like 20+ pounds. So I then went to Effexor, Lexapro, Remron, and I am now on Pristiq. SO far the prestiq has helped my depression. I got severely depressed a few months back because I was not doing anything. I would just lay in my room all day because of the fear of my panic attacks. Anyway lets just say that I am getting back to my old and happy self.
Avatar m tn About 6 months ago I was very constipated so I went to the ER and they did xrays on me and told me I was just constipated from anxiety. I saw my regular doctor and got put on citalopram 10mg. It did nothing for me so I went back recently to up the dosage and also to see why I was getting constipated again. My doctor told me to take 20mg and to add fiber into my diet. I think I went a little overboard will the fiber which made me very gassy and hurt my stomach.
Avatar n tn She is also taking Simvastatin and an anti-depressant, Citalopram, and an amphetamine for ADHD. Is hair loss a normal side effect of these meds, and, if so, what can be done to combat the problem?
Avatar f tn We decided the dr and I to try a baby dose of citalopram this time and see if it would help. Because I am at a different place now than I was back then. So I have taken 8 doses of the xanax so far which has been half a pill every time. My question is my vision was blurry to me before I started on the meds. I went to the eye Dr because I felt like I was going blind and still feel that way.