
Chantix lucid dreams

Common Questions and Answers about Chantix lucid dreams


Avatar f tn This is called a Lucid Night terror. Lucid night terrors are merely hallucinations that happen when you wake up from a deep sleep, but you have not regained full consciousness. More people than you'd think suffer from lucid dreaming, and though it can be quite frightening it seems very real. Some people even claim things actually happened when it was merely a lucid dream. Do not worry... Everything is okay! However if they get too bad, I'd talk with a doctor.
Avatar f tn I am currently on my first quit, 3 1/2 months, and hopefully it will be my last. I used Chantix but never had a problem with my dreams thankfully. Why not give it a chance. It worked with me and I smoked for 38 years and never ever quit. Quite a few of my smoking friends have also quit using it and none seem to be bothered with any side effects. You may get lucky : ) You mentioned that you were on effexor.......have you considered welbutrin? Welbutrin was used pre chantix with great results.
675347 tn?1365460645 I am so excited to find this group.. All of my life I have been a big time dreamer. I have 'lucid' dreams..I didn't know these dreams had a name until today!! I dream every single night. I also dream for it seems like, hours. Some dreams are not as intense as others but then there are the "dreams". These dreams frighten me sometimes. They range from UFO sightings to me witnessing a plane crash, and then a day or so later an actual plane will crash somewhere in the U.S.
Avatar m tn I am aware that i am dreaming but i cant seem to wake myself up and sometimes if i do manage to wake, i fall straight back into the nightmare. These dreams or whatever they are are not something that's forgotten the next morning, making it quite frightning to fall asleep. Just wanted to know if anyone else experienced similar things or if im just going a bit mad.
Avatar f tn m not sure we have the same understanding of vivid dreams, but I suggest you take a look at Lucid Dreaming which is about taking control of vivid dreams. There is a lot on the web on this subject. I think it is next to impossible for one to bite him/herself while sleeping, that is contrary to the accepted "fact" that we all go into a physical paralysis when asleep, to prevent that sort of thing - so we don't turn crazy dreaming into self violence.
5621933 tn?1371092794 Lucid dreaming is normal, I have the same issue, Except the only difference is that I have no trouble getting to sleep. If you're really needing the sleep you can get a prescription for sleep medication as I have done a few times. But other than that it is normal and a large group of my friends also have it.
950277 tn?1247274551 I am now on my third week taling Chantix. I have had a few vivid dreams but that was during the first week.All in all, it has been a very good experience. I was a two pack per day smoker and today and yesterday have had only three. I credit the Chantax for the success, as I have tried meny times to quit. I look forward to talking with you about your progress. Not a lot of people take Chantix, so it will be good to discuss out progress. Other than the dreams, how is it going?
Avatar m tn Given your description it sounds to me like you have achieved lucid dreaming, that is you know you are asleep. See Lucid Dreaming I recommend the book by Stephen DeBerges (I think that is the name) he's with Stanford University. The options you seem to have it to engage the dreams with you conscious mind, first make sure you are dreaming - DeBerges gives some ideas on how to test without taking unnecessary risks. The other option, I have taken, is wake myself up.
427279 tn?1210919821 i was just wondering if any one here uses chantix and is it helping you?....
Avatar m tn For me it typically happens when I am in a deep sleep and the dream turns into a lucid one. Lucid dreams are like being conscious in your sleep. It is hard when it is a nightmare but great when it is a good dream. Last night I had a stressful nightmare and I woke this morning on the edge and panicky.
Avatar f tn Medication can, at times, bring about nightmares and the user would no doubt jump up in a sweat, panicing and the likes. My doubt is the stage of sleep. i think you are more experiecning lucid dreams. they are the type that seem so real, that when we wake up, it takes a few minutes for us to cop onto the fact that it was just a dream. If you were dreaming dogs were attacking you in a lucid dream or anything with pain, you would really think you are feeling that pain.
444932 tn?1273980797 Hi greenlady : ) I have to say that my experience with Chantix was pretty good. I don't remember any bad dreams but I think I do remember feeling like I was outside of myself looking in. I have had that spacy feeling before and it generally happened when I was taking effexor for panic/anxiety. I am also going through my changes and so I haven't slept well in a few years. The crappy feeling in your gut, yup, that about sums it up. Can't do much about it and it really isn't to bad.
Avatar f tn Thank you. & yeah, lucid dreaming scares me, i'm good!
Avatar f tn I'm a seventeen year old girl and about almost two months ago I started having really realistic dreams or "lucid dreams" as I found out. While in my dreams I have a lot of problems breathing and often feel like I'm suffocating. I also get weird random little shocks in my body at different parts of the day. And I wake up with my body feeling sore like I got ran into several brick walls.
Avatar n tn It could be the Chantix or if you are female it could be menopause : ) Seriously though, I think that this may have been a side effect listed. Are you having nigthmares along with the night sweats? Here is a number that you can call: Call 1-866-706-2400. Ask the person on the other end if it is normal. My experience with Chantix was pretty good but I stopped taking Chantix after my third quit day. All total, a month and a half, and I didn't look back.
1609058 tn?1298089127 Evidently, the mixture of Lexapro and Chantix is not one to take lightly, and the fact that I abruptly stopped the Chantix caused me to have a severe withdrawal from the Chantix. Does anyone know more about this, or has anyone had any experience like this? I'm still blown away at all the stuff I said and did, very disconcerting to have absolutely no recollection of anything I said or did over 2 days time. Please help!
Avatar f tn Chantix is sounding greater and greater. Has anyone had any bad dreams from Chantix? We did have one patient quit taking them. He said his nightmares where just to vivid.
Avatar f tn I was taking Chantix for about a week and a half when I had to quit it because I was experiencing depression which was getting worse by the day. This is going on the 2nd full day of no Chantix but I am still feeling depressed. I want to know how long does it stay in your system for. I woke up today and felt close to normal and then it came back again.
959034 tn?1253671476 If you take any B vitamins before sleeping you will have very lucid, vivid dreams. having vivid dreams that you remember may be a sign that you are awaking frequently during REM which is a sympton of Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome.
984138 tn?1359813073 DON"T DO CHANTIX. My son, 19, took chantix for 3 months and the research was not done on young people. He did quit smoking but at a great risk to his health. It has been 10 months of hell since he went off the med. While on the med he has mild side effects but after many blood tests, a positive ANA and anxiety/panic attacks - he is slowly getting healthy again. We did not do our homework and the result was a very sick young man.
Avatar m tn 11awakening or Conspiracies its in one of those you will find vids called lucid dreams, and so much more on the dream state and how to control it. email me there if you need any more help but listen when I tell you I WAS JUST LIKE YOU but now my sleep paralysis are becoming less & less and I'm constantly winning - you can do this...take control of your dreams...remember, we control the dream world and you will win!
Avatar m tn yeah, i had to quit the chantix after just a few days-i got very irritable, suicidal, miserable, crazy dreams, all bad-not worth it. like i said before, if you take it, know when you don't feel like yourself-maybe ask others around you to tip you off if they think you are acting differently. for me, it was not worth the way i was feeling-absolutely not. might try hypnosis again...or acupuncture.