
Chantix dreams

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Avatar f tn I am currently on my first quit, 3 1/2 months, and hopefully it will be my last. I used Chantix but never had a problem with my dreams thankfully. Why not give it a chance. It worked with me and I smoked for 38 years and never ever quit. Quite a few of my smoking friends have also quit using it and none seem to be bothered with any side effects. You may get lucky : ) You mentioned that you were on effexor.......have you considered welbutrin? Welbutrin was used pre chantix with great results.
950277 tn?1247274551 I am now on my third week taling Chantix. I have had a few vivid dreams but that was during the first week.All in all, it has been a very good experience. I was a two pack per day smoker and today and yesterday have had only three. I credit the Chantax for the success, as I have tried meny times to quit. I look forward to talking with you about your progress. Not a lot of people take Chantix, so it will be good to discuss out progress. Other than the dreams, how is it going?
427279 tn?1210919821 i was just wondering if any one here uses chantix and is it helping you?....
444932 tn?1273980797 Hi greenlady : ) I have to say that my experience with Chantix was pretty good. I don't remember any bad dreams but I think I do remember feeling like I was outside of myself looking in. I have had that spacy feeling before and it generally happened when I was taking effexor for panic/anxiety. I am also going through my changes and so I haven't slept well in a few years. The crappy feeling in your gut, yup, that about sums it up. Can't do much about it and it really isn't to bad.
Avatar n tn It could be the Chantix or if you are female it could be menopause : ) Seriously though, I think that this may have been a side effect listed. Are you having nigthmares along with the night sweats? Here is a number that you can call: Call 1-866-706-2400. Ask the person on the other end if it is normal. My experience with Chantix was pretty good but I stopped taking Chantix after my third quit day. All total, a month and a half, and I didn't look back.
1609058 tn?1298089127 Evidently, the mixture of Lexapro and Chantix is not one to take lightly, and the fact that I abruptly stopped the Chantix caused me to have a severe withdrawal from the Chantix. Does anyone know more about this, or has anyone had any experience like this? I'm still blown away at all the stuff I said and did, very disconcerting to have absolutely no recollection of anything I said or did over 2 days time. Please help!
Avatar f tn Chantix is sounding greater and greater. Has anyone had any bad dreams from Chantix? We did have one patient quit taking them. He said his nightmares where just to vivid.
Avatar f tn I was taking Chantix for about a week and a half when I had to quit it because I was experiencing depression which was getting worse by the day. This is going on the 2nd full day of no Chantix but I am still feeling depressed. I want to know how long does it stay in your system for. I woke up today and felt close to normal and then it came back again.
984138 tn?1359813073 DON"T DO CHANTIX. My son, 19, took chantix for 3 months and the research was not done on young people. He did quit smoking but at a great risk to his health. It has been 10 months of hell since he went off the med. While on the med he has mild side effects but after many blood tests, a positive ANA and anxiety/panic attacks - he is slowly getting healthy again. We did not do our homework and the result was a very sick young man.
Avatar m tn yeah, i had to quit the chantix after just a few days-i got very irritable, suicidal, miserable, crazy dreams, all bad-not worth it. like i said before, if you take it, know when you don't feel like yourself-maybe ask others around you to tip you off if they think you are acting differently. for me, it was not worth the way i was feeling-absolutely not. might try hypnosis again...or acupuncture.
Avatar f tn Not that I'm pro Chantix, but allow me to play devils advocate for a minute. When one contemplates quitting and then sets out to do it, there is a profound losing your best friend, and we all have to deal with. I myself grieved long and hard. Could your depressed state be that you have finally come to terms with the fact that it is your time to quit? I used Chantix and mourned the loss but I also used it before it was linked to "possible" suicide.
Avatar m tn i know its listed but i only seem to have recently got it and iam wondering if it is a sx of chantix, (note i only got this symptom when i STOPPED taking chantix) about two weeks after , i often have it most days i feel dizzy mildly for hours at a time but not so dizzy i fall over, also feel slightly car sick (when not driving) oddly i never feel dizzy when driving!
334876 tn?1229979296 s time to quit being the Marlboro man and quit smoking, my doc finally gave me the rx for chantix so I guess this is day one and I should see how good it works in about 7 days as it tends to taper off the well to smoke Wish me luck Cowboy
1937645 tn?1324236061 I recently quit with the help of Chantix, It's been 43 days and still going strong. This is the first time in 25 years that I've been smoke free. Although the medicine is expensive, I spend no more on it than I did on the cigarettes. The only side effects for me are the crazy and vivid dreams, which really don't bother me. If I take the medicine on an empty stomach it really disturbs my belly and I get wicked gas. Sorry I had to bring up the flatulence.
Avatar m tn I too quit with Chantix and my side effects were minimal......bad dreams and a little stomach upset, but it was a small price to pay for getting back my life, which, after smoking for 40 years I never thought would or could happen : ) In addition to Chantix, I also found, which supports a "cold turkey" quit....everyone has access to the articles regardless of the method you choose to aid in your quit.
Avatar f tn I took chantix for 1 1/2 months and experienced a little gas but that was all. I quit taking chantix 3 days after my last cigarette and that was 9 months 1 week and 4 days ago. I think I should consider myself one of the lucky ones as all I hear on this board is how bad chantix was for them! Outside of this board, I knew a dozen or so people who took it, and none of them had anything more serious then gas and bad dreams! I hope you start feeling better real soon and I hope that you have quit.
Avatar m tn Ok well it may be the Chantix... but I dont know... most symptoms I know of with Chantix are stomach related. Just in case I would try stopping... if you still get you know thats not it... However, i actually think you may have a sinus infection... Very common when you first quit. Usually appears as though you get a cold or something within the first 3 weeks... it's actually like all the crap is coming up from your system.
Avatar m tn I was on Chantix at the time and chalked up all of my nonsense to that drug, which can make you feel quite crazy at times (the dreams were interesting, to say the least). Now, Im off the Chantix, my tongue is still white, those red dots continue to multiply, and my tonsils are so large that they touch in the middle though they are not painful. In addition, Im sore all over, including under my arms, in my jaw, and in the center of my chest right under my breastbone.
444932 tn?1273980797 I was on the chantix for a week. No bad dreams like some had but on the 7th day, my whole body started itching like crazy. It was horrible. The prednisone did help with that so I'll take it like I'm supposed to but it's gonna be a LONG week.
1096641 tn?1271707225 TrayCee, thanks for the warning, i've been on chantix before and had no problem. I'm also on prozac...seems to help with the chantix. the only side effect i really noticed was the dreams...i had weird and wonderful dreams about sex and shopping! I dont' mind that at all. LOL I'm giving myself positive affirmations about feeling good etc. I just took a nice little nap....that felt great. I don't feel so 'jumpy' at the moment.
444932 tn?1273980797 I've been taking chantix to quit smoking but I started that over one week ago so I would think that would have started before now, don't you? Nothing else new. Guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it. Thanks for writing back.
1134609 tn?1269272200 Also there is that drug Chantix. At my office we have had patients on it and it really does work. It blocks the receptors in the brain or something so your body doesn't want the cigarettes. But, it is a prescription and you should ask your doctor about it. (It does cause crazy dreams and stuff so best to talk to your doctor.) I would say cold turkey for you is not a good idea. Good luck!
407029 tn?1253992623 does anyone know if chantix is hard on the liver? im taking it to stop smoking before TX? anyone knows of anyone who took it does it work?
1096641 tn?1271707225 I used Chantix and didn't have any complications. I have never heard of headaches related to Chantix and I just googled "chantix and headaches" which brought up several articles but there was nothing that links the two (mentions of Chantix and headache on the same page). Just wondering Terry where you heard/read it? My husband suffered from cluster headaches and they were nothing like the ones you describe. His were so intense and lasted sometimes for hours.