
Cefdinir and kidney infections

Common Questions and Answers about Cefdinir and kidney infections


Avatar m tn Cefdinir is an oral cephalosporin antibiotic and mainly used for soft tissue infections caused by bacteria. There are some side effect of this antibiotic such as vaginal infection, diarrhea, nausea, headache and abdominal pain. So, before using this antibiotic contact your dentist, it will be beneficial for you.
Avatar f tn I was wondering two things. is the vertigo/dizziness normal with these infections and how long until I can expect some relief from this medication?
Avatar m tn Well I finally got a diagnosis a few weeks ago and wanted to share. I have Lyme and one of the co-infections Babesia. The clinical "give away" if any doctor I saw had a clue about these diseases is the recycling of the worse conditions every 4 to 7 days. That's a classic sign of Babesia infection. I took 3 western blot lyme tests all negative. I then decided to take a full lyme test with co-infections through Igenex and that's where it showed up.
Avatar f tn Pain in my back belly and side. It went from bladder infection to kidney within a few hrs and by the time I got to the H if I wouldve waited it couldve contaminated my blood and that can terminate baby. azo did not help neither did my script.
1442701 tn?1286383987 I have had kidney infections over the years. I now drink tons of water, green tea and lemonade once a week per my urologist. Drink lots of water with Cipro it is a hard drug on the body if you do not flush it well. Also you need to flush those kidneys well. They are important organs.
Avatar f tn I took a 10 panel std test prior to the test I was taking Cefdinir although I stopped taking it 5 days before testing would the cefdinir affect the results which were negative.
1972798 tn?1355549267 could be a kidney infection caused by the bladder infection, see your doctor asap. good luck!
Avatar n tn - Was getting chronic ear infections so tubes were put in December 2020. Still had a cough, Cefdinir antibiotic was prescribed and cough went away. - 4 weeks later cough is back. Mainly has coughing fits while lying down and ranges from 10 minutes – 1 hr. Affects sleep. It seems like this cough has a cycle, will only go away for a short period time with an antibiotic (which I don’t want to keep giving her if I don’t have to), but will come back just weeks later.
Avatar m tn kidney stones can be very recurring and can start very young, although ive never heard of someone getting them in their early teens.. usually early 20s, but that doesnt mean it doesnt happen earlier. it sounds like you will have to sit in some pain until you get insurance again. you can try to seek out clinics, but theyre not very good at helping. get your insurance back and go to a dr, because if you have them so often, you might have something else going on.
Avatar f tn A few months ago I started to have pain in my left kidney. It came out of no where. I researched online and was 100% sure I had a kidney infection. I was tight on money so I got Cipro from a friend. On day five of the antibiotic I still felt ill. I went to the ER for same day tests. They said my urine was "contaminated" since I was already on antibiotics. They said to keep taking it and maybe slept wrong. I took it for seven days.
Avatar n tn s in tea that causes something this severe? And what was bleeding along with the infections. I can no longer go anywhere near ice tea; not even one glass at all. Somethings there causing this but I don't know what. It would help to know since it could be in other items.
Avatar m tn m doing. the supplements enhance the effectiveness of the antibiotics and the 2nd antibiotic (cefdinir) is to go after the lyme. we know there is nothing here to treat the cyst form of lyme but the Dr. didn't want to put me on any more medicines at this time.
Avatar f tn I have seen several Urologist over the course of my life and had several test completed, I have been told by some that the infections were due to too much sexual intercourse, one said that I had a kidney dz and other have just said that I am just prone to the infections and need to deal with it... The last test was two renal ultrasounds and both came back normal. Last blood work has been about two years ago and was also normal.
Avatar f tn I was having servere pain in my middle back in the right side so at 1 am on the 5th I went to the er at that point was 22 weeks and 4 days they admitted me into labor and delivery where they found out the pain was due to a kidney infection they kept me on an IV with antibiotics until I was discharged this morning they sent me home with more antibiotics to take to finish fighting the infection but since I got home this morning my vagina has been kinda itchy when I itch it it hurts could that be a
Avatar f tn Now have a possible sinus infection and doctor gave me Cefdinir. Two days into the medication, my neuropathy symptoms have increased. The burning, needle like sensations and numbness. I do not want to go through that nightmare again. So I stopped taking the antibiotic and am waiting to hear from my doctor for an alternative drug. Is this considered an allergic reaction or a severe symptom. Anyway to know which antibiotics I can use and not have this reaction.
1265027 tn?1284839951 i took him to the dr tuesday and he had a double ear infrceion. she put him on CEFDINIR and said there was a 5% chance hed have reation and wednesday (after 3 doses) he broke out in an awful rash. just like he did when he was 11 months old from the penicillin,. he is 2 and a half now. I took him to the dr and we stopped the medicine and i began the 4-6 hrs of benadryl i just want to know how long will he continue to break out? he goes between 6-8 hours and then will break out.
470425 tn?1246922600 nephroptosis and hydronephrosis. It sounds like you are trying everything you know naturally to keep from getting these. My nephew had chronic nephritis several years back. Drs couldn't help him other than give him antibiotics over and over. He finally tried the herb Cats Claw (which boost the immune system) He still takes the Cats Claw, but doesn't have anymore problems. Decided the herb was better than being on antibiotic for the rest of his life.
565147 tn?1218252591 i have never had problems with my kidneys until the last yr I have had severe kidney infections back to back and they put me on levaquin and Cipro one round and the other different meds then it finally went away..My Achilles tendon got a big lump on it and now it hurts all the time.. Recently I found out about the meds I took and the affiliation between the meds and tendon rupture...
Avatar f tn I have had numerous UTIs an Kidney infections I have almost lost my R kidney about 5 times. I end up with pylinifritis around my kidneys. I am currantly seein a urologist that is a total quack! I was in the e.r about 2 weeks ago with a uti an had a C.T scan done an showed I had kidney stones. So what should I do now? Hope to hear back from you. Thanks a lot.
3242115 tn?1447004766 I have a throat infection, a kidney infection, and now a yeast infection, all of which don't seem to be improving and I take my last antibiotic for my throat and kidney infection tomorrow. Should I seek more help? How serious can it get if I don't bother go back to the doctors about it or get treated?
Avatar f tn Hi, I seem to have recurring bouts with kidney/bladder infections every couple of years that take 10-12 weeks to clear up. I was also diagnosed with a double ureter on the left side. Could the double ureter complicate these infectons or make them last longer than normal? Your advice would be greatly appreciated!
Avatar n tn I've been on antibiotics almost staright for 3 and1/2 years. As soon as I'm off antibiotics for 2 weeks a bladder infection comes right back! I've suffered on and off for the last 10 years. 19 years ago I had kidney stones when I was pregnant. I've had scopes done and ct scans and everything shows normal. I had a cyst removed from my left ovarian 7 years ago and I had endometriosis removed off of the outside of my bladder 6 months ago!
Avatar f tn I took an antibiotic called cefdinir for about a week and I think augmentin for like a day?
Avatar f tn Painful and swollen lymphnodes can be due a lot causes like serious viral or bacterial infections such as leprosy ,TB,Lymphoma Hodgkins and non Hodgkins,Cat scratch disease,parasitic infections like filariasis,sarcoidiosis,,medications like Antibiotics,Hyperthyroidism and cancers.But if some of the diseases are to be ruled out then some other associated symptoms are to be observed like high fever,difficulty in swallowing,night sweats,urinary problems,loss of weight,anorexia,itching.
1483511 tn?1287802740 Can hepatitis c cause infections? I recently got a uti and it was the beginning of a series of health problems. Immediately after the uti I got a kidney stone that got infected, then I got a sinus infection. I now have an ulcer and got the same infection fever that I usually get when something is wrong again last night. I also get a crazy, itchy, terrible rash with hives that feels hot to the touch. This all started at the end of August. What is wrong with me?
Avatar n tn Cranberry juice and water are what the drs tell you to drink, cranberry is good for urinary/kidney health whether you have an infection or not. But you do need to go to the dr asap and get some antibiotics.
Avatar m tn Third, what are my odds of catching Syphillis give it is more prevelant in SE Asia and Thailand. My final question is that I visited a doctor in HK and he prescribed Cefdinir 300mgs, 2x a day for 2 weeks to treat possible STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia or nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) and he also indicated this could treat Syphilis. After spending some time online, I am confused and not certain that will treat the above issues.