
Carbs vs no carbs

Common Questions and Answers about Carbs vs no carbs


193609 tn?1292180293 What is the recommended number of carbs to eat per day? I am using a calorie counter and I am good there, but not sure how many carbs per day will equal weight loss??? Thanks!
362249 tn?1441315018 Really? i thought when u did the carbs you had add the sugars as well! and i thought it was 2 seperate things that some peeps watch the carbs and some watch the sugars thats why i was lost! i wanted to try to cut bk on sugars since i want the belly fat gone but if all you need to watch is carbs thats great!!
Avatar f tn You need carbs to live. Look up how carbs help you and how they don't. Make sure you are taking prenatals as well!
Avatar n tn Carbs raise BG so restricting carbs will help BG. when you say 6 units I assume you mean 6 exchanges which is 90 gr of carbs. If you take 250 mg at each meal that is 750 mg a day, the limit is 2400mg a day so you have room to go up on the Met. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for met to become fully effective.
Avatar f tn How do you eat less carbs for breakfast? I can't seem to get away from bad carbs at breakfast.
Avatar n tn Hey there! I don't think you need to limit yourself to a certain amount of carbs per day. I would recommend trying a high protein and high fiber diet. Also try meal planning. Having a plan will ensure that you aren't going overboard on carbs, and knowing how many carbs you'll have for each meal will help you plan your bolus more correctly.
3060903 tn?1398565123 Fruits contain fructose. Fructose is fruit sugar, a monosaccharide - a very simple sugar. And it is not equal to refined sugar although to diabetics fructose can produce effects similar to sugar. One medium banana [7 - 8" long], however, contains 51 grams of carbs and 28 grams of carb sugar. Carbs turn into sugar after eating. Some diabetics can tolerate this amount of carbs and carb sugars while others not.
Avatar f tn jsp My suggestion is low or no sugar and stay away from bad carbs for the latter will jack up his glucose levels. For a list of good carbs vs bad carbs go here
Avatar f tn Yes, you can just keep cutting carbs . No grains. just non-starchy vegetables and plenty of healthy fats and protein. If you are doing your very best, then you need to discuss starting insulin. It makes things so much more manageable.
Avatar n tn I have had type 2 diabetes for 16 years and have always had trouble with my levels. An uncontrolable brittle diabetic my doc calld me. Playing defense taking 3 different types of insulin a day all day. Recently my doc changed my insulins to 1 toujeo but it is impartive that I take fast acting with every meal according to the carb count.I have no idea what I'm doing. And despite my efforts they still sky rocket after I eat.
Tbd IOW simple carbs. vs complex or healthy carbs. Mostly fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds etc. He writes possibly hormone inbalance that negatively affects the pancreas. Stress too he writes can be a factor in somone getting disabetes. His work is controversial. I am putting out this info as food for thought.
Avatar n tn Um, I will avoid the whole "need carbs" vs "need no carbs" argument for this post... but... with diabetes, it really is important to have a clear idea of what one is eating in terms of nutritional content and carbs especially, and regular self-testing to see how those carbs change your blood sugar.
Cat There are two general types of carbs; Simple and Complex. Simple carbs are rapidly digested and their sugars enter your blood stream quickly. Complex carbs are digested slowly so their sugars enter your blood stream at a much slower rate. Complex carbs are healthier for you than the junk Simple carbs. Don't eliminate carbs from your diet - they are your fuel source as your body and brain need carbs for energy.
979080 tn?1323433639 I`d say if you are trying to lower your triglycerides by limiting carbohydrates in your diet it applies to all carbs.
Avatar n tn I take mixtard 24 units at noon and 22 units at 9pm sleep is normally from 2am to 9am
Avatar n tn I think the trick is finding a replacement for the carbs you already consume for example using lettace leaves in place of tortilla wraps or spiralized veg in place of pasta - hope this helps x
Avatar n tn If you would like to follow me I eat low carb I eat 30 carbs a day bc I had JD and my dad died at 53 from complication to diabetes so if I eat 30 or less carbs a day my A1C is 5.3 when I eat carbs it's about a 8 so that's my happy number.
978175 tn?1304439383 Sugar comes in different varieties other than refined table sugar, or in your case, coffeemate. Google simple carbs vs complex carbs. Simple carbs are digested easily thus their sugars enter the bloodstream more quickly resulting in your glucose levels being jacked up. White foods are considered simple carbs; white flour, white bread, crackers, potatoes, pasta, and milk. Also, read the ingredient label carefully on packaged foods. Sugars listed under carbohydrates are in grams.
Avatar n tn Stick with complex carbs, such as those found in veggies and whole grains vs the simple carbs such as those found in fruits, candy, white breads and pasta, etc. You may need to bump up your exercise - maybe the days you don't play soccer, you go for a brisk walk, do some dancing, etc.
Avatar f tn He exercises almost everyday, but is still not losing any weight. He knows about complex vs simple carbs, but even a very small amount of carbs will send his sugars skyrocketing. The endo and gp doctors just tell him, "you have type 2, exercise more". He is not making any progress even with a strict diet and exercise plan. What else could be happening? Should he be checked for a metabolic disorder? I want something to check on so that he can discuss it with his doctors.
Avatar f tn During those 2 weeks I had to eat a certain diet which consisted of 3 carbs for breakfast, 1 carb for an A.M snack, 4 carbs for lunch, 1 carb for P.M snack, 4 carbs for dinner and 2 carbs for evening snack...of course i also had to eat proteins and veggies as well included with the carbs..... It was actually alot of food too eat and didn't get everything in everyday. I also had to test my blood 4 times a day and check my keytones, which is the peeing on a stick thing.
Avatar f tn The only people who lose weight without exercise are those who are very ill, those who starve themselves and people who resolve their weight problems that are caused by actual health problems or people who resolve their weight problems that have been caused from a diet high in toxins and unhealthy processed foods, for example you hear all the time how people lose some weight from cutting out sodas.