
Carb count in vegetables and fruit

Common Questions and Answers about Carb count in vegetables and fruit


Avatar f tn t associate as being fruits, such as nuts (not peanuts, which are legumes) and seeds, which are high in protein but can also be high in fat. Though eating a moderate amount actually cuts cholesterol and might even lead to weight loss, calorie obsessed diets often exclude them. Squash is also a fruit, though we usually think of it as a vegetable, just as tomatoes are a fruit but many people think it's a vegetable.
Avatar f tn s a lot of meat, vegetables, and healthy fats. Some of the paleo people eat limited fruit (high in sugar), root vegetables (high in complex carbs), and dairy foods (high in compounds to which our bodies are not necessarily well adapted); some of them totally eliminate fruits, root vegetables, and dairy foods. You can easily find a lot to read about the paleo diet and all of its different versions. Good luck on achieving your goals.
Avatar f tn since carbs turn into surgar eat every meal and stay away from sugar that includes natural sugars like in fruits and juices.
Avatar f tn m not a big vegetable person but I love fruit which I know has natural sugar blah blah.. I decided to get v8 100% vegetable and fruit Juice to help me with incoporating vegetables in my diet..anyways today my sister in law who I do not like so much said if I don't eat more veggies my baby will be 9lbs or bigger basically saying fat ans overgrown.. it irritates me that she said it but is it realistic for me to just drink the juice or should I go buy some veggies no bashing please...
1855476 tn?1356739693 Are you eliminating processed carbs like pasta, bread, rice, etc? Are you only getting your carbs from vegetables and fruits? I would recommend making sure you aren't getting your carbs from anything processed (ie bottled sauces, drinks, breading, etc). If you are eating a lot of fruit, that can be a culprit as fruit is loaded with sugar and sugar equals carbs. Reduce the amount of fruit you are eating or find a type of fruit that it lower in carbs.
Avatar f tn I broke my low carb diet and began eating carbs again. I was still being lightheaded and I had palpitations. I ate a snack of veggie straws before bed and woke up an hour later. I checked my blood sugar (I'm not diabetic, but my dad is) and it was 109. Today. I woke up with horrible nausea and heartburn. I eat pancakes for breakfast and felt fine afterward. At noon I noticed that I was sweating from the armpits and under my breasts, but I did not feel hot.
1756367 tn?1400884364 I was just wondering if you could tell me the difference between regular sugar and the sugar that is in fruit. I have been trying to cut back drastically on my sugar intake but find that it is still quite high because of the amount of fruit that I eat. Should I be limiting that sugar as well or does my body process it differently that regular sugar. Thank you for your help.
Avatar f tn We were given info at the sessions with regard to the correct portions of fruit and fruit eaten in its raw state is fine because of the minerals, vitamins and the fibre it contains - I can't eat a big basket full of strawberries anymore (: Small soft fruit portion is what fits in one hand. Yep, the trans fats are definitely ones to stay away from. Thanks, I did know about the coconut oil - I eat it neat, cook with it, rub it into my body and put some into my bath.
10570408 tn?1412078257 Try leaving out the sugar, junk food, and grains, but add back in two or three servings a day of healthy but carb-y vegetables, and see what happens.
Avatar f tn Carrots, broccholi, potatoes and most fruit are high carb and therefore fattening. I agree how evere that they are nuitrious and good food. That is not the same though as good and nuitious food can also be fattening and therefore should be consumed in full balance to low carb veggies and protains.
3060903 tn?1398565123 Fruits contain fructose. Fructose is fruit sugar, a monosaccharide - a very simple sugar. And it is not equal to refined sugar although to diabetics fructose can produce effects similar to sugar. One medium banana [7 - 8" long], however, contains 51 grams of carbs and 28 grams of carb sugar. Carbs turn into sugar after eating. Some diabetics can tolerate this amount of carbs and carb sugars while others not.
233622 tn?1279334905 ve gone back on my diet, which is basically just count calories, and stop eating when I get to 1500. i try to eat as many vegetables as i can cram in, but it's not easy to get fresh vegetables every day. I'm also exercising two-three days a week. However, I didn't see the pounds start to go until I started running again. I can't run as much as i used to - I can do about twenty minutes, then I have to slow it down. But it's definitely helping.
Male things which we should all avoid and the complex carbs, such as those found in vegetables, whole grains, fruit, etc. Those are the carbs that provide dietary fiber, which is necessary for good digestive health. They aren't digested as quickly as the white versions, so they won't spike your blood sugar. Do watch portion sizes, though. Try switching to brown rice, whole grain pasta and bread, etc.
8464451 tn?1409883976 Also make a sandwiche or a sub and just load it with veggies. And salads can be tastier if you add fruit and nuts into them. Fresh vegetables are better than cooked.
Avatar f tn t hurt if you are trying to keep your carb intake low. So, just make sure to count it into your carb allowance if you are following exchange lists (let me know if you don't know what I'm talking about and want some help with it or something). I am also on metformin, the same dose, but after awhile I seem to have gotten used to it and it no longer makes me sick unless I don't eat while taking it.
1285110 tn?1420147378 meat such as kidney, eggs and some fruit and vegetables, especially dried mixed fruit Calcium: milk, cheese and other dairy foods, green leafy vegetables (such as broccoli, cabbage and okra, but not spinach), soya beans, tofu, soya drinks with added calcium, nuts, bread and anything made with fortified flour, and fish where you eat the bones, such as sardines and pilchards.
Avatar f tn ll help a lot. You should amp up your vegetable intake and cut down on the fruit a little. Fruit has a lot of natural sugar and you really only need one serving a day and 2 or 3 servings of veggies. While you may not want to gain anymore, you probably will just because we tend to retain water later in pregnancy and your baby will still grow. You should be drinking about 100 to 130 oz of water daily. Taking in adequate sources of protein is also very important. Carbs not so much.
Avatar f tn Foods that are high in fat, such as cakes and cookies, or that are high in simple sugars, such as soda, should be avoided
Avatar f tn I am 17 weeks and have gestational diabetes. Luckily, I'm only having to monitor my blood sugar 4 times a far so good. Hopefully it stays this way so I won't have to go on medication or insulin. Unfortunately, I am what they consider overweight and am predisposed. I have to say this has kept me in check and I have no gained any weight which was expected since I'm on low carb. This has been a blessing on disguise.
5747555 tn?1408727657 Fruit is fine, but in moderation. They are high in fiber and antioxidants, but can have a lot of fructose, which digests more slowly than, say, white flour or cane sugar, but still shouldn't be overdone. But a piece of fruit a day won't harm you.
Avatar m tn yeah your right it would be somewhat like in the morning you eat like a king, in lunch like a queen, in dinner like a peasant.
451075 tn?1210258648 But you are describing a very severely limited diet that is NOT safe over the long run. It is devoid of nutritious fruits, vegetables, dairy, and complex carbohydrates. In the short run, you probably won't be hurt.
Avatar n tn -) Rice in soups or casseroles-high carb. Pasta-high carb. Potatoes-high carb. Bread-high carb. Regular soda pop and fruit juices-high carb. Sugar is interesting-you can have your sugar and eat it too. If your dr tells you to eat less sugar you need to fire right back at him and say, don't you mean carbs? Do you know of anyone who sits and eats a cup of sugar? No. But I bet we have all eaten a cup of potatoes rice or pasta or bread....
Avatar f tn You need not only small portions but you need fruit, vegetables and meat! You will see improvements in a few weeks! Plus you need to burn at least 100 calories a day! Please don't give up, if you do these things you will reach your goal. Just because you haven't lost anything yet doesn't mean you never will, this app doesn't make you lose weight, you do.