
Best antihistamine for vasomotor rhinitis

Common Questions and Answers about Best antihistamine for vasomotor rhinitis


Avatar n tn An ENT doctor told me that I have VASOMOTOR RHINITIS and that I can have the swelling and discoloration from vasomotor rhinitis. I have Chronic post nasal drainage as well, I have had this for 6 yrs. now. I use nasal rinses twice a day for 6 yrs. Tried every steroid nasal spray that was ever invented and also was even on oral steroids for 3 weeks - that did not help either. Am I going to have to live with this until I die? Nothing helps me and I feel so hopeless and desperate.
Avatar m tn My mom was just diagnosed today at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota with vasamotor rhinitis. She's been suffering with this condition for 10 years and she finally found a name for her condition. In her case, she gets ill when it is humid or cold. Since we live in Chicago, this happens almost always. We found out a few months ago that her symptons go away when she is a dry climate. They have since also moved to Arizona (Gilbert area) and she feel 100% down there.
Avatar n tn hi - I have nonallergic (Vasomotor Rhinitis) I know what you mean about this ruining your life. I have had this for 6 yrs. now. Constant 24/7 post nasal drainage, blocked nasal passages that clog up on one side then the other side. I have tried every nasal steroid spray that was ever invented I think and even oral steroids. Nothing helps. I irrigate my nasal passages twice a day with the NeilMed nasal bottle and the pre-mixed solution.
Avatar f tn Hi There! I'm wondering if anybody else here suffering from sinus congestion. Mine is going back for years I've seen several ENTs, one was convinced that my blocked nose was due to dust mite allergy. So he performed a surgery, a middle turbinate reduction, it was in 2010. and prescribed the usual stuff, costeroid spray. The surgery didn't make the slightest improvement, nor the spray didn't help.
Avatar m tn Basically, I have been dealing with Chronic Rhinitis for the past 6 months. I was a healthy individual who never got sick. Therefore, Anxiety has played a huge part of my illness, as any new symptom alarmed me as I had never experience it before. I have done countless research of how Histamine plays a huge part in overall allergy health. However, I am still not sure which is a bigger allergen for me, food or the air I breath.
Avatar n tn I would bet you have mixed rhinitis which is allergic rhinitis along with vasomotor rhinitis. or as the doctors call it now is nonallergic rhinitis. Weather changes, and everything else that you mentioned along with perfume smells, chemical cleaners, laundry dryer sheets, things with strong scents, diesel fumes, gasoline and the list goes on. I too have the swelling of the cheeks, undereyes, sides of nose - on the outside of the nose as well as inside.
Avatar f tn For starts, have you tried an OTC nasal spray or an oral antihistamine?
345124 tn?1234483278 you can also have what is called as mixed rhinitis. There is no cure for vasomotor rhinitis. Mayo ent doctor told me to use nasal rinses twice a day for the rest of my life, use musinex tablets to keep drainage thin , use a humidifer. Doctor said the rinses may seem like they are not doing any good but they really are he said. Could have fooled me.
Avatar m tn Hello today the doctor told me I had Vasomotor Rhinitis and GERD. A few websites say they go hand in hand is this true?
548980 tn?1214822412 However, you said every time you go out, you feel stuffy. Vasomotor rhinitis is a form of rhinitis that is not related to allergic reactions, but which is characterized by some of the same symptoms, such as a chronic sinus headache, runny nose and blood-vessel congestion of the nasal mucus membrane.
Avatar m tn It should be differentiated from vasomotor rhinitis and Atrophic rhinitis for which consult ENT specialist. Take care and regards.
Avatar n tn They sometimes call this non allergic rhinitis or vasomotor rhinitis. I have the same problem for 6 yrs. now as well with a small fiber peripheral neuropathy after a bout with the flu bug. Had sinus surgery - did nothing but made it worse. I irrigate my nose 2-3 times a day with Neil- Med sinuse solution rinse for 6 yrs. and it does nothing but it might help you. Mention this to your ENT doctor. By the way nasal or oral steroids did not help with the constant post nasal drainage.
Avatar n tn I know exactly how you feel as I have Vasomotor rhinitis as well. I have been to so many ENT doctors and there is not really nothing that they can do. I have had all the scopes in the nose, down the throat, CT scan, MRI, blood work and everything shows up fine. I know what you mean about the nasal sprays, I think I have tried every single one that was ever made and that did not help either.
Avatar n tn what it sounds like to me is vasomotor rhinitis. Swollen turbinates- do you have post nasal drainage, thicker type down the back of your throat? I had about 50,000 dollars worth of testing also. Allergy tests, shots. mri's, sweat test, every test you can think of -all negative. Nasal steroid sprays, nasal rinses, oral steroids. I am so sick of these tests and expense and then i hear "vasomotor rhinitis" --NO CURE for this.
Avatar m tn Used mebhydrolin,cetrizine,fexofenadine, for prophylexis,got result but no complete recovery. Taking mometasone masal spray, got result, but not complete respite. How to get rid of it?
Avatar n tn Beyond that, only a physical exam can determine whether this is a mucosal/inflammation issue (eg, allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis) or an anatomic issue (eg, septal deviation, turbinate hypertrophy). Find an ENT doc if these simple measures fail.
Avatar n tn I too have non allergic rhinitis but mine is considered Vasomotor rhinitis.k I had this for 6 yrs. but I do not take any medication, just nasal steroid sprays and nasal rinses and it does not do anything. I even had sinus surgery - total ethmoidectomy, opening the ostia of the maxillary sinuses and partial turbinectomy. along with a steroid Kenalog IM injection - still did not help. But maybe your's could be the Prempro. Ask your doctor, make sure it's your ENT doctor.
Avatar m tn Hi, The common causes for severe sneezing include allergies( to dust, pollen, pets, food etc), vasomotor rhinitis, upper respiratory infection, common cold or flu etc. You need to make note of what is causing a bout of sneezing in your case and try avoid it. Sudden severe sneezing is most commonly due to allergies, also as your symptoms are relieved by Claritin allergic etiology could be present. If severe allergy is present for multiple factors then immunotherapy should b e considered.
Avatar m tn Other possibility is vasomotor rhinitis which occurs due to rapid temperature changes. In 50% cases of allergic rhinitis is associated with asthma. The rhinitis can be triggered by specific allergen like pollens, dust etc. You need to go for allergy test if needed to rule out the allergen. Avoidance of exposure to allergens with nasal decongestants will be helpful.
Avatar m tn s Triad, however I do not have any history of aspirin or NSAID sensitivity. My ENT says I have vasomotor rhinitis. I irrigate with pulmacort respules and take singulair, 2 different steroid inhalers (one through the nose), and 2400 mg. a day of mucinex. I even did a 2 month trial of methotrexate (low dose chemotherapy). Nothing works. I am having problems only on the right side. My last CT scan was clear, after 42 days of prednisone and 2 rounds of Levaquin.
Avatar n tn Do you have trouble breathing through your nose on either side? Ask your Ent about vasomotor rhinitis, the blood vessels inside swell up and can cause pain , pressure. One of my ENt doctors tells me to do nasal irrigation twice a day for ever, he said that it may not seem like the rinses are helping but they really are - could have fooled me- I have been doing them for 6 yrs. and it has not done a thing. Either has oral or nasal steroids. Do you have constant post nasal drainage?
Avatar f tn It should be differentiated from vasomotor rhinitis and Atrophic rhinitis for which consult ENT specialist. Take care and regards.
Avatar m tn Hi, I personally feel CT/MRI is of little help, because what you are having is more of vasomotor rhinitis. Avoid using Afrin spray for a long time as it causes rhinitis medicamentosa - a condition where in you will be feeling better while using the spray, when you use it for long and discontinue there is rebound congestion of the nose. Try with oral decongestants and steroid spray; avoid getting exposed to perfumes and cologne. Best is to visit your ENT specialist for further management.
Avatar n tn s more likely rhinitis. Antihistamine does not always rule out an allergy if antihistamine fails to stop it. But if allergy you should be somewhat less or no mucus while on antihistamine. Sounds pretty common and there are lots of things to treat it if this mucus production is from one of these. If none of this works you can try a product called NasalCrom sold most places. It is a non-steroid drug that stops a mucus cell from reacting to an irritant fume or allergy.
Avatar m tn As your test reports have come out positive for molds,dust and pigeon peas,their avoidance is the best preventive treatment available. For molds, maintain/clean dehumidifiers and air conditioners regularly. Air filters of the ac trap allergens, like molds, dust and pollen. When the filters do not work properly, allergens may be released into the air, causing typical allergy symptoms, such as watery eyes, runny nose, and wheezing.