
Avandia recall risk

Common Questions and Answers about Avandia recall risk


559053 tn?1274913374 s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), said Avandia should be pulled from the UK market because of concerns that the drug could increase the risk of heart attacks. They said an independent panel of experts had advised that the risks of the product outweighed its benefits, and that the drug should no longer be sold in Britain. The body said it had sent a letter to doctors in July advising them to consider alternative treatments.
Avatar m tn increased risk of heart attacks, and for having GSK funded doctors on the avandia approval board, etc... I'm not making definitive statements that avandia is bad (or good)... just explaining my reasons for being cautious until lots of other people (who need it more urgently... for diabetes, etc.) try it out.
Avatar n tn She is gaining weight, has trouble breathing, and has been experiencing some chest pains lately (Dr. gave nitro). She is on avandia and I would like to know if this could be the cause of her recent decline in health?
Avatar m tn I have diabetes ll. My doctor has given me Actos 30 mg. I have been hearing a lot about this drug and none of it's good, saying long term use causes bladder cancer. My last A1c was 6.1 although now due for another one. I'm not sure the risk involved with this drug is worth the benefits as my sugar is not out of control and my numbers are always under 175. Is Actos a safe drug to use??
2053416 tn?1330411192 Actos belongs in class of diabetes medications called thiazolidinediones. In this class are Avandia and a combination drug Avandamet [Avandia and Metformin]. Rezulin is in this class but not much known about it.
Avatar n tn Also go on the websites of the manufactures, sometimes they have coupons for a % off your bill. When I joint the avandia program I got a couple months free avandia, plus they send coupons at times. Also ask your md for samples. I use to work at a doctors office and we got enough samples to open a pharmacy. Another thing, if your job offers a flexible spending account, I find that is nice as well. it reduces your taxes and you can contribute up to 3000 a year to them. good luck.
Avatar f tn Yes, i was put on Avandia for Type 2 abt 5 years ago. Since then my #'s have improved with diet and exercise to the point that a new Dr. said she saw no reason for me to be on Avandia and i have since stopped useing it. It was never vy high, around 159 or so when it was diagnosed. If i am not careful of my diet it can jump up to the 130's to 140's. Am also on diovan for HBP which is usually under good control with the 1 med.
Avatar f tn Can I take Evening Primrose and Femara together? I'm also taking Avandia. Any thoughts would be great!
1001811 tn?1259861489 The sling that was recalled studies were done on it years ago back in 2007 and the company knew that it had a suffocation risk. The babies head shoudl always be out of the sling and the baby should never be curled in a C position laying nor upright! That is the problems not the slings. GO to facebook at babywearing and it has articles that were "retracted" as the jounalist got the info wrong It also has a link to baby wearing and shows pictures of how to and not wear baby.
Avatar n tn Metformin is in general, a good medication. There are others in the class such as Avandia. You can talk to your doctor about this. You might try drinking more water, eating more fiber (vegetables, whole grains), taking psyllium seed fiber and walking regularly. Each of those can help. Of course, there is always the laxative option but it's best to try the others first. Take it with meals, this helps. Onglyza is another alternative medication idea.
Avatar m tn MRI is also very good at early detection unfortunately all hbsag positive are at risk of hcc and even after hbsag seroconversion there is still risk for a couple of years after seroconversion although lowest risk.there is only another illness which has much higer rates for hcc than hbv which is diabetes.
Avatar m tn I use Actos, but for some reason my fingers typed Avandia. Our FDA went through the same review on Avandia recently, and reluctantly left it on the shelf; however, it is used only when patients are found refractory to other, similar drugs, I believe. FlGuy, although I was down to 185 pounds at one point during treatment, I’m currently the lankiest 6’ 0” 250 pounder you’ve ever seen :o). I’ve always led an active lifestyle, so I don’t fit the sedentary profile of typical DM II patients.
Avatar f tn The other post op complications include blood clots in the leg veins, infection unless a laminar flow operating room was used. The risk of the artificial joint being infected can remain after many years also via bacteria from a source elsewhere in the body. There can be loosening of prosthesis from the bone, wear of the plastic polyethylene socket, dislocation of the hip replacement, ectopic bone formation around the artificial hip can cause stiffness and pain.
Avatar n tn Why was c-phen dm infant drops recalled?
Avatar m tn Hey guys I was looking up information on diabetes and I came across this article about doctors lying to their patients about diabetes treatments. The article also goes on to talk about natural cures for diabetes. I didn’t know this but there’s a rule that doctors are not allowed to talk about natural cures or anything “termed” a miracle cure to there patients even if they believe it the best means of treatment. I was shocked when I saw the STATS on diabetes in America. It’s really horrific.
Avatar f tn I really didnt notice until later that night and did not have a chance to see if this pinhole sized cut was covered or not and whether or not that part of my penis was even in her vagina as I dont recall going that deep. I asked her after the encounter if she had anything and she said no though i dont think that means much. First and last time with a sex worker. Am I at risk for HIV and should I be tested at 3 months?
Avatar n tn That sounds like it should be good for you if you are ovulating on your own and aren't having any other problems. I was on femara and avandia (for PCOS), and I had to have a trigger shot (because I don't ovulate on my own). But I got pregnant on my second month of femara (with IUI). And that was after 6 years of trying and being on clomid for a really long time. So I really believe in femara!
Avatar f tn I have PCOS also, and I am currently 20 weeks pregnant. I was put on avandia (similar to metformin), femara (similar to clomid), and a trigger shot to help me ovulate. I also did IUI. But I got pregnant on my second cycle of this combination. This was after trying for 6 years, but only 9 months with a reproductive endocrinologist. So I would suggest that if you do have PCOS, and you aren't currently seeing an RE, to go see one.
1261240 tn?1271520861 herbs are too weak no study results at all on hbv in vivo nitazoxanide in combination with interferon, tenofovir or entecavir might make hbsag negative, a group in the community is trying it off label since it has almost no sides simvastatin (cholesterol drug) and rosiglitazone (Avandia) have been reported to weaken hbv but both can have sides, no studies in vivo, probably useless in monotherapy
Avatar n tn I am experiencing some weight loss and I am not sure if it due to my sugar, the fact I was taken off Avandia and put on Junovia because I know Avandia increases weight or if something else is happening to me. Also would high blood sugar like mine lead to sweating, tingling in legs and hands and I almost feel like my body is hot...
Avatar f tn Recall -- Firm Press Release FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company.