
Asacol ec side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Asacol ec side effects


Avatar f tn Hi there, Emergency contraception is almost 80-85% effective if taken between 24-48 hours and 50-55% effective if taken between 48-72 hours.Headache, dizziness, breast tenderness and vaginal bleeding are the common side effects of taking emergency contraceptive pills. A few women may experience light bleeding in the days after taking Postinor-2. This is not a normal period and is nothing to worry about. If the bleeding is persistent or severe consult a gynecologist. Hope it helps.
Avatar m tn i was prescribed asacol 2x 400mg, 3 times a day for two weeks. after this time i was also diagnosed with CKD at stage 3a with a GFR of 53 and a creatinine clearance of 87.14ml/min. i took asacol again for one month at a reduced rate of 1x 400mg, 3 times a day (3-4 tablets recommended for prevention of relapse). then i stopped taking it for 2 months. i took asacol again at 1x400mg, 2 times a day for 2 months.
Avatar m tn i have had crohns for 8 years and i have been on just about everything. i have taken 6mp and i actually didnt have any side effects from it. it didnt work for me but no side effects. make sure she is seeing a gastro who specializes in cd. not all gastros are that great at treating cd/uc. tell her that all the meds they give us say they have all these terrible side effects but it doesnt necessarily mean she will get them.
Avatar m tn I am happy to say i only tried it for two days and gave up bc of the side effects! Two days after being off asacol bleeding cramping headache everything stopped... . I was actually on a 20 day spell of bleeding in my still adacol continued to make me bleed!!!!
Avatar f tn hi there, i have UC (diagnosed in 2001) and have been on asacol most of the time. however, i had about a year of experience with pentasa... the doctor at the time told me that it was the same thing as asacol, however, i found it to be less effective. another doctor later told me that they have the same active ingredient mesalamine, but pentasa reaches a different part of your track... i think asacol stays intact longer, so it gets released lower down in your system.
Avatar f tn s messed up because you took multiple doses of the emergency contraceptive. If you check out the side effects from it it tells you what it can do. The side effects include (but are not limited to) nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, abdominal cramping, headache, backache, spotting, irregular bleeding, and your cycle could come earlier/later than normal and be heavier/lighter than normal.
1129232 tn?1360800358 anyone taking progesterone suppositiories get side effects? i was fine the first couple of days but now i'm feeling lethargic, extreme fatigue, always hungry and a little bit of off and on nausea. AT first i was thinking - could this be pregnancy symptoms already but i think it's probably from the progesterone. UGH! this is awful.
Avatar f tn I have been on Asacol since my dx in 2005. I haven't had any side effects and it really helps to keep my c.d. under control. Good luck and I sure hope it has helped you.
Avatar n tn i took it to be on the safe side also recommended by a nurse that i take it to be sure, but i am getting ovulation pains that i would get every month, although im pretty sure they ARE ovulation pains im not 100% certain. just wanted to be sure as i took EC on the 14th day of my cycle and i thought it was suppost to delay ovulation.
Avatar n tn I really don't think there are any contraceptives without side effects other than abstinence and condoms. I've been on 3 different forms of birth control in my life and all have their own side effects, but unless you're really sensitive, none are that bad.
Avatar f tn Hello , i have uc and my GP as just prescribed prednisolene 30 mg a day reducing weekly and omeprazole 20mg a day( plus calcium supplements.) Worried about all the side effects i've read about . Anyone had a positive outcome usi these please????
Avatar f tn Hi! Yes, the morning after pill has plenty of side effects. Emergency contraceptives are a big dose of hormones which is how they work. But then those hormones are in her system and her body has to deal with them. Irregular bleeding for 2 to 3 moths is to be expected. She can take a pregnancy test to make sure she isn't pregnant but this sounds like normal EC side effects to me.
Avatar m tn Wait at least two weeks and test with first morning urine. Keep in mind the side effects caused by EC as well. These can included spotting, a more light/heavy period, missed period, abdominal pain, cramping, sore breasts and fatigue. Also, unless you know this person well and know 150% they're clean, it wouldn't hurt to make sure they don't have any STDs.
Avatar n tn Immediatedly after that i took an Emergency contraceptive pill, i didnt have any side effects of it but after a week or two, my periods started again, they ha occured in the starting of the month, i also suffer from PCO. Problem is am going for an ultrasound and blood test tomorrow,nd am afraid if am pregnant.. i dont want my parents to know, second which i fear is that if i have traces of contraceptive pill found in my blood sample , it could create a problem for me.
686769 tn?1236272131 I am still waiting for an answer from the pharmaceutical company on the Humira, as I also have NO insurance. I am on Endocort (steroid with a LOT less side effects than prednisone), Pentassa, Depression meds, Trammadol (pain), percocet (pain), azathioprine 75mg. Still, I am in pain almost daily. Every once in a while I have a good day. I am really having a hard time, mentally and physically. I have always been very active, early to rise and then go go go go...
Avatar f tn I have been on it for the last year straight and am not totally sure how much it really works. I had some side effects from it such as nausea and hair loss to a certain extent. The nausea was fixed by taking it at night which seemed to really help. Being on it did not eliminate me from other meds as I am currently back on prednisone 40mg for a month due to a flareup. Pentasa and Asacol never worked for me either. I guess in short every medication works for different people in different ways.
Avatar f tn Could I be pregnant or could these be side effects? has anyone had negative tests and still turning out to be pregnant?
874116 tn?1240368959 You should never use EC the way you did. Its meant for a condom breaking or if you found yourself unexpectedly having intercourse you did not plan on. If you want a break from the pill in the future, use contraceptive foam and condoms. Never use EC. Its not 100% effective--more like 60-70%, depending on when and how you take it. If you keep taking it as you were doing, you're bound to end up pregnant at some point.
Avatar m tn Emergency contraception pills are around 98-99% effective if taken within the first day. So she should be fine. I will warn you, and have you warn her, they can have nasty side effects. Don't be alarmed if she has cramps, nausea, dizziness, headaches, bloating, fatigue, bowel irregularities, is late on her period, spots randomly, has an excessively long period, or has appetite change.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Crohn's 9 years ago. I have been taking Asacol (5-ASA) and Imuran (Azathioprine). Last february I was hospitalized for the first time and was put on prednisone. I am still on prednisone and my body won't let me get off of it. My doctor wants me to start Humira, but I am scared. I don't like reading about the side effects and things that can happen when on that drug. Does anyone have any experience with this drug (Humira)? I would really appreciate it.
Avatar n tn will it have any side effects or any kind of impact later? is dere any other method of pregnancy tests coz i dont want to go out of the room? as 36+ hrs hav been passed away n If i want to take the morning after pill doze, should i take both of them together or acc. to its schedule? is it risky to take pill at this age? and if suppose m not pregnant n i take d pill doze what will it do..will dere be any kind of risk? Plz help me friends..