
Asacol effects

Common Questions and Answers about Asacol effects


Avatar f tn A related discussion, <a href="/posts/Gastroenterology/Asacol-800/show/1876778">Asacol 800</a> was started.
Avatar m tn i was prescribed asacol 2x 400mg, 3 times a day for two weeks. after this time i was also diagnosed with CKD at stage 3a with a GFR of 53 and a creatinine clearance of 87.14ml/min. i took asacol again for one month at a reduced rate of 1x 400mg, 3 times a day (3-4 tablets recommended for prevention of relapse). then i stopped taking it for 2 months. i took asacol again at 1x400mg, 2 times a day for 2 months.
Avatar m tn i have had crohns for 8 years and i have been on just about everything. i have taken 6mp and i actually didnt have any side effects from it. it didnt work for me but no side effects. make sure she is seeing a gastro who specializes in cd. not all gastros are that great at treating cd/uc. tell her that all the meds they give us say they have all these terrible side effects but it doesnt necessarily mean she will get them.
Avatar m tn I am happy to say i only tried it for two days and gave up bc of the side effects! Two days after being off asacol bleeding cramping headache everything stopped... . I was actually on a 20 day spell of bleeding in my still adacol continued to make me bleed!!!!
Avatar f tn He was switched from Asacol to Pentasa when his liver enzymes were slightly elevated. He was on a steroid for the first 2 years after he was diagnosed. He hasn't been on a steroid since 2006, when he was diagnosed with Diabetes. The Steroids are more for the flares, the Pentasa is used more as a maintenance drug. He is also on Purinethol, which is chemotherapy agent, to help decrease abnormal growths. Good luck.
Avatar f tn Hello , i have uc and my GP as just prescribed prednisolene 30 mg a day reducing weekly and omeprazole 20mg a day( plus calcium supplements.) Worried about all the side effects i've read about . Anyone had a positive outcome usi these please????
Avatar f tn I have been on Asacol since my dx in 2005. I haven't had any side effects and it really helps to keep my c.d. under control. Good luck and I sure hope it has helped you.
Avatar n tn She is now 16-week pregnency. We are worried about the effects on Kids. Does anyone have similar experience and give us some suggestion? Thanks a lot.
686769 tn?1236272131 it helped me out tremendously... i did it before and received asacol, not sure if asacol will even work for you, but i found it to be more effective than pentasa. also there's a generic available for steroid enemas (not proctor and gamble), i believe... still expensive but helps out.
Avatar n tn I have noticed that my asacol is not breaking down and is being passed in my stool! Is their a reason for this? What can/should I do?
Avatar n tn 20+ years ago I was an energetic, vibrant career woman. I gave birth to a child in 1988 and soon after began feeling just not up to par. I was having increased fatigue and also an increase in my appetite w/o weight gain but did notice paler more frequent, voluminous stools. My GP referred me to a gastroenterologist who found no conclusive causes for my symptoms after checking blood work and a stool culture.
Avatar m tn I have a NEW G.I. doc who keeps referring me to a colonoscopy and an MRCP before she decides to do anything but I've had a flare-up of UC for a month and need some relief. Today I saw a whole Asacol HD tablet excreted and the G.I.doc said "that's ok--it's still absorbed." Ok--so now I must be reasonable and ask a question as how is it absorbed when NONE OF IT--repeat, NONE OF IT---is degraded at all? This woman doesn't get it. Anyway, what should I do now?
Avatar n tn Is there a program where my son can get help with his Rx for asacol? He does not have insurance.
89592 tn?1391274422 my gastro prescribed asacol...800 mg 2 tabs twice daily. I looked at the drug pamphlet and I see that it can affect liver enzymes. I dont need that since I already have mildly abnormal values. I called my gastro to tell him my concern and he said it would not hurt me. I am supposed to be on them indefinitely. I also take 5 mg prednisone for my r/a. Just wondering how this will affect the liver. I know I am not on the higher side of the doses given but still...
Avatar n tn Had coloscopy in August-showed some mild inflammation in ilieum and rectal area-was put on Asacol. Asacol helped the rectal pain but RLQ pain continued. Went back to ED in Nov for severe RLQ pain. CT and bloodwork normal. I had changed from Asacol to Pentasa the week before and the rectal pain had come back-significant burning pain. Went to another doctor and had more bloodwork-borderline IBD tests. Went off Pentasa for a few days in Dec and had severe RLQ pain and right hand pain.
Avatar m tn Try to stay away from dairy, alcohol, grains (have rice instead). If you can figure out what triggered the flare, that would be helpful so you know to avoid it in the future.
Avatar n tn Prednisone can cause acne. I had UC for ten years until I perforated and had my colon removed and a J-pouch built 16 years ago. My son has UC and moved onto the Imuran last year. He did have some acne with the prednisone too. He has been in a wonderful remission this past year and is so enjoying feeling healthy. The only change he continues to make is to leave dairy alone as he realizes he is lacto intolerant. I hope you will get the same success.
Avatar m tn Aloe will calm inflammation. Psyllium husk helps immediate effects of diarrhea. Red meats are not good for you right now, lunch meat has sodium nitrates, breads have mycotoxins...take it easy on your system...start treating it right!
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Crohn's 9 years ago. I have been taking Asacol (5-ASA) and Imuran (Azathioprine). Last february I was hospitalized for the first time and was put on prednisone. I am still on prednisone and my body won't let me get off of it. My doctor wants me to start Humira, but I am scared. I don't like reading about the side effects and things that can happen when on that drug. Does anyone have any experience with this drug (Humira)? I would really appreciate it.
Avatar m tn My son was smoking pot and was feeling better with it. He is alergic to sulfa medications and the Asacol resulted in Pancreatitis. Unfortunately most medications for UC are sulfa based. He also has g6pd, a blood difficiency and Gilber's disease. He has been on 6MP and the doctors are now talking Remicade.
1483944 tn?1288100910 i was diagnosed with Crohns in 2006 and on Prednisolone and Asacol then undiagnosed in 2008 and told I have IBS. I now take IBS medication but it is not working, i am in pain daily right side and have gastroentiritus issues alot as well as bowel issues, Is my doctor wrong? all my investigations are showing nothing,,,,,I am so confused! please help me!
Avatar n tn after being diagnosed with uc he was placed on asacol 1200mg. 3 times a day, prednisone a couple of times last year, entocort most recently, and asacol enemas at night at times. Just recently he started getting muscle cramps, flu like symptoms with bronchitis and had a glucose level of 169, and a cholesterol level in the high 160s as well. He had had an alkaline phosphate level up to almost 600 for years and stays very fatigued and in pain. i am so worried about him. he is overweight.