
Asacol enema side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Asacol enema side effects


Avatar m tn i have had crohns for 8 years and i have been on just about everything. i have taken 6mp and i actually didnt have any side effects from it. it didnt work for me but no side effects. make sure she is seeing a gastro who specializes in cd. not all gastros are that great at treating cd/uc. tell her that all the meds they give us say they have all these terrible side effects but it doesnt necessarily mean she will get them.
Avatar m tn I have been hospitalized four times in last two years. Finally I met a doctor in UK who prescribed Asacol Foam Enema. I was unable to get into remission for last so many years with all drugs, however, with this foam enema, I got in full remission in just few weeks. I was surprised to find that drug industry that makes Enemas for UC has been dominated by company that makes Rowasa Enema (Israeli Company). I am shocked to find that Rowasa has complete monopoly over this industry.
Avatar m tn i was prescribed asacol 2x 400mg, 3 times a day for two weeks. after this time i was also diagnosed with CKD at stage 3a with a GFR of 53 and a creatinine clearance of 87.14ml/min. i took asacol again for one month at a reduced rate of 1x 400mg, 3 times a day (3-4 tablets recommended for prevention of relapse). then i stopped taking it for 2 months. i took asacol again at 1x400mg, 2 times a day for 2 months.
Avatar m tn I am happy to say i only tried it for two days and gave up bc of the side effects! Two days after being off asacol bleeding cramping headache everything stopped... . I was actually on a 20 day spell of bleeding in my still adacol continued to make me bleed!!!!
Avatar f tn hi there, i have UC (diagnosed in 2001) and have been on asacol most of the time. however, i had about a year of experience with pentasa... the doctor at the time told me that it was the same thing as asacol, however, i found it to be less effective. another doctor later told me that they have the same active ingredient mesalamine, but pentasa reaches a different part of your track... i think asacol stays intact longer, so it gets released lower down in your system.
Avatar f tn I have been on Asacol since my dx in 2005. I haven't had any side effects and it really helps to keep my c.d. under control. Good luck and I sure hope it has helped you.
Avatar f tn Hello , i have uc and my GP as just prescribed prednisolene 30 mg a day reducing weekly and omeprazole 20mg a day( plus calcium supplements.) Worried about all the side effects i've read about . Anyone had a positive outcome usi these please????
9827649 tn?1410039233 Enemas are safe. Fleet is the best brand... That's the one they give in the hospital! I have to take an emema (doctor's orders) every 3 days. Due to my severe constipation; because of the side effects of my medications to control hypermesis, IBS and pregnancy in general.
686769 tn?1236272131 I am still waiting for an answer from the pharmaceutical company on the Humira, as I also have NO insurance. I am on Endocort (steroid with a LOT less side effects than prednisone), Pentassa, Depression meds, Trammadol (pain), percocet (pain), azathioprine 75mg. Still, I am in pain almost daily. Every once in a while I have a good day. I am really having a hard time, mentally and physically. I have always been very active, early to rise and then go go go go...
Avatar f tn I have been on it for the last year straight and am not totally sure how much it really works. I had some side effects from it such as nausea and hair loss to a certain extent. The nausea was fixed by taking it at night which seemed to really help. Being on it did not eliminate me from other meds as I am currently back on prednisone 40mg for a month due to a flareup. Pentasa and Asacol never worked for me either. I guess in short every medication works for different people in different ways.
Avatar f tn Besides the side effects for the mom is there any harmful side effects for baby I just got back from the hospital and after a four hour visit and them doing nothing but giving me an enema and it doing absolutely nothing I'm getting kinda antsy this pain is horrible and I'm afraid it'll hurt baby worse
Avatar n tn lelet- Phsopho soda is is available at most pharmacies, and is used to prepare the intestines for examination like colonoscopy or barium enema. It is a strong laxative and you will feel the effects for several hours, so don't leave the house! The taste is kind of weird - a bit oily. I have a tough time getting it down even when mixed with something I like, and still have to just hold my nose and gulp it.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Crohn's 9 years ago. I have been taking Asacol (5-ASA) and Imuran (Azathioprine). Last february I was hospitalized for the first time and was put on prednisone. I am still on prednisone and my body won't let me get off of it. My doctor wants me to start Humira, but I am scared. I don't like reading about the side effects and things that can happen when on that drug. Does anyone have any experience with this drug (Humira)? I would really appreciate it.
89592 tn?1391274422 my gastro prescribed asacol...800 mg 2 tabs twice daily. I looked at the drug pamphlet and I see that it can affect liver enzymes. I dont need that since I already have mildly abnormal values. I called my gastro to tell him my concern and he said it would not hurt me. I am supposed to be on them indefinitely. I also take 5 mg prednisone for my r/a. Just wondering how this will affect the liver. I know I am not on the higher side of the doses given but still...
Avatar n tn She is now 16-week pregnency. We are worried about the effects on Kids. Does anyone have similar experience and give us some suggestion? Thanks a lot.
Avatar f tn I have severe constipation due to my IBS, side effects from my medication (I have hypermesis) and from pregnancy in general.
Avatar n tn I have noticed that my asacol is not breaking down and is being passed in my stool! Is their a reason for this? What can/should I do?
Avatar f tn Is your doctor an idiot? I think so. Asacol is good at stopping inflammation - side effects are minimal, and only a small amount is absorbed at the inflammation site so it does take time (weeks). HOME MADE yogurt 3 times a day for your daughter. Watch the difference. Drink warm water atleast 1.5L a day that is 6 cups over the course of a day. You can also incorporate a vitamin E into her diet. Vitamin E will act as a lubricant in her system. Do you know what Remicade does?
Avatar n tn Prednisone can cause acne. I had UC for ten years until I perforated and had my colon removed and a J-pouch built 16 years ago. My son has UC and moved onto the Imuran last year. He did have some acne with the prednisone too. He has been in a wonderful remission this past year and is so enjoying feeling healthy. The only change he continues to make is to leave dairy alone as he realizes he is lacto intolerant. I hope you will get the same success.
Avatar f tn I had similar after my return from a mountaineering expedition . U can also try isabgol . Mix with water and take twice a day . No side effects .