
Apri birth control reviews

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Avatar f tn s body is different, however my two sister in laws have the paraguard and it works amazingly for them they each have had it ok for almost 2 years. No birth control seems to be right for me so I have decides no both control here.
1055902 tn?1286305198 t know why and does not want to make any assumption. He put me on a birth control pill called Apri to bring on a period and hopefully clear out the tissues. If Apri does not help, then he consider doing D & C. Why not do a D & C instead of taking the pills? I'm afraid, I may never get pregnant from taking the pills. Any thoughts on this? I can't stop crying!
Avatar f tn I am 25 years old and i am looking for the right birth control for me. I have done some research on the depo shot and all i hear is bad reviews.
Avatar f tn Has anyone been on Ortho Cycling birth control? If so has anyone had any problems on it or side effects? Weight gain, boob size anything?
Avatar m tn I started my period on Monday November 14th and started Apri birth control on Wednesday November 16 I have taken it religiously every night at 8:50pm and havent missed a pill I had unprotected sex several times on Sunday November 27, however he did not come inside me. I was just wondering if my birth control was affective then and if there is any chance I should be worried about a pregnancy?
Avatar n tn This is my first month ever being on birth control and i'm on the 28-day pack pills called Apri. i started taking the last week the "reminder pills" 3 days ago and the way i understood it is that i'm supposed to get my period on the first day i took the reminder pills...could i be pregnant or is there something else wrong?
Avatar f tn Which birth control do u guys recommand the best after delivery? ... I was thinking Mirena but still undecided.. P.
4565515 tn?1373411085 So in addition to the stomach problems of the past two weeks I've developed acne! I NEVER get acne and I don't know why I've started breaking out! I'm not stressed, I get plenty of sleep, NOTHING in my life has changed! So what's up? I take hormonal birth control it's called Apri. I switched to it two or so years ago because my other bc pills were causing acne, but it cleared right up when I started Apri.
Avatar f tn Im currently 27 weeks pregnant and SOO clueless on what birth control to be put on after the baby. Any suggestions or ideas on what you all have in mind for yourself after delivery?
Avatar n tn I have one sex partner. Please help! I am also on birth control Apri and have been having extreme acne under my jawline on my neck (I read this is hormonal). Please give me your input on what you think is wrong.
Avatar f tn I have the paragard. It's a copper non hormonal iud. I've had it since the beginning of February. I had the strings cut again on my check up, but other than that I've had no issues. It's my favorite birth control that I've used.
Avatar f tn Which kind og birth control are yall planning on using after babies get here?
6710217 tn?1386110892 What are your experiences with getting the arm implant birth control after having a baby?
Avatar f tn Had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy for endo, a polyp and a cyst. After that I wanted to try for a baby. Anyways, I stopped my birth control the same day I had my surgery and I've never had a problem. I'm not sure about everyone but that was what happened to me. Everything was fine. I had surgery on June 25th, 2010 and so it's been almost 3 weeks. I hope this helps. Good luck, take care!
Avatar n tn I had some really odd symptoms with Yasmin and begged my dr to take me off of it, since then I was on Apri, which is just generic desogen. Initally did much better on this one so I'm not sure how yaz/yasmin works but I can say my withdrawal bleed "period" got way longer on it- I used to only bleed for 4 days on Aleese, then gradually this increased and due to weight gain and water retention switched to Yasmin...
Avatar f tn Ive heard a lot of bad things about the vaginal but I haven't really heard anything about the arm.
Avatar f tn Two months ago, my doctor changed my birth control pills to Loestrin 24 from just another off brand pill. I didn't have my period last month. I have had a couple days of spotting. This past week though, I have had a lot of brown discharge. It is almost like I have had the end of my period for a week because it is the same kind of discharge like when I end my periods, except I am having so much more.
Avatar f tn Sperm can live up to 5 days inside of the body so if you ovulate say on the 9th or 10th of your cycle you could still get pregnant if you had intercourse on the 7th or 8th. It can be hard to know when you do ovulate unless you use and ovulation tracker. That's why it's always best to use condoms or some other birth control every single time you have intercourse if you don't want to have an unplanned pregnancy. The above poster did that so she should be fine.