
Appendicitis vs cramps

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis vs cramps


Avatar m tn If you took plan B on the last day of your period and that was 12/25 then I would say that you are having side effects of the plan B pill itself. Several other members have reported severe, painful cramps around the ovaries and lower abdomen, back cramps, and you will probably start a "period" again in a few days. That is usually a side effect also. An appendix is usually on the right side of your stomach and you will usually run a high fever with appendicitis.
Avatar f tn I've had lower abdomen cramps almost all day. They hurt so badly. I'm 16 weeks 4 days. Is this normal? I haven't experienced this at all until today.
Avatar f tn It feels like menstrual cramps. I slept like around midnight, and since then I have been waking up a few times with the pain still there. My right leg started hurting but the pain is not that severe, and my right lower back is also in pain. I woke up at 7 a.m this morning and the pain is still there. I do not feel like vomiting or nauseous, and neither have I lost my appetite. I have been with this pain for about 10 hours now, would I happen to be presenting signs of appendicitis?
Avatar f tn For the past week I have had a painful/gnawing feeling around my belly button. It all started after I passed a large bowel movement that was accompanied by bright red blood. I have been diagnosed with hemorrhoids so seeing blood in my stool was not that shocking, what was shocking was that it was a lot more blood than usual. After that my stomach started hurt badly like cramps and a couple of hours later it become notable in the belly button area.
Avatar f tn It feels like menstrual cramps. I slept like around midnight, and since then I have been waking up a few times with the pain still there. My right leg started hurting but the pain is not that severe, and my right lower back is also in pain. I woke up at 7 a.m this morning and the pain is still there. I do not feel like vomiting or nauseous, and neither have I lost my appetite. I have been with this pain for about 10 hours now, would I happen to be presenting signs of appendicitis?
Avatar f tn I found I began spotting and having severe abdominal cramps 7 days after my period, is this something to worry about?
Avatar f tn My mom because she will take me to a doctor and i dont like people cheaking down there but i will if ita seriose it also herts down there but not cramps just SHARP pains please help.
847328 tn?1289783114 Your body is going through all kinds of crazy changes and cramps and twinges come with the territory. You did the right thing in checking in with your Dr. and it sounds like there is nothing to be concerned about. I started experiencing round ligament pain around 15 weeks or so and there are times it can stop you in your tracks. It really hurts. Other normal cramps are menstural like cramps, etc. They will come and go and it's pretty normal. But always always check with your Dr.
Avatar f tn Im having non stop cramps in my back an bump im 36 weeks. Is anyone else goin throw this?
Avatar f tn Sometimes it will happen on the left side but it will go from lower to upper abdomen. These random, severe cramps/spasms started about 6 months ago with no warning. Reasons I'm slightly worried/concerned- When the pain first struck I was just sitting still on the couch, no warning, and it resembled the pain of an Ovarian Cyst rupturing but within 15 seconds of the initial cramp/spasm it went to a wholllleee new level!
Avatar n tn hi im 17 years old and about 3 days ago i had a really high fever it got up to a 104 and bad cramping then i broke my fever the next day but now im having stomach cramps and they get worse each day.
Avatar n tn It could just be cramps if you are near your period time. However, I have experienced the same pain you are describing and it ended up being an ovarian cyst. So please, head in to see your doctor! Goodluck and Best wishes!
Avatar f tn Did anyone check you for kidney issues or appendicitis? An ectopic pregnancy would come up as positive on a pregnancy test even if it was ectopic.
Avatar f tn ve never had a single problem until now. I have recently started having severe cramps that come and go on a daily basis. They are drop to your knees, crying on the floor cramps. I saw my gynecologist and she suggested that it may not be the Mirena causing the cramps and that I should just go see another doctor and try to figure out what's wrong after charging me $460! Anyone else having this issue? I'm contemplating having it removed?!
Avatar f tn I had a recent ER visit for what I thought were sever menstrual cramps (i am prone to having terrible cramps when my menstrual cycle comes around) The pain i was feeling was different than any other cramps i had ever had. I went to the ER and was told that i had a ruptured ovarian cyst that was bleeding, and that i also had a large amount of fluid and blood in my ovary and that I have another cyst.
Avatar f tn I am 22 years old and I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 14 I have had mutilple problems since then. I take birth control on a regular basis so as to have a regular period. Normally I don't really have a rough time cramps wise I do have them but they never really go above a 6 on the pain scale. Less than a week ago I started my period and my cramps were worse than usual. I spent many days at home cuddled up with a heating pad and a bottle of Midol.
Avatar m tn He got to the point in which he was quite ill with cramps and nausea. We went to the ER because we thought it was a possible appendicitis. When they did the X ray, the doc told us that it was the fecal matter and it made sense after being on antibiotics. An enema cured him. That was his story. So, keep your eye on it and for most people this resolves. If you are truly concerned, run it by your doctor.
Avatar n tn re not doctors. She has had vomiting and stomach cramps since Tuesday. She said that she was unable to get an appointment with the doctor, but she called the Doctor's office, and they told her that she probably has "food poisioning" without seeing her. Food poisioning should not last this long....any ideas? We have recommended that she go to the ER to get some results, at least an idea....she'll at least get to see a "medical" person.
Avatar m tn Doesn't sound like appendicitis - so could be that you need Probiotics. Eat some plain yogurt or take some Acidophilis.
1800585 tn?1315853521 Have you found anything that makes the pain better or worse (positioning, empty vs full stomach, etc.)? Start with your regular doctor, however, you may need to see a gastroenterologist - for which you may or may not require a referral from your regular doctor - depending on the gastro doc and your insurance. How long ago was your Csection and gallbladder surgeries?
Avatar n tn Could be a number things. Try drinking a bottle or two water, could be your fluids are low and it's causing cramps. It could be gas and/or constipation, in which case the only thing for relief is to work the gas out by moving or having a bm. It could be false or early labor. If you've seriously been in pain for 8 hours and it's so severe you can't move than its probably time to go to the ER and get checked out.
Avatar n tn Well now for the days two days its gone from my lower back to my side around my hip area and I am also feeling slight cramps at times on the right side. The back pain still comes once in awhile but is less. Seems like all these pains and symptoms last for a few days then something else begins, I was stressing about it being a kidney infection with the back now im worried about it being appendicitis. Got an appointment today with my family doc will talk to him about it.
Avatar n tn What you describe could be a number of things, including pancreatitis, appendicitis, diverticulitis, ... or something else altogether. This set of symptoms doesn't seem to be the type one can afford to ignore. Pls see a doc/urgent care right away. Hope you'll write again to let us know how you're doing.