
Appendicitis pain moves

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis pain moves


Avatar n tn As far as I know, the most apparent symptom of appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is a dull pain in the stomach on the right side, that moves to severe lower right abdominal pain. The above website explains different symptoms that could accompany appendicitis.
Avatar f tn I have no fever or anything like that, nor am I having the typical rebound pain or any pain in my right lower stomach. It seems that the pain moves when I change position if that makes sense. Usually when I sit it moves in the lower area of my belly button, and when I lay down it moves to the upper area of my belly button. My stomach is constantly making gurgling noises and it feels like there are gas bubbles inside of me. I am really, really scared that something serious is going on with me.
Avatar f tn From what I understand you usually have pain starting near the belly button and it moves the right side. You usually will have nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, fever, and chills. Were you able to be seen by a doctor for the pain since you posted? How are you doing now?
Avatar f tn thank you so much!
Avatar f tn My 15 yr old son has had lower right abdominal pain for last couple weeks. He has started playing football this year and really working/practicing hard. It almst feels like he has a lump in the area that is sore and hurting. The area hurts when he moves around. Could this be a hernia or strained ab muscle?
Avatar f tn The sufferer, usually a child, may be completely pain free between attacks. Characteristically, the pain moves from one spot to the other on the abdomen, in keeping with the movement of the bowel loops in the abdominal cavity. Asking the child to turn to the left side will demonstrate this shift as the area of pain and tenderness will move along with the bowel to the left. In appendicitis, the pain may initially start around the umbilicus, then moves over to the right iliac fossa.
Avatar f tn Whenever I lay on my right side I encounter stomach pain which starts from the middle and moves over to my right side. What could possibly be the cause of that?
Avatar m tn Hi, the pain may not be related to colonoscopy. It could be appendicitis. The pain in appendicitis generally starts around the umbilicus and moves to the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. The other symptoms for Appendicitis are fever, nausea, vomiting and malaise. The other causes for pain could be urinary tract infection, pelvic infections, renal colic and sometimes bowel infections. Please discuss this with your doctor am sure he will provide further assistance. Regards.
Avatar f tn My 14 year old daughter kept complaining about her stomach hurting her so I took her to the doctors yesterday after work and they said she fine it's the stomach flu now the stomach pain moving to lower right abdomen and I keep calling her doc and she said to bring her in 3 days after Christmas I really don't want my daughter hurting on Christmas if this pain continues. Her symptoms are fever, stomach ache, vomiting, dizziness, and pain shifting from stomach to lower right abdomen.
Avatar n tn I have lower and middle left quadrant pain sensitive to touch its hot and hurt when sudden moves and I walk like I am doubled over - like appendicitis but not - feel nausea no vomiting very tired muscles ache doesn't hurt when I just lay in one spot and rest or sleep.
Avatar f tn I was actually amazed at how quickly I recovered. But as of last night I started to have some pain in my lower abdoman surrounding the bellybutton. What, if any complications could I be having this long after surgery? I am not running a fever. Just pain, mostly when I bend over or if I have been sitting for a while.
Avatar n tn Your appendix may hurt initially around the belly button. But then the pain moves to the lower right quadrant. When you press on your stomach if it's constipation it will hurt when you press... if it hurts more when you let go, it's usually the appendix. There usually is fever, chills and nausea with appendicitis - not necessarily with constipation. But extreme constipation can also be life threatening. See a doctor.
Avatar n tn My husband has been having moderate abdominal pain since Sunday night after a BM. He went to the ER where they did a CT scan and bloodwork (WBC, RBC, electrolytes, etc), in which everything was normal. He was discharged home. He was taking prednisone 10mg TID since that Saturday am (now d/c), so the hospital thought maybe the pain was due to the steroids. However, now being Thursday, he's still in pain. He said the pain was a 10 on Monday, and is now a 6.
Avatar m tn This is correlated with imaging studies and blood tests. The pain in appendicitis generally starts around the umbilicus and moves to the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. Now you can consult a general surgeon or a gastroenterologist for this problem. As we do not maintain a directory of doctors we may not be able to help you. You can talk to your insurance agents they may be able to direct you appropriately. Regards.
Avatar f tn I have been having intermittent bouts of description would be a dull needle like feeling mostly right of my belly button say 2 inches beside maybe and on the less often bouts that pain can be feeling on the left side same distance from my belly button that does seem to hurt much more if it happens on that left side but it almost always occurs to the, right side, with this and or without this pain kind of best described to be like a dull knitting needle pressing into something deep, I have many t
Avatar m tn My girlfriend has been complaining about variable pain in her back and her abdomen (possibly her stomach and her sides) every time she moves about the. pain seems to fluctuate. (all though not servere pain). she can still go out and about and walk around. she is overweght wieght aprox 122kgs and she should weigh 52 kgs. she has very large breasts that put a strain on her back very sorry to mention that:-( goes to the toilet frequently (to urinate) i am very concerned about this.
Avatar m tn Having been an EMT for many years I understand this could be appendicitis, however, I am confused about the pain free lapses. I live in the middle of no where with poor hospitals about 2 and a half hours away. I am hesitant to spend 5 hours in an ER and then having no pain when I am finally seen. Does it make sense to have classic appendicitis symptoms that go completely away for a few days at a time over a 3 month course?
Avatar f tn My sister told me if i had appendicitis, my pain would be getting worse cuz my aPpendix pain has been going for like 2 months now but only once the pain was severe and that was in the morning.
Avatar f tn Don't want to scare you but my sister had appendicitis, the pain started off as random sperts but suddenly got worse as the appendix started to split, she was rushed into hospital and they performed an emergancy opp. Some cases heal themselves, others don't like my sister's. I would ask another doctor; if they send you home again, just watch for ANY changes and monitor your temperature, urine colour and strength of pain over the next 2-3 days.
Avatar n tn When I had appendecitis I woke up in pain with a lot of abdominal pressure and was admitted for surgery that day. It felt like I was really constipated or something (sorry TMI), and was nauseous. It sounds like the pain you are having is more likely related to the pcos. I have had ovarian cysts in the past and it felt a lot like what you are describing. I'm not an expert, just my personal experience.
Avatar n tn I have ibs and suffer from the most common symptoms of gas Diarrhea and constipation, but for the past month or so ive had severe what i thought as hip and lower addomen pain, it moves up towards the middle of my right side aswell, some days are worst than others it gets me to the stage i can barley walk, i have no severe vomiting but i do feel nauses most of the time, i lose my appetite and then it comes back again.. im not sure if its appendicitis or rumbling appendicits?
Avatar f tn Last night I started having a dull pain on the right side of my abdomen, across from my belly button, it went away today but came back around lunch time. It went away again and now at 2am it has come back. I pressed on my stomach a bit and it send a shooting pain through my belly button area. Its not SUPER painful, just more of a discomfort. I've also started urinating WAY more in the past hour and I'm not sure if its related but my knees began aching REALLY bad out of nowhere.
Avatar m tn How can you identify ovarian cyst pain?What is the usual size of the cyst need to undergo surgery? Describe the difference between appendicitis?
Avatar n tn Also the pains in my abdomen seem to get worse when i eat or after a night out drinking. Then the pain gets very sharp and spreads to the left side and lower left of the back, i get hit by a sudden feeling of weakness and have to lie down. What are the possible causes of this pain, and could it be linked to my other symptoms? p.s. i am fully aware that this is not a diagnosis, it is just to know wether or not i should get this checked by my GP. p.p.
Avatar m tn I took plan B on the last day of my period which was december 25th and starting on the 29th i had soreness in what seems like right above the ovaries, a pain on each side of my abdomen. I also have this pulsating around my belly button and it will shoot down to the right side then give me back pain. I also have headaches and have gotten easily hot and overheated during the night. I know im not pregnant because ive testes and JUST came off my period and it was normal. Could this be my apendix?
Avatar f tn Appendicitis is not always easy to diagnose. Describe how the symptoms came on. When my ex got sick one day while I was at work, he called me. He described abdominal pain that sounded like it could be gas or early appendicitis. I told him to take Gas-Ex and lie down. When I got home, he still had the pain, even lying down. I pressed on his abdomen and he had more pain. Didn't really know what I was doing, but just gently pressed around and he moaned.
Avatar f tn I'm 39 weeks pregnant and I've just woken up with the sorest stomach. My whole belly is in so much pain, it's not contractions though, i don't even have Braxton hicks atm. It feels like the sort of pain of appendicitis if anyone can relate. I don't know what to do, i can hardly move and every time baby moves it hurts so badly. Please help me! What do i do? Has anyone experienced this before?