
Appendicitis or round ligament pain

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis or round ligament pain


Avatar f tn Round ligament pain possibly. I had the same thing with my first. Thought it might be appendicitis since it's in the same area (lower right abdomen). My doctor did an ultrasound and everything looked normal so they just chalked it up to round ligament pain.
230972 tn?1224470126 * Ligament spasms or contractions/cramps that trigger a sharp pain typically on the right side of the abdomen. * Pain upon waking or suddenly rolling over in your sleep. * Pain in the abdomen that is sharp brought on by exercise or other vigorous activity. Similar Problems Round ligament pain is often mistaken for other medical conditions because the symptoms are similar.
Avatar f tn My girlfriend had the same thing around that time frame, it was sharp pain in the mid lower abdominal area. They said it's round ligament pain but it'd be a good idea to get checked so they can rule out it being appendicitis.
Avatar n tn Round ligament pain or gas. I actually had them check for appendicitis for me in my first pregnancy as well because it hurt but as long as they say baby is looking healthy, it sounds pretty normal!
10314769 tn?1409238579 She was admitted overnight, she was diagnosed with Round Ligament pain which I kinda figured it be but might want to get evaluated so they can rule appendicitis or gallstones.
Avatar f tn Are you sure it's not round ligament pain? It can be pretty intense and painful, but usually only lasts for a few minutes. I'm surprised you hadn't experienced round ligament pain with your first two!
Avatar f tn It was very risky being 26 weeks along so I would not take pain in that area lightly. They tried to tell me it was round ligament pain at first. Fortunately I have a wonderful ob who could tell something was very wrong. He had a surgeon and a whole team on standby for me. Baby and I are doing great now but if I had waited any longer I risked losing the baby and/or myself. If it gets worse go to the er!
644974 tn?1312758070 how far along are you? I have been having this HORRIBLE dull pain on my lower side which Dr's on tuesday brushed it off as round ligament pain, I've been suffering with it for a few days now specially when I get up too fast. Its HORRIBLE. I'm 19 weeks. However, it could also be something more serious like appendicitis, so i'd get a second opinion, they should have given you a u/s at the emergency room to rule out appendicitis or kidney stone or something serious like that.
Avatar f tn Round ligament pain maybe?
216278 tn?1308861082 and it cracks me up! i had the round ligament pain around 17 weeks or so and then am getting it again now..
Avatar f tn Round ligament pain is a sharp pain or jabbing feeling often felt in the lower belly or groin area on one or both sides. Several thick ligaments surround and support your womb (uterus) as it grows during pregnancy. One of them is called the round ligament.The round ligament connects the front part of the womb to your groin, the area where your legs attach to your pelvis. The round ligament normally tightens and relaxes slowly. As your baby and womb grow, the round ligament stretches.
1009876 tn?1326490077 Called my midwiffe, she said to see my doctor. Called my doctor and he said it sounded like round ligament pain. But I forgot to tell him about the vision issue. So I called Health Links and talked to a nurse who told me to see a doctor asap. Oy...I feel like I'm being paranoid...but this is pretty painful. Now it seems to be going away very slowly, but I can feel it in my back a little. Weird.
Avatar f tn has anyone else had round ligament pain in their third trimester?
Avatar f tn i nevet got this type of pain before is it wot called round ligament pain or something else??? Its making me worry and its hurting alot. Plz help me out as I am ftm and dont have any experience.....and if its round ligament pain then wot should I do to eze it off.
Avatar f tn Ok this is my second i never got round ligament pain with my first what is it and where is it felt im 23 almost 24 weeks
5900973 tn?1396064391 m not sure if its round ligament pain or not. I have had round ligament pain before and it feels different but I dont know what else it would be... Sometimes it happens when I am walking and I have to stop to let it pass. It usually passes fairly quick unless I try to start walking again too soon. Just wondering if anyone has went through this or has any ideas about what it could be?
Avatar f tn It caused her extreme pain around 4 in the morning a few times (hence the trips to the ER) b/c she sleeps in a fetal position - causing the ligament to be stretched in the same position with no relief for 5 or 6 hrs. Ouch. She started phys therapy - the pain is lessening as she is doing exercises between sessions to get the hips aligned again. This sort of thing is caused by stress. No one in the medical field even thought of this....ligaments don't show up on their tests.....
Avatar f tn If this has been going on for 5 days straight again, please contact your Dr. again. I know they haven't found anything in previous bouts, but I would still give him/her a call again. It does sound like you may have a problem with a nerve there. We get so many aches, pains, pulls and tugs during pregnancy, but rarely are they bad enough to keep you bedridden. Chances are it's nothing to harm you or the baby, and just very unpleasant, but I would still keep telling them.
Avatar n tn Today I keep getting an stretching sort of twingy pulling pain on my right side in my pelvic area I'm pretty sure it's round ligament pain I've never actually had it before with my others but as this is my 3rd and second in a very short space of time I think it could be what it is lol any of you ladies experience this ???
Avatar f tn It sounds like round ligament pains because contractions are going to come wether you are moving or not.
7708597 tn?1395400152 m 10 weeks and I keep getting a sharp pain, almost like a lot of pressure, in the middle lower part of my stomach. could that be round ligament pain? ftm by the way!
2075786 tn?1342908758 Mine would be a sharp pain or like a "pulling" feeling. As the above poster mentioned it also happens when I move to quickly...etc. Im a medical assistant so I get them from time to time at work I try to seat and take a break for a min it goes away.
Avatar f tn I have them alot even more when I've been on my feet. And if I roll over in bed or get up too quick or sneeze or cough its a quick intense sharp pain.
Avatar f tn Omg I hate when I get these I feel like my muscles are being ripped apart
Avatar f tn ve heard on your sides but I keep feeling a little bit of pain in the middle of my abdominal section could this still be ligament pain or stretching? It does feel like a pulling or tightening. It hurts not bad enough or long enough to really react. I'm 16+3 weeks.