
Appendicitis causes signs and symptoms

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis causes signs and symptoms


Avatar n tn d been suffering from a fever, lower/midline abdominal pain on my right side, and severe diarrhea for several days, and was told by my doctor to go to the ER to rule out appendicitis. Besides my signs/symptoms, the only abnormal finding was a slightly enlarged appendix in the ultrasound and CT. I was told to keep an eye out for things, and to go back asap if things got worse- which they likely would within a reasonably short amount of time.
1661545 tn?1302685376 what instructions should i give to a 40 years old women, para 1+1, who is currently pregnant and presented with signs of appendicitis, she is known asthmatic known diabetic that she developed since her 1st conception, with family history of Diabetes and hypertension. Thank you in advane...
Avatar f tn I have been to the doctors for tests for appendicitis when I had severe pain in my lower abdomen. They ran a few tests, try these Raise one leg at a time, keep the other flat, if you get pain in the lower right area you are more likely to have appendicitis. The best test for it is to push down hard on the area of pain, if you get severepain when you let go, that is bad and I recommend you visit your doctor.
Avatar n tn it just kind of hangs off doing nothing and serving no known purpose. Appendicitis happens when fecal matter gets trapped in the appendix and as a result the appendix becomes infected. In case you wanted to know exactly how it happens.
Avatar n tn // This does not really sound like that issue though. How are you now?
5485096 tn?1375574235 Actually most GI issues will not show up on a CT scan. Appendicitis, especially chronic and ther bowel disorders causing chronic inflammation and thickening of bowel or bowel growths and cancer can be caught on CT scan. For conditions like IBS, Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, you need to get a video encapsule endoscopy or a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy, as appropriate. Conditions like celiac can be ruled out by specific blood tests.
Avatar f tn I had summer school of course and I walk to and from there and when I got home inplayed the computer for an 1hr or 2 then once I got off my side started to hurt out of the blue and It felt like im on my period andnim not because I just had it and gone with it two weeks ago and right now immlaying down and when I type my symptoms in google still says early signs of pregnancy, endometriosis, cervical cancer, lastly ovulating so I dont whats wrong and my mom dont know what wrong so have any of
Avatar f tn what are signs and symptoms of MS? I have optic neuritis and would like to know other symptoms.
Avatar m tn Issac1, I am very interested to know more about your daughter's case. My 12 y/o daughter just had her appendix and gall bladder removed within the last 5 weeks. I think the ER misdiagnosed the appendicitis, but that is another matter. Anyway, she has continued to be in considerable pain since the surgery with no signs of improvement. She has developed costrochondritis on her left side which causes her significant pain just under her left rib.
Avatar n tn As there is associated dull right abdominal pain,hence urinary infections,kidney infections ,tumors,appendicitis,worm or flukes infestation, intussusception or malrotation,endocrine causes and hematologic causes like sickle cell anemia and Henoch Schonlein purpura can be suspected. In my opinion, your son should be seen by a pediatrician right away.Various investigations are required to confirm a diagnosis.
Avatar f tn Usually lower abdominal pain on ur rt side is ur appendix. Look up signs and symptoms of appendicitis online to make sure. Is it sharp pains?
Avatar f tn From what I understand you usually have pain starting near the belly button and it moves the right side. You usually will have nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, fever, and chills. Were you able to be seen by a doctor for the pain since you posted? How are you doing now?
Avatar n tn There are various causes of right lower quadrant abdominal pain, including but not limited to appendicitis, IBS/IBD, kidney/ureteral stone, bladder infection, and hernia, as well as female-specific conditions, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, ovarian cyst, ovarian torsion, and ectopic pregnancy. Making the correct diagnosis requires a combination of clinical history and physical examination, as well as laboratory and imaging tests.
6785011 tn?1384780177 Hi, the symptoms you described could be due to appendicitis, that’s when you have pain on the right side just above the pelvis and you may also have referred pain around the umbilicus (belly button). The other symptoms for Appendicitis are fever, nausea, vomiting and malaise. It could also be a premenstrual symptom. The other causes for pain could be urinary tract infections, pelvic infections, renal colic and sometimes bowel infections.
Avatar m tn I appreciate your concerns and will try my best to guide you. The symptoms could mean a lot of things, and though it may not be serious as in life threatening, prolonged persistence of these symptoms can cause malnutrition due to poor absorption. For these problems, the investigations can be of two types: invasive and non-invasive. Persisting E coli infection can also cause colitis which can cause lower right abdominal pain.
Avatar f tn i would go to the ER just if anything to get a second opinion.... it is possible its the flu as this years flu causes bad cramping and stomach pains and is pretty rough on a person... but saying that it could be mistaken for the flu just for this reason... ya can never be too safe...
Avatar m tn Hi, the pain may not be related to colonoscopy. It could be appendicitis. The pain in appendicitis generally starts around the umbilicus and moves to the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. The other symptoms for Appendicitis are fever, nausea, vomiting and malaise. The other causes for pain could be urinary tract infection, pelvic infections, renal colic and sometimes bowel infections. Please discuss this with your doctor am sure he will provide further assistance. Regards.
Avatar f tn If by chance you were actually able to figure out that your pain was from an inflammed appendix your delay in seeking medical attention would have resulted in the appendix becoming gangrenous and perforating usully after about 4 hours of symptoms. I agee that, in the absence of other signs / symptoms of an inflammatory process simple constipation would be the most likely diagnosis.
Avatar f tn My son had sudden onset symptoms causing a STAT CT scan to rule out Appendicitis. It did rule it out. They found Mesenteric Lymphadenitis present. No infection has been found in the blood stream, in fact only signs of inflammation. Other test are being run by Pediatrician, but still await results. 4 % of body weight loss in the past week. The pain just doesn't seem to want to subside. Do you have any thoughts on how I can be more proactive to help him??
Avatar n tn Had no bowel movement for over 7 days, I decided to take 2 pills of laxative, next early morning I woke up with a sharp pain in my lower right and lower near the pelvis area, finally had bowel movement, then went back to sleep for another few hours, woke up with pain in lower right and stomach, later in the day I felt better, and the pain in lower right came back, noticed I had a little vaginal bleeding, but then it stopped and the pain goes and comes all night and all day..
Avatar n tn I have same symptoms and i was diagnosed with Appendicitis. They removed my appendix but the symptoms stays. The next diagnosis was my gallbladder not functioning properly. Now I'm on diet and decided to keep my GB as long as it doesn't bother me a lot.
Avatar m tn Given that my pains are not concentrated in the right and not that intense, does it seem unlikely to ne appendicitis? Could appendix symptoms drag on this long (it's coming up for a week). The pain has got no worse and if anything seems to be improving. Also, would appendicitis symptoms usually go after eating a meal? I'm extremely anxious and worried right now. Appreciate any advice!
1600646 tn?1297895872 Vomiting blood, deterioration of vital signs, and loss of consciousness are other symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms and have increased pain to severe pain in the area, you should definitely go to your docotr or if you feel that the symptoms have been persistent for at least 48-72hours my suggestion would be to go to an ER. Its better to know what going on or causing this pain.
Avatar m tn If you are 18 year old male it sounds to me like you have appendicitis, Go to a surgeon tell him you are having problems passing gas and constipation and diarrhea and he will order a laporscopy but tell him to take it out no matter what. I had mine out last week and it I feel remarkably better, and I want to explain to people that the appendix has strange symptoms and will cause real damage if you don't get it removed. Remember contact a SURGEON in your area not a Gastro specialist.