
Angiogram groin lump

Common Questions and Answers about Angiogram groin lump


1235217 tn?1267916228 I had a Cardiac catheterization 15 days ago. Groin lump about the size of my thumb not that sore should this be a concern or id it to be expected at this point.
Avatar f tn for some reason that same hand is tender over the top of my hand, where they put in the Angiogram camera tubing. I have had a groin Angiogram about 7 years ago. Even though I had this wrist discomfort, I would seriously ONLY ever recommend the wrist Angiogram, should you be reading my experience here.
Avatar m tn Has anyone had an angiogram with the catheter inserted in arm or neck instead of the groin? I don't think I could take the groin without serious nerve spasms.
Avatar f tn My partner is having an angiogram after suffering chest pains a few weeks ago. NAD was found at the time from blood tests and ECG (done over 18 hours). Was kept in overnight. Had no discomfort since, but suffers from type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol which are all controlled and low due to medication. His chest pains were 4 weeks ago and he's had nothing since.
Avatar n tn The cath was negative but there is a hematoma at my right groin site that they think may be pressing against the nerve. I have pain in my leg and it is also in the bottom of my foot and ankle. Being a nurse I am freaking out that it might be a blood clot. I had an ultrasound done one week ago which showed the hematoma and my pulses are good both pedal and post tibial. I spoke with the doctor and he said to give it a week.
Avatar n tn Angiogram, central access line, all are possible, but it should not last three years, I agree! Going in for a second opinion will probably be the best option.
Avatar n tn All went well and looks like everything is healing fine. I had a bruise near the groin area that went away and the tiny little lump i had right under where they poked is going away. However, the artery next to the poked area is still a little swolen. It has not gotten bigger, but seems like it is taking to long. Shouldn't the artery swell go down by now? I am not in pain and going to work and even taking walks. I haven't been lifting or doing strenous exercise for the last 4 weeks.
Avatar n tn t have a problem after an angiogram. I flew on airplanes 3 days after my angiogram.
Avatar n tn This started happening about 4 months after I had an Angiogram where the doctors inserted the catheter on the right side of my groin. What can it be?
Avatar f tn I had an angiogram on 12/27/12. Since having my leg is hurting in the thigh area and in the groan area. Put ice on groan area and heating pad on thigh. Called hospital where procedure was done, said this is normal. When I walk I am limping. Really painful. IS THIS NORMAL. this is my first angiogram. Worried about clotting in the leg.
748902 tn?1286034758 i have to have a angiogram and im extremly terrified, not so much about the procedure but i am NEEDLE PHOBIC so that is the only thing on my mind, i havent seen a doctor yet to discuss this, it was the nurse that told me i need the angiogram after i did a treadmill test, and having chest pain. Is there anything that they can do so i dont need a NEEDLE?
Avatar f tn I had an angiogram done on 2/18/09. I was told I would be put to sleep but was not. So I felt everything. The pressue put on my groin after was extremely painful! I had to stay in the hospital overnight because after they took the cath out my blood pressure dropped. I went home in dire pain. Today is the 17th and while I still have a bit of pain in my groin area, the REAL pain is when I have a BM or I urinate. Is this unusual?
Avatar f tn Could you please clarify your question? Did you undergo a renal angiogram that was performed via a catheter that was inserted into either the arm or groin?
974371 tn?1424653129 t say we have the best doctors where I live. Anyway, I am afraid an angiogram will be ordered and I really do NOT want one of those done. No way could I get through that and understand they keep you awake? Wondering if there is an alternative and if anyone has had the angiogram done and what your experiences were.
1534233 tn?1523388856 recently I went to the doctor (again!) because I had some shoulder pain and the feeling like a lump in my throat which started after chasing around the living room trying to catch a mouse the cat brought in and then chasing around the garden to catch the cat! This took a day to go away, I had an ECG which was normal but I then saw my doc and he said he would book blood tests and do an exercise ECG 'to be sure'.
Avatar n tn Angiogram is when the doctors go up through your groin into your heart, use some dye, and checked for blocked arteries. Sometimes they check the pressure in the valves. A mild sedative is given before to relax you. It will definitely show if there is anything wrong with your heart and it is worth it. If they see blocked arteries they may choose to stent them to keep them open at that time.
Avatar n tn I've read that the angiogram through the wrist has a faster recovery period than the groin one. I've had four via the groin. If all goes well you will leave the hospital the same day as the test. Have the doctors suggested what they expect to find and how they will treat it? From my experience I would delay making a decision on future treatment after the angiogram so you can carefully weight the pros and cons. I was too hasty to make a decision.
Avatar f tn i have found a lump in my groin area right at the hair didnt start hurting untill i was shaveing,its about the size of a nickle.dose anyone have any advise?
Avatar f tn I have not had any pain in the groin area, no small lump formed like I was told might happen and only a very small amount of bruising in groin area. I had to climb 2 flights of stairs 3 days after the procedure, but I took it very slowly. Then on Wednesday which was exactly 1 week after the procedure I did more walking than usual at Wal Mart. While there the inside of my thigh almost half way to my knee started hurting. I limped out to the car and tried to take it easy the rest of the day.
Avatar f tn i had an angiogram 18 months ago and ever since have had right groin,leg and tummy pain limited mobility cant walk easily ,lift leg,ruling my life a scan and nerve conductuion test both fine
Avatar f tn I continued to play and lift weights including squats and other leg exercises. I have a ball like lump on my groin and hasn’t gone away, but the pain has gradually decreased. The pain used to go to my pelvic bone and stomach. I started training again and the pain and lump are still there but with not as much pain. I wanna know if its a hernia or if a pulled groin can also cause a lump or ball like in that area.
Avatar n tn Because of the where the puncture was located, they had to actually operate on my husband. He has a 7 inch incision in his groin area. They had to drain the blood clot and repair the artery. My question is, what could have caused the puncture? We aren't getting very clear answers and I am concerned that his Dr. is trying to cover up something. Also, could there be any long time effects from having the punctured artery.
Avatar f tn An angiogram will help determine if you blockage(s). I first had the procedure done in 2005 and the doctor found an artery with 90% blockage. He put in a stent.
Avatar f tn After I had an emergency Angiogram after a Radical Hysterectomy - nothing was found to be wrong with my heart. Now that I am home I realise there was a nerve cut which the procedure was done and now I am numb on the right side - groin area and my right labia. I have a great deal of pain - much like that felt with Shigles (I expect) the skin is very tender and I even have difficulty wearing clothes.
Avatar f tn But few days back a lump in right groin turned into white circular opening which was painful. Now there is a same white circular opening in my left groin with pus and pain. This time it grown without lump.