
Actos for insulin resistance

Common Questions and Answers about Actos for insulin resistance


Avatar m tn I'm thinking insulin resistance with a bad liver. Tested for diabetes, said my blood sugars for the last few weeks have been a little low. What fruits can I eat? Carbs? Should I only eat vegetables and protein? What is good fat outside of avacados and olive oil?
26471 tn?1211936521 "I am curious have any studies been done if IR is a leading factor for Non Response to interferon treatment" ___________ It is now the MOST important host factor...... "Thus, insulin resistance emerges as THE MOST IMPORTANT host factor in the prediction of response in non-diabetic patients treated with the best available option -peginterferon plus ribavirin.
Avatar f tn Does anyone know what type of reaction one is likely to get by mixing Metformin and Victoza with meds for Hep C? These are non insulin meds. I am particularly interested in the interaction with Victoza which is a good stabilizer. Both of these meds can cause some stomach distress.
Avatar f tn Metformin is a medication for people with type 2 diabetes. But women with PCOS are insulin resistance, and Metformin helps with the sugar levels. I would just say to keep at it, to eating healthy and keep playing hockey. There is no best kind of exercise, but at least you are doing something. Ask your doc to see if they want you to see a nutrient to help you out. Best of luck to you, and I am sorry I wasn't able to give you the best advice, but if you find it let me know.
Avatar f tn No, it's the opposite, Kittyface. It's believed that if LADAs start insulin early it will help preserve some beta cells for a bit longer. That's why it's frustrating how many of us are misdiagnosed and put on oral meds. That's not to mention that some of us are put on meds specifically designed for insulin resistance when we in fact don't have resistance. I was paying about $200 a month for Actos when I was living out of country!
489891 tn?1209058786 My question is y are you taking byetta and actos+met... and I'm on topamx, but for seizures... I'm also on actos plusmet 15/500 just once a day, with a insulin pump ( i take apidra in my pump)... byetta and actos plus met are very similar drugs doing the same thing.. the actos+met will make you gain weight very quickly. How many shots of byetta are you taking a day a long with the actos plus met? and what dose of actos are you taking and why...
Avatar n tn You could also look at doing a Serum Insulin blood test done to check how much insulin your body produces. Will give you and your doctor a better idea about what OHA to take.
1287446 tn?1313947638 I’ve done a lot of research online and when I read about insulin resistance, it seems to pinpoint nearly everything I’m experiencing. I’m not overweight, and I think that doctors tend to think you have to be overweight to have an issue (at least my current doctor does). I’m paranoid about becoming overweight and have always monitored calories, macronutrients, etc.
Avatar n tn On the report it did not show outside the normal but she said the usually accepted cut off for insulin resistance was lower than my level. I was placed on 500mg metformin, told to cut out process/refined sugar, carbs, and be re-tested. This process has continued and now I am on 2000 mg of metformin and my levels are actually higher. I have not been perfect with the diet but certainly much better than before.
Avatar f tn If you are type 2, insulin resistance is considered key part of the problem (though insulin resistance can also happening in Type 1). To address insulin resistance you can:- 1. Lose excess weight if you are overweight 2. Adopt a low carb or even a ketogenic diet (be sure to get enough protein and don't overdo the fats) 3. Regular vigorous physical exercise 4. Insulin sensitizing drug such as metformin.
1033523 tn?1258035082 Normally there are no antibodies to insulin. If you have IgG and IgM antibodies against insulin, your body reacts as if the insulin is foreign. This may make insulin less effective, or neutralize it. Normal values are 5-20 mcU/mL while fasting; values may differ per laboratory. Check your lab results paperwork for the exact ranges. As far as daily testing, it's to early to tell until the doctor exams your test results. Good luck and let us know everything goes.
Avatar f tn But things do not stabilize overnight. Check into the Actos thing and be patient for the stabilizing vision if that is not the answer.
Avatar f tn IR or insulin resistance is a sign of type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. I am assuming you are referring to either the A1C or fasting blood glucose levels. The first thing of course is a change in life style. This does not mean you have to stop eating everything but to be more judicious in your eating habits. In addition, regular exercise is paramount in reducing those :numbers". Talk this over with your physician and get started on these changes.
Avatar f tn Obesity is associated with insulin resistance....and insulin resistance causes a compensatory hyperinsulinemia.....and high insulin levels affect the response to Peginterferon in the first 24 hours. It lowers RVR and SVR. Since the response to interferon is affected within the first 24 hours, that means you have to get rid of the insulin resistance BEFORE starting treatment. Co J Viral Hepat. 2009 Oct 21.
Avatar f tn There are several people here who have had expereince with blood sugar problems and treatment. Some used stuff like metformin or even insulin throughout treatment. My expereience was that high blood sugar levels went away while on treatment. That was a result of the red cell killing abilities of the ribavirin.
Avatar m tn And I lost excess magnesium through the urine due to insulin resistance. Not a single labs showed up insulin resistance except the insulin test and my insulin levels were very high. My symptoms already told me all about insulin resistance however! I know insulin resistance is a symptom (some say a cause) of PCOS. I can suggest taking magnesium supplements. The right type of magnesium as some do not absorb well. Magnesium oxide only absorbs 4% for instance.
Avatar f tn So I heard that you can take cinnamon for insulin resistance.. Anyone ever heard this before or tryed it?!
Avatar f tn Since insulin resistance is minimal or non-existent, medications designed to reduce insulin resistance such as Avandia and Actos are not effective. Other meds that stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin, slow digestion of carbs, or reduce excess glucose production by the liver are often effective in controlling the blood sugar for a few years. A misdiagnosis is easy to make when the person is older and responds well at first to treatment with oral medications.
1273125 tn?1365077526 to use insulin you have to count carbs and inject for the carbs eatin take to much insulin and you go low, not enough insulin you go high. insulin done wrong can do more damage I think insulin done rite more work than eating rite.