
Actors in why did i get married

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2038871 tn?1329798210 Good post james totally on point. I dont think I'll get Alzheimers or Parkinsons because I have liver damage, thank God those diseases are horrible enough. I'd rather have HCV then 99.9% of the things on that list. I am so glad they aren't related. HCV has a cure unlike many of the others.
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
Avatar f tn Hello, I've been married for 14 years, I'm 33 and hubby is 35. My period are very normal, I've never been pregnant and we've been through testing as well. My husband did sperm check and it was normal; I did have surgery in 2014 to open a blocked fallopian tube, other than that they said everything else was fine....I've just placed it in God's hands and believe he knows what's best for us. ..
Avatar n tn So it has been almost 24 hours since I last had a percocet. I am not even sure why I like them anymore. They hardly work, it is a constant chase of something I will never achieve. I feel like **** on them- well, I am lying, I feel awake and great but also mean and bitchy. God forbid you interrupt my "high". I sit on my couch and watch television, what kind of a life is that? I went from working out all the time, being able to run and loving stuff to literally a couch potato.
1242206 tn?1268330187 I'm am 18 years old and i'm engaged too my wonderful man, Brandon. We've been together for almost 3 years now & I couldn't picture myself with anyone else. We have been trying for almost a year to get pregant and still nothing. We "do it" all the time too try & get pregant but, for some reason it just isn't happening. I want it so bad, and I know it's right for me. I just can't understand why I can't get pregant. Please help me.
Avatar n tn They are absolutely nothing to beat yourself up over or get depressed about. If I can help you in any other way, I would be happy to. Good luck and remember it's no big deal.
Avatar n tn I have been married for almost two years and i been trying to get pregnate. Why doesn't it happen? i have been taking prenatals to help me but nothing.
967470 tn?1247575130 I have been married to the same man for a few months now (February 2009) and I have known him over a year.My question is how did I get Tric? I am impulsive about my vagina and I like to make sure that absolutely nothing is wrong with it at all times. I make sure that I go to all of my yearly pap smears and I get tested for aids every year like clock work.Recently the past 2 months now my husband has been picking the strangest arguments just to get angry to leave the house for days at a time.
Avatar n tn I am 29 years old and was married since 1.5 year, and I still can not get pregnant. I did checks at the doctor but everything was OK. After I did hormone tests, it came up that prolactine hormone is high. The doctor prescribed me Clomifen which I took for three months and I had unprotected intercourse but no results. Also mu husband did sperm tests, and it came uot that he has a low flow of sperm, but also took some medicines.I don't know what is wrong with me and what else should I do?
Avatar m tn s getting married I want him to be happy I truly do I just hurt at the fact did this man really love me or was it a host. he does so much stuff with her that I wanted him to do and that is what hurts the most.This lady whose he engaged with doesn't want him speaking to my kids or like him being around my family is this fair to my kids or should they just forget about him.
Avatar n tn I am 17 iv had unprotected sex with my boyfriend about 9 times and im still not pregnte why cant i get pregnet.a few mths ago i stoped having my period so i though i was preg i toke 5 home test n 2 bloood n they all said neg. i didnt have my period for 3mths.
Avatar f tn I have had mouth ulcers since I was little. Was married 13 yrs now divorced. When I was married I remember being "careful" about oral sex when I had mouth ulcers. My bf and I have been together 4 yrs and have not been as careful about oral sex when I have mouth ulcers. As far as I know, he doesn't get mouth ulcers. Sept 4 (thurs) I suspected he was dishonest w me and may have cheated. I do not know to what degree ie nothing at all, oral sex, or sex.
Avatar n tn Thanks for your responses, There is irony to all of this. I came clean with my wife yesterday and told her of my infidelity. I am glad she found that email. Yes I am a slime ball and I take full responsibility. We cried together and she also confessed something to me. She actually slept with her ex while married to me. I don't feel justified by what I did cause it was horrible. We both need some serious counseling and we decided to go through it together.
Avatar f tn I just want to know why? I know I’m not the only person to have these thoughts, some people even think about their own family. I do not. In my head it’s always men without faces but ones older than the other. Is it a lack of security and I’m searching for it? Is it self hatred? I just want to know psychologically what causes these thoughts. I’m not bothered by them cause it’s purely fantasy. Imagination if you will. This is a private fantasy not a fantasy I share with my boyfriend.
Avatar f tn I read this..I thought I heard it all about the President but this one is just sickening...
Avatar m tn I am 34 and half years old Un married I am insulin dependent diabties diagnosed in 1999 can I get married now if yes then is there any medicine which provides help to enjoy more mariage life.
Avatar f tn I have same situation but due to excess masturbation for last 15 years, the issue is that I ejaculate within 1 or 2 minutes and I am about to get married. Would capsules like viagara etc help in maintaining erection and no ejaculation so that I can have proper sex after marriage and dont get embarrassed? What do the porn stars in movies use that they stay so erect and can do stuff for many minutes non stop?
Avatar f tn can you tell me maybe some of the possiblitys why i cant get pregnant? and if i can or cant tell me how i perhaps could? or why i cant?
Avatar f tn My cycles have been irregular since I had my third child, we are currently trying for a 4th child. I did not go back on birth control pills following my third pregnancy. I'm thinking I should be back on birth control pills to get my cycles regulated again. My other concern is that maybe ovulation is not occurring. If you are still concerned, go and see your doctor to have some blood work done and an examination done.
Avatar f tn i dont talk to my old classmates about crushes i had on them. I am married now and when i take trips down memory lane its usually about the funny things that happened or when so and so got into a fight...not "i had the biggest crush on you". He still hasnt apologized because he said he did nothing wrong. He knows he is guilty and had i done it to him, he would be very angry! I heard him throw something against the wall and shatter when i left the house.
1157930 tn?1262655390 at 16 why are you ttc?
Avatar m tn My question is i have been married for 4.5 years and have never cheated and same for her. how can i get this? Any help would be nice. is it possible to have it and not spread it for this long? Not sure how to handle this.
Avatar n tn I am in a similar situation. I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we don't live together. I have an 8 year old daughter from a previous marriage. My boyfriend just graduated from college and is looking for a job. I spent the last 3 years being his rock while he was going through school. Now that he has graduated he said he wanted to save money for a year and then move in with me. So now that will be 4 years together and just moving in.
Avatar m tn I am in California and yes being married we are responsible for each others debts. I could not file BK without my husband on it. I would talk to your insurance and let them know they said they in network but are not and see what they can do. I have over 60k in med debt from our hospital because they were not in network but did cover most of my hospital stay due to it being emergency related.
Avatar f tn How did I get the HPV that caused CIN3? I am married for three years, before that I had a relation with my husband (than boyfriend) for six years, so, nine years with the same partner... My husband doesn't have any problems connected with HPV. I do regular check-ups, PAP smears, for years, and the last one I made before the one that suggested that I have CIN3 showed Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US), taht was one year before the "CIN3 PAP".