
Actors in wedding crashers

Common Questions and Answers about Actors in wedding crashers


2038871 tn?1329798210 To answer the question in your second post. NO! Heart disease, and brain cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson's are NOT complications from Hep C. Why in the world would anyone think that?
645390 tn?1338555377 My family and I had the pleasure in 2001 of spending July 4th at a picnic with the local church congregation in the Pastors back garden in Englewood Florida, there was an aircraft hanger for his small plane. Boy can you guys party - lol. The butcher cooked 300 hamburgers that day and I don't know how many hotdogs - it was amazing. They thought it was really neat having Brits at their celebrations.
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
973741 tn?1342342773 I took a sewing class and made a pillow case and a draw string skirt (NOT good for a wedding). Sounds very lovely and intimate in terms of your ceremony and even the 200 person party after has a nice personal feel to it. Very nice!!
252144 tn?1227422620 I had to share this with everyone! A little laugh to start your day at my expense... I come back to the site after nearly 1 month's all new and changed and looking like fun. Shortly after my return I get a message from member "Vizzu" from India in my inbox and it says... Bruban, "Looking so cute fatty. I like bulky lady and you are so. Very nice lady...... I like your photograph put on your profile..." WTF? Where do I go with this?
Avatar f tn m due August 4th and plan on traveling to Mexico for my sister in laws wedding on July 11th. I asked my doctor thinking she would say I couldn't go, but she said it was totally fine as long as I was feeling ok and everything like ok at the last visit just before I go. She said the plane flight doesn't pose any risk. I told her I would only go for like a day or two and she said why not a week? Lol so I think I'm going to go if I feel up to it!
Avatar f tn I'm getting married in December, I'll be 17 weeks. Before I buy the dress I was wondering if I would be showing by then. It's my first baby I'm not very skinny nor fat I'm kinda in the middle.
Avatar f tn Well the style now is all of these loose fitted shirts. Try a couple of boutiques. with your wedding so close you can put off seeing people due "stress" and last minute wedding preperations.
Avatar f tn Getting married finally found a dress that will fit me in 2 months so excited
Avatar f tn Here is the answer to this question. In order to lose weight, you have to subtract calories. Safe weight loss is 1-2 lbs/week, so in order to lose 1 lb/week, you'd have to drop 500 calories from your BMR each day (1 lb is equal to 3500 calories, so 500 calories X 7 days = 3500 calories or 1 lb). OR you can drop 250 calories from your diet and increase ...
Avatar f tn So I'm currently 4 weeks pregant and on my wedding day I should be 15 weeks. I already brought my expensive mermaid dress that's supposed to shape my body and I don't know what to do about the bump. Does anyone know any ways I can hide the bump in a safe way ..
Avatar f tn I think that someone did invite them, but that they are people seeking publicity, and they got it, like the folks who told us all their kid was in that balloon and wee wre all fixed watching the drama thinking this little child was going to be killed., hes going to write about it now , so will they , notoriety pays dividends ....the party crashers have some strange connections I hear ...
5551779 tn?1373052187 I was 25 weeks when I got married and bought my wedding dress before I even got pregnant! I was lucky it tied up in the back but it JUST fit on my wedding day on the loosest I could tie it. If yours zips, you can go get the zipper taken out and a tie up put in... But honestly at 15 weeks I was barley showing!
7637794 tn?1392907125 I was due in may and had to be in a wedding in August last year so I feel your pain. My dress I ordered a size bigger and it was still to small. It fit but it was very tight. I didn't feel comfortable in it. I would order at least a couple sizes bigger and if it doesn't fit its way easier to get taken in. We had to order ours so they would be in on time so I understand her freaking out a little:) weddings are alot of pressure.
Avatar f tn Obama staged Newtown shooting with 'crisis actors,' says professor who is totally not a crackpot A communication professor known for conspiracy theories has stirred controversary at Florida Atlantic University with claims that last month's Newtown, Conn., school shootings did not happen as reported — or may not have happened at all. Moreover, James Tracy asserts in radio interviews and on his
Avatar f tn Favorite movie star: Will Smith Fav. movie he starred in..hmmm, right now it's The Pursuit of Happiness Favorite soap star: Fernando Colunga in "Pasion", he's just the best!
7558356 tn?1410715309 ) Now because this is the first baby in both of our families everyone is making a HUGE deal about me being pregnant, which is understandable because everyone is so excited, but once again because her wedding is coming up, it is stealing the thunder away from her. My mother in law just told me last night that her wedding shower is on Saturday and I became very upset last night because I never got invited.
Avatar m tn You have to remember that your partner is not professionally trained like the actors in pron movies! You have to involve her, and she has to become involved in you both becoming aroused and enjoying each other. Sex is so much more than intercourse, but pron movies make it look so easy - don't watch them unless you are with your partner at the same time!
Avatar n tn my husband and I got engaged last year in August. conceived in December and just got married on mother's day. was so.happy wasnt how I planned looking at my wedding but doesnt matter still enjoyed it. I'm due in August almost there. good luck congratulations. I love seeing people marrying.
193609 tn?1292180293 Ugh, gained 3 lbs!
Avatar f tn (In a shadow box on the wall, like art, I mean.) My mom has some dresses we wore as toddlers, definitely "vintage" by now, and I'm thinking of shadow boxing them as gifts for my sisters. They have hand smocking on the front that she did herself.
Avatar f tn Alright ladies. As u know I'm getting married in May. And I was making a wedding check list. So what should be on my check list? Thanks ladies!