
Actors in remember me

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2038871 tn?1329798210 This is the number one leading killer in the USA and that worries me. We all have younger loved ones who are coming up in this world and just what are they going to be fighting??
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
Avatar m tn You have to remember that your partner is not professionally trained like the actors in pron movies! You have to involve her, and she has to become involved in you both becoming aroused and enjoying each other. Sex is so much more than intercourse, but pron movies make it look so easy - don't watch them unless you are with your partner at the same time!
Avatar f tn Celebrities who have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are legendary film director Blake Edwards; musicians Randy Newman, Keith Jarrett and Dennis DeYoung; actors Morgan Fairchild, James Garner, Alana Stewart and Kathy Crosby; and philsopher Ken Wilbur. And of course, author Laura Hillenbrand and soccer player, Michelle Akers.
1714202 tn?1352672419 hey all, im not sure if any of you remember me but im back! its been a while since ive been on here. As it goes, I am drinking again unfortunately. Ive recently been diagnosed with bipolar and my doc says it has alot to do with my drinking patterns. The drinking isnt out of hand like before but it still ***** that im doing it again. Anyway, does anyone else have bipolar and struggle with addiction?
Avatar n tn I have beat the percocet an opana and oxy problem. Some of you might remember me but my screen name was tiredofpills not tiredofpills1. Well i went thru pill withdrawls twice and it was f****** HELL. I dont have a pill problem now and thatnk god i dont even think about them. My problem now is that i need to drink or smoke herb or do coke to get thru the day. I do coke at least 2 to 3 times a month and been drinking for about 3months straight and smoked her about 50 times.
Avatar m tn i never experienced a headache like that before, wasnt even like a headache, was like a wave of pain tht you can feel building in your neck and then was full blown in your head for 45 mins or dr wanted me to go for cats scans but basically told me they were just stress/tension migraines.... so i relapsed......headaches gone.......... i used from sept-january....... I went CT in january again.......was probably the easiest w/d period too....3 days IF tht....
15806082 tn?1443203014 In my head I think I remember hearing that her aunt has chiari? But I could be wrong there!
222135 tn?1236488221 Hey, everybody! I've been away for a month or 2 and thought I'd check in before Quix sends anybody out with cement shoes, lol! Doing quite well, all in all; although the neurological symptoms have been creeping back out of their hiding places, most recently spazapalooza has returned with a vengeance. I refuse to let it get me down this time. The "newbie" this time is cold spots (not to outdo the wet spots - they're back too).
Avatar f tn we have not set a date he gave me a beautiful 2 karat princess cut diamond ring last week. We live in Florida and he proposed to me at a beautiful spot on the beach and I thought what a wonderful place to have the wedding as well, nothing fancy just close friends and family. I will wear a white sundress and go barefoot lol. You remember my struggles??
441382 tn?1452810569 ) I have really missed this place, but unfortunately, real life stepped in for a while and threw me for a real loop. For me, my pain levels went through the roof, and it took us months to get them back under control. That's bad enough, I can deal with ME having problems, but when my family is beset by problems, well THAT I cannot deal with and that is exactly what happened. My poor DH, the love of my life, was diagnosed with colon cancer.
Avatar m tn CONGRATS to u on 30 days!!!....awesome job!!!
Avatar m tn I remember being struck in the head when I was 6 by a bat and staggering into someone swinging on a swing set and being struck again. I remember throwing up that night and having a really weird dream where I heard my name called out repeatedly. This was about 1961 and concussions were not a big deal as today. I really notice that everyone I know can recall words to songs and names of actors or athletes yet I am very, very limited as to what I can remember.
Avatar f tn Obama staged Newtown shooting with 'crisis actors,' says professor who is totally not a crackpot A communication professor known for conspiracy theories has stirred controversary at Florida Atlantic University with claims that last month's Newtown, Conn., school shootings did not happen as reported — or may not have happened at all. Moreover, James Tracy asserts in radio interviews and on his
Avatar f tn Probably, but not in the way you think. In fact most artists, actors and other people in creative jobs/hobbies that I know of choose not to use adhd medications since they need their "crazyness" to fully express them selves. However, when your "creativity" dissapears you will gain concentration and structure, so others think this compensates for the loss.
4522800 tn?1470325834 I would like to share something that I just read over at the "Living with a Addict community" This was said by OpenMind24hours.. It really hit me today. Sometimes we think we have this Disease Beat..BUT here is what he said, and I find it SO SO True and I think I need to be Reminded of this every minute of the day!! Addiction is a Chronic Disease and there is No Cure. It needs to be Managed Daily Getting Clean is an Event Staying Clean is Truly a Life Long Process..
294817 tn?1263836838 Oh yay! Glad you remember me. Girl it's been SO long since I've been on here! Can't believe you've already had a little boy and now expecting another. I remember when we were all stressing about it!! How is your pregnancy going this time around? I stayed very bad sick for a solid four months. I'm finally feeling great!! But dealing with BAD acne....UGH!! it's worse than when I was a teenager and I didn't have it this bad with my first child. It's ridiculous!
649848 tn?1534633700 (CNN) "I just watched a bunch of the presidential candidates' announcement videos, one after the other. I won't try to guess how they might affect "would-be voters." I'm going to struggle to explain how these stupid videos affected one would-be voter: me. I'm a political hedonist. I want to feel good about my gal or guy. I don't want to just feel only less horrible.
1374653 tn?1289239473 (that is for the couple hours I can sleep). I think I remember reading in a previous post that this is a possible effect of the melatonin I am taking, but I decided to try and go without it last night and I still had a pretty rough dream. I would not classify them as nightmares, but they are extremely vivid to the point where they wake me up or have me tossing and turning. I guess it is really not a super complaint, because it beats total insomia with a side of RSL.
Avatar m tn ” “Back in 2008 — everybody always remembers the victory, but they don’t always remember the bumps in the road,” he said. “Things always look good in retrospect. But in the middle of it, we were — we made all kinds of mistakes. We goofed up. I goofed up. But the American people carried us forward.