
Actors in psych

Common Questions and Answers about Actors in psych


2038871 tn?1329798210 To answer the question in your second post. NO! Heart disease, and brain cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson's are NOT complications from Hep C. Why in the world would anyone think that?
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
Avatar m tn If you listen to interviews with your favorite actors and performers and athletes you will find almost all of them get nervous before performances. Some people are really cool and calm all the time, but most of us aren't. Second, yes, going up in dose can cause the same start-up side effects again. Doesn't have to happen, but it can. But make sure you analyze this to make sure you're not just nervous, that this is really anxiety, before you decide you need more medication.
1689583 tn?1387752394 if you every have Suicidal or homicidal thoughts any hx of mental illness hx of substance abuse in other words are you crazy or not. No psych test...
Avatar f tn Obama staged Newtown shooting with 'crisis actors,' says professor who is totally not a crackpot A communication professor known for conspiracy theories has stirred controversary at Florida Atlantic University with claims that last month's Newtown, Conn., school shootings did not happen as reported — or may not have happened at all. Moreover, James Tracy asserts in radio interviews and on his
Avatar f tn I see from your profile that many of the same concerns you have in this post you asked in some of your last posts a few days ago.I would suggest to go back over those answers and and review. You need to see a specialist(a hepatologist) to do a biopsy to determine the amt.of damage to your liver. That is the only method to determine this. As far as psych.drugs some people on tx.find these help with feelings of depression. Not all people however need these.
967168 tn?1477584489 Yes, without a doubt you need to be evaluated by an *IMPARTIAL* psychiatrist. Despite whatever effort a psychologist/psychiatrist/social worker that works for social security makes to be objective, it's impossible to know for sure that his opinion is not being biased by his position. You definitely need to get an objective opinion.
967168 tn?1477584489 No but I had one for schizoaffective (before my current recovery) and also I have helped people (as a peer counselor) in this regard. They will ask you how your disability affects your ability to work and function in general. Its best to be as descriptive as possible. Also you need detailed evidence from your psychiatrist that explains exactly why you can't work and how the depression affects you.
Avatar n tn Hi. I just want to be cleared with something, we have an adopted child. she's 9 years old now. She's been with us for about a year. She's usually charming and very quiet. speaks in a very soft and quiet voice. In her first 2 days, we noticed that, she talks to herself A LOT. as if she is talking to someone. I know it is normal for a child to talk to her self and pretend as if she is playing. but the weird thing is, she is talking to her self and hurting herself...
1515545 tn?1291395764 00 dollars for the first visit and has to be paid in full, I know it seems like its not a lot of money but then your unemployed and have 0 income it's a lot of money, my question is does anyone know a place that can help to pay that fee? I have asked my family members for help to pay this and they are barely getting by themselves, so I have a huge problem, Of course up until this point I have been using the E.R.
751951 tn?1406632863 Couple of you mentioned neuro-psych testing (or results thereof) in your "What I'm doing this week" posts. I'm supposed to see one of those guys; any common denominator you can share, just so I have a clue what to expect? Well, first I expect them to call and tell me when, I suppose. Maybe I should call them; nobody else seems to have the sense of urgency that I feel when it comes to my medical mysteries.
1666721 tn?1303811629 I have signed on before as citysmom, but - couldnt access this acct anymore.So - take 2! City does have partial blockage of the CS fluid, & an 8mm defect. We saw a new NL last thurs, she said to get her a psych evalel!!!!!! My dd symptoms include: tingling in hands & feet, head ache, vertigo, nausea, stomache ache, leg collapsing, drop attacks, visual dist., vision loss, hearing dist, frequent urination, loss of muscle strength, fatigue.
Avatar n tn My son went to live with his dad after my son disclosed that a four boy tried to put his penis in his butt. My relationship with my son has been great the last seven months. Christian has been seeing a psychologist for almost three years. Father reports Christian doesn't have any behaivor problems at home. My son is in a self-contained EBD class.The teacher reports severe anger mangement problems and low frustration tolerance. He was once a candiate for the talented and gifted.
Avatar m tn You have to remember that your partner is not professionally trained like the actors in pron movies! You have to involve her, and she has to become involved in you both becoming aroused and enjoying each other. Sex is so much more than intercourse, but pron movies make it look so easy - don't watch them unless you are with your partner at the same time!
Avatar f tn I was on 150mg effexor xr for about two years and was anxiety free. I asked my psych that I am fine now and want to stop effexor xr. Psych advised me not to stop it but on insisting he gave me a plan to tapper down and stop. I was on Effexor XR 75mg about a month was normal and going to stop. Suddenly all the symptoms of anxiety came back. My psych tried to make effexor work again but it was not helping. He put me on zoloft starring from 50mg and now up to 100mg morning and 100mg evening.
Avatar m tn The first cat in my life was the Persian my mom had when I was born, Lily passed on when I was 4, and then Baby-Cat came to live with us. Both are portrayed in my album by professional cat actors who resemble my childhood companions.
Avatar m tn Hi, i'm 28, working for a MNC IT. My voice is more or like girlish.. when i talk to anyone over phone, it sounds like girlish, whereas if i talk to them in person face to face it's better. i went for speech therapy, a month course, but i didnt see any changes. at this point, when i start search a partner, voice becomes a serious problem and i see more rejection just because of this. can someone please help me with the ways to get male voice?
649848 tn?1534633700 d like to see more activity - not only in CE, but on MedHelp in general... but we do have to make sure everyone is respectful of everyone else.
Avatar m tn Hey guys, all my life ive been very interested in girls and have masturbated to alot of porn. UNfortunatly ive never had a girlfriend. Lately ive become desensitized. Ive started having these these thoughts about men that i instantly turn off in my head when they come to mind, Im desperatly scared of being gay. So much so that im losing sleep over this. I cant even watch movies anymore with good looking male actors becuase of this reason. Please someone tell me im not gay.
Avatar f tn Scrooge ...there are a lot of them, the old ones are great, so many famous actors have played the part of Scrooge...I like all the famous ones and wait for them to be shown ..
Avatar m tn Hey guys, all my life ive been very interested in girls and have masturbated to alot of porn. UNfortunatly ive never had a girlfriend. Lately ive become desensitized. Ive started having these these thoughts about men that i instantly turn off in my head when they come to mind, Im desperatly scared of being gay. So much so that im losing sleep over this. I cant even watch movies anymore with good looking male actors becuase of this reason. Please someone tell me im not gay.
4869626 tn?1365362198 Hi hrb40, I love the show The Big Bang too. My favorite character is Sheldon, but they're all very good actors. Penny and Lenard are a hoot. Raj and Howard are also hilarious. Sheldon's girlfriend Amy Fara Fowler is terrific as is Howard's girlfriend. Her name escapes me right now. All the women in the show are terrific. I also like Sheldon and Lenard's mothers, especially Lenard's mother. I like to watch the show with my mom at her home. She's a big fan.
645800 tn?1466860955 I had my appointment with my PC today at the VA and picked up the progress notes from my Neuro Psych Testing that was done 1 month ago. I found it a very interesting read and contained some thoughts that may help others here. It will be in the final section that may be of interest to others in handling some of the problems we tend to face. But first a word from our sponsor The Wildlife Report..... I was surprised and delighted to see two deer on my trip along the Trace on my way to the VA.
Avatar m tn Or, at very least, be sure to make it known at the psych evaluation that your son has tested gifted and is the young one in his class. I, personally, would wait on the evaluation until eliminating the possibility of his giftedness being the cause (and possible issues from being so young). Sometimes, bringing mental health professionals, can do more harm than good - not always, but sometimes. So, I think it's best to check other possible issues first.