
Actors in jurassic park

Common Questions and Answers about Actors in jurassic park


Avatar f tn My husband finally bought me my all time favorite movie series Jurassic park last night so happy... Can't wait till the next one comes out next year!!! Bout time they made another!!!
Avatar f tn My stomach is making some crazy noises.. it sounds like something from the movie jurassic park..mixed in with a drum lol Anyone else like this?
Avatar m tn There can be many causes for sleep problems- traumatic events, stress, hormonal issues, cycle problems, etc.
Avatar f tn Lol Dairy Queen had their new Jurassic park one out its chocolate chip cookie dough and peanut butter cookies SO AMAZEBALLS!
Avatar f tn Hubby and I had a date night tonight. We went to see jurrasic park, and the baby would get very active during the loud parts of the movie. I know there isn't really a point to this, but I thought it was cute that my baby was (seemingly) excited over dinosaur sounds. Typical boy already, ha ha ha. Do any of you other ladies a have cure or funny stories about your lil bump reacting to outside stimuli?
2038871 tn?1329798210 To answer the question in your second post. NO! Heart disease, and brain cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson's are NOT complications from Hep C. Why in the world would anyone think that?
Avatar f tn I did a lot of laundry but could do more and I have some shower gifts still out and about that need a home. Kinda wanr to see the new Jurassic Park movie today. Lol.... we are almost there! I need to get on food prep. I did buy snacks for the hospital and packed my bag and set up like 95% of the nursery. I just wanted to pass along that Progresso soups are really good. Lol. I hadn't known! !! I bought like ten cans.
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
Avatar f tn Hubby and I were watching jurassic Park 2 today and I kept crying when they were mean to the dinosaurs, even after the dinosaurs tried to kill them...stupid hormones.
Avatar f tn I was walking in the park this afternoon, and someone accidetanlly hit my back, i panicked immediately went to toilet to check if there some blood on it, There is chance i will catch hepatitis virus if simeone touch me or hit me in my back?
Avatar f tn With my first child I knew what her name was going to be very early on. I had my heart set on Aria from the get go. But with this baby it's so up in the air. I'm due in only 16 days and still haven't decided on a name lol anyone else having problems fixing on one name?
Avatar f tn All this was so much easier back in the Jurassic period when I was in college. Yikes. Mid-40's and occasionally get a massage, but am always extremely careful. Absolutely 0 penetrative anything, fluid exchange of any sort. Nadda. Recently received a massage from a new person. As I lay on my back she sat on my upper thighs and stroked me.
Avatar f tn My boyfriend wants a name that starts with B as well. I told him I want a name with a good meaning, n not just one that sounds good. I don't mind if it started with a B :). My sister n I both have names that start with D like my dad n my brothers have names that start with R like my mom :) so I think it's nice that you all have names that start with B.
2109562 tn?1347253848 Just curious as to if anyone has been to a water park when about 20w pregnant or a few weeks earlier. I have tickets for a huge concert in July, but i'm wanting to sell my tickets to go to a water park and depending on when in July I go I'll be 20w or a lil earlier or later give or take a few.
7998970 tn?1435183202 Anything that isn't safe for a pregnant woman there will be signs and if you are showing the staff will not let you on anyway. I've heard you can't use the lazy river. You're honestly probably better off not going. I wanted to go to a theme park in June, but since I can't ride anything there isn't any point in going.
Avatar f tn Is it okay to do down the slides at a water park while pregnant in the tube. I'm 23.5 weeks.
Avatar f tn I am 9 weeks pregnant & we are going to Blue Bayou in about 2 days, is it safe for me to go on the water slides since im so early on? What are my chances for a Miscarriage?
Avatar f tn Okay I am 11 weeks pregnant thinking about going to a theme park in a week is it safe
Avatar f tn we have recently been taking them both to the dog park. my husky loves to run around and interact with all the other dogs, however when a dog apporches my shepard she gets really scared and growls. i cant let her off the leash b/c im afraid she bite another dog. she wants to be next to her sister ( thats running around) and she cries until she is next to her.
Avatar n tn I went at 26 weeks and we took all our foods and drinks set them u at a table in the water park and I chilled in the water all day and every one ran back and froth for food and drinks and chill with me then they were off again there was a group of like 15 of us thought so some one was always back and froth
Avatar f tn My doctor told me i could not even go on a baby slide at a water park..
Avatar f tn Nope , I also wanted to go to blue bayou and my doctor only advised I.
758011 tn?1332269002 The time has come for infertility patients, their families and friends to join together and to be heard. Conceivable Dreams has organized the PRAM PUSH FOR IVF FUNDING on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 10th, 2009. Our goal is to raise awareness for the issue of IVF and infertility funding as a lead-in event to National Infertility Awareness Week. Imagine a sea of strollers and baby carriages pushed by infertility patients, their families and friends as we march to Queen’s Park.
Avatar f tn Obama staged Newtown shooting with 'crisis actors,' says professor who is totally not a crackpot A communication professor known for conspiracy theories has stirred controversary at Florida Atlantic University with claims that last month's Newtown, Conn., school shootings did not happen as reported — or may not have happened at all. Moreover, James Tracy asserts in radio interviews and on his