
Actors in italian job

Common Questions and Answers about Actors in italian job


2038871 tn?1329798210 To answer the question in your second post. NO! Heart disease, and brain cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson's are NOT complications from Hep C. Why in the world would anyone think that?
Avatar m tn If you star in one of his movies, and it makes a ton of money, you might just find a Maserati in your driveway. That's what happened to Chris Rock after starring alongside Sandler in the comedy "Grown Ups." "I went outside the other day and I had a new Maserati in the driveway," Rock told Howard Stern on his Sirius radio show, joking: "Now I think that I'mAdam Sandler's b---h.
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
Avatar f tn Obama staged Newtown shooting with 'crisis actors,' says professor who is totally not a crackpot A communication professor known for conspiracy theories has stirred controversary at Florida Atlantic University with claims that last month's Newtown, Conn., school shootings did not happen as reported — or may not have happened at all. Moreover, James Tracy asserts in radio interviews and on his
2034625 tn?1392643292 What about the Italian MS Society? (I googled that -- all in Italian which may be a problem unless you speak Italian -- or at least enough to find the English translation button lol). Why can your family doctor only refer you to this one team? And it's okay to be overwhelmed ... really. I think there may be message boards at the Italian ms society website -- perhaps you could make connections with someone local there who could give you ideas? K.
Avatar m tn Hi to all, I'm 28 years old, and I come from Italy so sorry my english. I have strange situation but any ophthalmologists understood what's the problem (and any neurologists too). I've ghosted vison, starbursting, halos, glare, floaters (Weiss rings and partial posterior vitreous detachment too), visual snow, palinopsia and sporadic migraine aura episodes, but I conserved my vison "quantity" (so I've vision "quality" problems only).
Avatar f tn I'm 24w6d and am craving a Italian soda really bad are these okay to have? Or is it to much sugar?
Avatar m tn They said it was good that we did not waste any time in bringing him in. He was put on IV antibiotics and, for a while, morphine. It took five days to get the three sites to drain and for the swelling to subside sufficiently to allow him to go home.
Avatar f tn My sister in law chose Valentina, I think its italian. Bianca is pretty too. youtube it. My man wanted an italian name too, but we went with something else.
Avatar f tn I am black and Italian but I look full Italian and my boyfriend is fully white. When she found out I was pregnant she said "OMG YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE A BLACK BABY!" -_- Ignore her! Your baby is going to be beautiful! All babies are beautiful regardless of their race!
Avatar f tn People will place photos of loved ones and dollar bills on the statues as they pray for healing. After the procession, we celebrate with Italian music, pizza fritta, sausage and peppers sandwiches, olives, cheese and so many other italian foods. YUMMM!! This is a very special festival that my whole family has been a part of for many years. It is a tradition. I will be saying a special prayer for my whole medhelp family!!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn Last year, Jonathan Zatkin, an American actor who lives in Beijing, posed as the vice president of an Italian jewelry company that had, allegedly, been in a partnership with a Chinese jewelry chain for a decade. When is being foreign a career advantage? Zatkin was paid 2,000 yuan (about $300) to fly, along with a couple of Russian models, to a small city in the central province of Henan where he delivered a speech for the grand opening ceremony of a jewelry store there.
Avatar f tn Probably, but not in the way you think. In fact most artists, actors and other people in creative jobs/hobbies that I know of choose not to use adhd medications since they need their "crazyness" to fully express them selves. However, when your "creativity" dissapears you will gain concentration and structure, so others think this compensates for the loss.
1310633 tn?1430224091 Los Angeles (CNN) -- Acura apologized Wednesday for a casting document that called for an African-American actor who was "not too dark" in the car company's Super Bowl ad. The controversial casting call document, published Wednesday by the celebrity gossip site TMZ, "pulls back the curtain" on the widely known practice of casting based on skin tone in Hollywood, a longtime manager said.
220090 tn?1379167187 They have been separated for many years and none of the Italians had visited here in the US before now. They are all in their 80s and frail now. Within a few minutes of arrival, the party started! The years melted away and they were all laughing and telling jokes - making fun of their sexual prowess at 80 and just having a wonderful time. I saw my mother in law smile for the first time in years!
Avatar f tn Hey everyone, I'm looking for a boys name that is Italian but not like Giovanni or something that is crazy Italian. My husband is Irish and our first born's name is Aiden. I'm Italian and would like an italian boy's name. If it's a girl it'll be Bella so the Italian is covered there. Thanks the help!
Avatar f tn t want to be the grandmother pushing the mixed baby in public. And that my husband would be perfect for me if only his skin was a different color. We used to get dirty looks from all colors of people. And we possibly still do. But after 8years of being together we just do feel the looks anymore. Sadly racism is learned. Normally from their parents. Or peers. Best advice is to say your child is perfect no matter what ignorant thing that person says. Love is color/gender blind.
Avatar f tn They practiced their profession in the seaport of Aegea (modern Ayas, in the Gulf of İskenderun), then in the Roman province of Syria. Accepting no payment for their services led to them being named "Ανάργυροι" (Unmercenary); it has been said that, by this, they attracted many to the Christian faith. I hope that helps,,, it's better than me trying to explain, I would mess it all up!! LOL My parish does have mostly Italians, but definately not only Italians.
Avatar f tn I'm having a boy due Sept 27th. My husband comes from an extremely traditional italian family and i'd like to give our son an italian name as well. We're down to Agostino and Massimo. They're both very strong, manly names and we're leaning more towards Massimo. I live in NJ and I just dont want him hating his name as he gets older. What do you ladies think?
168348 tn?1379357075 The Italian wedding soup sound great. Guess what's on my shoppin list? I'm just so salad out. I just don't like salads unless it has grilled chicken in it. I always use the Balsamic vinagerette, but the salad thing just turns me off. Maybe it's because I hate tomatos, can't handle onions or any kind of peppers. So my salad consist of baby spinach, cucumbers. romane lettuce and very little dressing. Yep, the soup sounds good to me.
148588 tn?1465778809 All of the major actors in the conspiracy have already confessed to its particulars either in word or in deed; moreover, all of the major actors have publicly exhibited consciousness of guilt after the fact. This assessment has already been the subject of articles in news outlets on both sides of the political spectrum, but has not yet received substantial investigation by major media.
3652468 tn?1367020305 I'm 29 weeks and now searching for the right name for my baby boy. I am very Italian not "jersey shore" Italian.. but old school big family Italian. I was leaning toward Vincenizo but couldn't find a middle name that doesn't end with a "o" because my last name also ends with an "o" and that would ryme and id feel terrible having him get made fun of lol any suggestions? Doesn't have to be Italian anything that sounds good.
Avatar f tn I'm Irish and German, and my husband is Italian :D
Avatar f tn I live in italy,i have been trying to conceive for 8month,i went to eco-grafia,doctor say i have cisti follicoare dell ovaio,i dont really understand italian language,so i do what is cisti in english language,can you explain it for me. secondly,each time i have sex with with my husband sperm always comes out from my body,i dont know if its normal.
Avatar m tn You have to remember that your partner is not professionally trained like the actors in pron movies! You have to involve her, and she has to become involved in you both becoming aroused and enjoying each other. Sex is so much more than intercourse, but pron movies make it look so easy - don't watch them unless you are with your partner at the same time!