
Actors in dear john

Common Questions and Answers about Actors in dear john


2038871 tn?1329798210 To answer the question in your second post. NO! Heart disease, and brain cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson's are NOT complications from Hep C. Why in the world would anyone think that?
Avatar m tn Thankyou so much John for your immediate reply,i hav made an appointment n will be seeing the doctor soon.a friend of my sister has a grwowth like boils growing at the opening of her vagina pus or pain but alittle itchy ,she refuses to go to the doctor can you help wth this?is this an infection ?how long will it last ?
Avatar m tn He then did YAG laser last week but blurriness is bad in light only. Inside in rooms with limited lighting, things are almost perfect but outside not good. What could account for blurriness in lit areas and perfect otherwise?
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
397460 tn?1268533736 Dear Dr. John, Thank you for replying even tho you coul dt help this time.I guess I will have to pin down my dr. Saying that,you have helped me. Iam aware that one has to be concise when posting in the forum and this has helped me to "tidy" up my thoughts. Again , let me thank you for your help and information in the past and i hope i can continue to ask for your help.
Avatar n tn listened to bruised orange byu john prine for first time in many many years. had a good theraputic effect; try it.
Avatar m tn Hello John, Asbestos that is incorporated into building materials is usually not black in color. Was the ceiling in disrepair or damaged? Could you tell if there was moisture in the ceiling? If there was moisture present, it is possible that mold my have been what dropped from the ceiling. The presence of high levels of mold spores can cause throat irritation. How do you feel now? Please follow up with additional questions that you may have. ~ Dr.
649848 tn?1534633700 (CNN) "I just watched a bunch of the presidential candidates' announcement videos, one after the other. I won't try to guess how they might affect "would-be voters." I'm going to struggle to explain how these stupid videos affected one would-be voter: me. I'm a political hedonist. I want to feel good about my gal or guy. I don't want to just feel only less horrible.
Avatar m tn The doctor advised me to have a syphilis test again in 2-3 weeks. I have no visible symptoms in the mouth and and in the genital, and am basically heathy, though I had a bit cold at the day of the tests. I am very looking forward to hearing your advice on this.
Avatar n tn any other suggestions? Thank you for your time and consideration. John 42 years old and in good health playing basketball up to last Wednesday!
541953 tn?1262586226 OK, I was watching John Edwards and wanted to see if other people believe in the afterlife and you could hear from people who have passed on...I would love to talk to my father, grandson, grandparents... so what do you think? do you think John Edwards is real or a fake? do you think he can talk to the dead? or that the dead can even send messages back to us? I believe in him and believe they can send messages back...I've talk to my dad in dreams before all what do you think?
Avatar f tn im curious what happened to John (99% sure thats his name) his pic was of him in a suit, and he was from texas. he always added humor to the board, i remember he was clean for awhile and relapsed came back to the board right after. he was always here to post, and i havent seen him in weeks or maybe more, some of you that have been here awhile should remember him, newbies wouldnt.. does anyone know? thanks..
Avatar m tn Suddenly one day, a few beers, after urinating I felt a painful burning in the top of my penis. Dr suspected candida and provided cream (Candistan/chlorimagole 1% and hydrocorizone 1%) and anti fungal medication, (Fluxanazole 50mg 1 X 14 days). I had noticed some red markings on the glans. The cream removed the red marking but the pain persists, lasts for a minute after urinating then subsides.
Avatar m tn John, It seems that your body is telling you that it can not handle the abuse anymore. You did not specify what kind of pain you are having, but if it is difficult for you to breath, it may be your chest. Cocaine causes constriction of all blood vessels including those in your heart and lungs. That leads to diminished blood supply to your heart muscle as the drug also causes it to beat faster and harder causing possible ischemia.
Avatar m tn John, I can't emphasize enough that surgery be your absolute last resort. I had a 4 Level Laminectomy 7/07/04 and from the 7th day after surgery lying in the back seat of a neigbors car going to see the surgeon. The pain from that day was 3 times prior to surgery when I was taking Percoset 10/325 (4) times a day. Today the pain has completely encompassed my whole lower body waist down Lumbar, Hips, Buttox, Legs and yes Abdomen.
Avatar m tn dear members , Please call anyone tell me '' what things makes us having migraine '' ? is this problem forever ?
Avatar m tn Dear Doctors, I am a 37 years old guy. I need your advice. Just two week ago, I had a sexual contact with a sexual worker in Berlin (a German lady). I massaged her, licked her breasts, and she massaged my penis with her fingers and gave me a protected fellatio, and we had a protected sex. Because I got very nervous, I went to a doctor for STD tests 14 days after this sexual contact. I had hepatitis B and syphilis blood tests (RPR and TPHA), and tests for gonorrhoea and chlamydia at throat.
Avatar f tn Mine did and we're very competent in answering all of my questions. My doctors office have 3 in their practice and 2 of them were in the delivery room when I delivered and the other one checked on me the next day and discharged me (personal request to stay as short of time as possible- the min was 24 hours after delivery... I was there 25.5-the extra 1.
Avatar f tn However like taking a trip in a car or a plane it is not risk free and in perhaps one in 10,000 people the complication can lead to severe vision loss even blindness.
4597556 tn?1383305043 Dear John, Thanks for sharing your story and give others hope.I wish you health and success. God Bless you!!