
Actors in bones

Common Questions and Answers about Actors in bones


2038871 tn?1329798210 To answer the question in your second post. NO! Heart disease, and brain cancer, heart disease, and Parkinson's are NOT complications from Hep C. Why in the world would anyone think that?
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
1127040 tn?1289718662 However, when the heart is in distress it can make it seem like pains are eminating from anywhere in the chest, back, shoulders, arms, neck, jaw. All the local areas to the heart. A friend of mine had chest pains for several months and he swore blind it was a pulled chest muscle in the ribs. It wasn't until he had a heart attack/stenting that the pains finally went. His pains only occured during exertion, NEVER at rest.
Avatar f tn you may learn more about the underlying cause. It could be parathyroid gland issue in which case you are in the right forum. After you learn more about your blood levels you should re-post. Good luck!
Avatar n tn Osteoporosis- is a degeneration of bone. It can lead to brittle bones and breaks of major bones. Osteoarthritis- is a degeneration of the joint. typically caused by wear and tear.
Avatar f tn Anybody almost due and their bones hurt???? My hips r killing me if I move my knees make a popping noise n ect. Am I the only one??
Avatar f tn Obama staged Newtown shooting with 'crisis actors,' says professor who is totally not a crackpot A communication professor known for conspiracy theories has stirred controversary at Florida Atlantic University with claims that last month's Newtown, Conn., school shootings did not happen as reported — or may not have happened at all. Moreover, James Tracy asserts in radio interviews and on his
390416 tn?1275185087 Pain in the bones is a symptom of w/d. I knew alot of s/s and when I started to have bone pain I was worried so I looked it up myself. Sure enough, the bone pain was listed as a symptom.
Avatar n tn i often get shooting pains all over my body and have pains in my coller bones and arms
Avatar m tn You have to remember that your partner is not professionally trained like the actors in pron movies! You have to involve her, and she has to become involved in you both becoming aroused and enjoying each other. Sex is so much more than intercourse, but pron movies make it look so easy - don't watch them unless you are with your partner at the same time!
Avatar m tn The first cat in my life was the Persian my mom had when I was born, Lily passed on when I was 4, and then Baby-Cat came to live with us. Both are portrayed in my album by professional cat actors who resemble my childhood companions.
Avatar f tn It has only really been this last 4-5 years that I have noticed the cronic fatigue and if I go out now I use either a walking stick, wheelchair or mobility scooter depending on how I am feeling on the day. Recently however I have noticed pain in my joints and the only way I can describe it is my bones feel cold and I can't seem to do anything to warm them up.
Avatar n tn my left leg tibia and fibula both broken in an accideent about 8 and half months ago. fracture has alaready healed. in surgery external fixators were applied, wiring was done by making holes in the bone. while boring,drill machine was moved in a bigger diameter makeing a wound which was also burnt. this wound still not healed. a very little drop of pus ozzes...
Avatar f tn m laying down some times and I might make the wrong move and I wake up in pain I be thinking I probably broke one of his bones is it possible that it can happen.....
Avatar n tn I had a dog who buried half-chewed rawhide bones all over the house - in potted plants, behind curtains, even under furniture cushions. It's an instinctive behavior for dogs, and some dogs simply have a higher drive for that kind of behavior. That said, I suspect your dog may be a bit bored and frustrated. Since this behavior is so common and your dog is whining at the same time, it's becoming more of an obsession than a game or an instinctive thing.
Avatar f tn I'll be 33 weeks 2mma . In I'm n pain my bones dwn there ache ! It so weird It actually feels like idk what to call it but it has widen a bit. Anything I can do to ease up the pain ?? In is anybody else bones ache ??
4235497 tn?1356982472 I did have problems with aching bones when I was nursing. I had a bone density scan and my density had decreased, presumably from the drain on calcium in my system. It improved again once I stopped nursing. Possibly you are having something like that happen, have you been taking prenatals with calcium in them?
Avatar f tn I havee chipped a cuboid bone in my right foot and have now had a foot cast on for 3 weeks could anyone tell me how long this process would take to heal
Avatar m tn After I received my first shot of Neupogen my bones in my back felt like they were broken.. Can or does Neupogen make your bones hurt?
Avatar f tn My bones in both forearms hurt, it has been on and off for a few weeks, my ankles also hurt when i get up in the morning and if i sit down during the day. i am 37 years old and feel sleepy most of the day. Any ideas what is causing this?
12037914 tn?1437677245 Any one else experiencing bones cracking in their lower back ? It happens to me when I move after sitting for even 15 mins without moving. My doctor said maybe because I have such a small body and frame. . I'm 25 weeks and 2 days FIM .
Avatar f tn I'm 34 weeks today, and since yesterday my bones have been hurting really bad! Especially on my knees, joints and wrists. Is anybody else experiencing this? What have you done for relief? I'm currently taking my vitamins and iron pills due to me being severely anemic, I also read on my tums bottle that they are good calcium supplements so I'm taking 2 of those daily. I've been drinking lots of milk as well.
Avatar m tn Hi, i'm 28, working for a MNC IT. My voice is more or like girlish.. when i talk to anyone over phone, it sounds like girlish, whereas if i talk to them in person face to face it's better. i went for speech therapy, a month course, but i didnt see any changes. at this point, when i start search a partner, voice becomes a serious problem and i see more rejection just because of this. can someone please help me with the ways to get male voice?