
Actors in band of brothers

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Avatar f tn About the Benefit Concert The concert, Tune In to Hep C Presents The Allman Brothers Band, will take place at The Beacon Theatre in New York City on July 27, the eve of World Hepatitis Day. The Beacon Theatre has special meaning for Allman, who has played there every year since 1991 with the exception of 2007, when the band had to cancel their performance because Allman was too ill from his chronic hepatitis C to play. Tickets will go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, June 22 at 12:00PM EDT.
2038871 tn?1329798210 1 Diseases of heart 2 Malignant neoplasms 3 Chronic lower respiratory diseases 4 Cerebrovascular diseases 5 Accidents (unintentional injuries) 6 Alzheimer’s disease 7 Diabetes mellitus 8 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis 9 Influenza and pneumonia 10 Intentional self-harm (suicide) 11 Septicemia 12 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 13 Essential hypertension and hypertensive renal disease 14 Parkinson’s disease
1831849 tn?1383228392 Guess where I'm going to be tonight? "2012 Reunion In September the group announced that The Rascals' original lineup of Felix Cavaliere, Gene Cornish, Eddie Brigati and Dino Danelli would reunite for their first public performances in over 40 years with "Once Upon A Dream," a combination concert/theatrical event produced and directed by Steven Van Zandt and lighting/projection wizard Marc Brickman.
Avatar m tn In all, about 120 actors smoked in two or more films. The thirty actors listed below smoked in more movies than all other actors. Of the tobacco performances listed below, 42 percent were youth-rated. How many of these thirty actors do you recognize? Only two smoked in all their roles — so it can’t be that actors “demand” to smoke, as studios have claimed. How many actors really have the leverage to decline to smoke on screen? And how many could help change Hollywood — if they acted together?
Avatar f tn I was told by the store clerk they dont recommend the band until in ur 3rd trimester because early on the baby is small and down low, too much pressure for baby. So I did not buy it.
867787 tn?1318936230 This is something new, I have had the feeling like wearing a too tight girdle or like a band squeezing my stomach but the past couple of days I have had a really hard time with all over spasms but the ones in my stomach have doubled me over. I don't think its a "female" problem as I had a complete hysterectomy several yrs ago. Its just strange getting them this bad. I have periods that spasms are worse & this is one of them (zanaflx or nothing helps a whole lot) but geez...
Avatar f tn My question or comment is everyone around me seems to be prescribed some sort of drug or another ranging in all different ages. It just blows my mind.My dad gets tabs every month, sister-in law gets benzos, brother get narcos, two of his best friends get oc's and opana(not sure if that's spelled right), my aunt gets dilada(spelling again), sister, her husband and a couple of other family friends are taking suboxone, and a few other family and friends are taking methadone.
684676 tn?1503186663 The band became popular in the mid-1970s, with hits such as Sweet Home Alabama and Free Bird. Three of the band members, including lead singer Ronnie Van Zant, were killed in a 1977 plane crash. The band regrouped and continues to perform. Mr Skinner's surviving children said their father was never completely comfortable with being linked to the band but did grow to embrace it. "He made a lot of new friends," his daughter, Susie Moore said.
179856 tn?1333547362 09 as Greg Allman recovers from hepatitis C NEW YORK - The Allman Brothers Band has canceled its annual run of performances at the Beacon Theatre as founding member Gregg Allman continues to recover from hepatitis C. The band had been scheduled to play 15 sold-out shows at the Beacon — an annual run of concerts that draws people from all over the country who pay several hundred dollars for tickets to see the blues-rock legends.
1338479 tn?1276048855 You did the right thing,if something is happening they'll get to the bottom of it and help you in dealing with the consequences.
Avatar m tn Im the youngest out of my family and my oldest brother is diagnosed with Adhd. Im scared to me around him. Im scared he will hurt me or do something bad. He calls me names multible times every day. Fat, Ugly, Gay, Stupid, all these things. Like if im eating something he will take it throw it away and say i dont need that im to fat. I've recently started to throw up after meals Not every meal but some. Im scared to be home alone with him. Im scared that he will do something to me.
1926656 tn?1334970201 Go to a resale shop much cheaper and who cares if they get dirty they were cheap or resale maternity online I know I couple of stores locally here in mass do online sales for resale
Avatar f tn Here is a game that I thought would be fun, it might get hard after awhile but I thought it would be interesting: Rules: The first person names a band. Then the second person must name a band that starts with the band's last letter of their name. It would then continue so-forth. I'll post the first two to show how it is to be played. I hope that you will think it is fun.
184420 tn?1326739808 lol. Wow, if all those rockers back in the day that were IV drug users and had hep, don't you think we would know it? I sure was around many of them in my day....haven't kept track of what diseases they all came up with.....What a hell of a band with Gregg Allman, Crosby, Keith Richards and who knows? Wouldn't it be great to hear from them on Hep C and it's repercussions?
Avatar f tn When my brothers ex went in and got induced it look awhile. Just hang on and wait for a call. And if you don't here back within the hour call back. And if they are still bsing then let your pregnant hormones come out and get things done! Assurt yourself (: goodluck with labor!
Avatar m tn I do not think it is normal- and at the very least your doctor needs to be aware of it in case there are bruises etc.
908392 tn?1316522899 so far we are all useless :( LOL
Avatar n tn s assistant, mid thirtys never married, handsome christian arabic man, hard worker, and appeared normal. After about four months I could see signs of the disorder. He lived in a 4000 sq. ft. house down the street from hiis parents. He locked his bedroom door (paranoid) He lived with his parents until he was 31. He was a workaholoic often traveling to different ER rooms throughout the state to work (mania) .
Avatar f tn s not fair for that little girl not to know how awesome her daddy was or how much he loved her its your job being there your whole brothers life to share memories of him with her, things he can no longer do.
Avatar f tn About the Benefit Concert The concert, Tune In to Hep C Presents The Allman Brothers Band, will take place at The Beacon Theatre in New York City on July 27, the eve of World Hepatitis Day. The Beacon Theatre has special meaning for Allman, who has played there every year since 1991 with the exception of 2007, when the band had to cancel their performance because Allman was too ill from his chronic hepatitis C to play. Tickets will go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, June 22 at 12:00PM EDT.
649848 tn?1534633700 (CNN) "I just watched a bunch of the presidential candidates' announcement videos, one after the other. I won't try to guess how they might affect "would-be voters." I'm going to struggle to explain how these stupid videos affected one would-be voter: me. I'm a political hedonist. I want to feel good about my gal or guy. I don't want to just feel only less horrible.
Avatar n tn my brothers heart is out of sinc. They zapped 3 times today and said they couldnt do anymore. Can he live a normal life with it out of sinc?
488689 tn?1337993158 I had almost forgotten about that list. I started it back in March when there were so many surgeries going on. I haven't deleted any because it is also a good reminder of who has had what. I think we should encourage people to use it and if we see someone mention a surgery than we should just add them, let them know and they can update if there are changes. I started it for the OvCa forum, since this one wasn't here, but I guess we can share. : - ) Jan PS.
Avatar f tn Obama staged Newtown shooting with 'crisis actors,' says professor who is totally not a crackpot A communication professor known for conspiracy theories has stirred controversary at Florida Atlantic University with claims that last month's Newtown, Conn., school shootings did not happen as reported — or may not have happened at all. Moreover, James Tracy asserts in radio interviews and on his