Accutane hair loss

Common Questions and Answers about Accutane hair loss


Avatar n tn I took Accutane in the fall of 2004 and I experienced severe hair loss. (I'm a girl). My hair came out in handfulls for about 6 months. The large amount of hair that usually falls out after washing or brushing hair was falling out every half an hour if i ran my fingers through my hair. I lost about 60% of my hair. It stopped for a few months and started again for a few months to a lesser degree though. And now, 3.5 years later, it stills falls out more frequently than it should.
Avatar n tn Is there a strong correlation between hair thinning/loss with accutane patients? Should she be concerned about permanent hair loss? If her hair is thinning, is this permanent as well or temporary?
Avatar m tn Accutane has many side effects the more common side effect is patch loss of hair. once medication has stopped , most people regain hair loss and other side effects. i would consult with the doctor and tell him whas going on. jus t to let you know my story, i was a life long sufferer, i am 33 years old now, very oily skin and very pale. I have tried everyting from over the counter to medication nothing has worked. i am 33 up until this january i was losing hope, i was about to try accutane.
Avatar m tn I asked my doctor about it and he said he did not know anything about accutane causing hair loss. I have researched it and found that it does. I was just wondering if it is in my case. When it thins your hair, does it do it all over, or just at the middle and top, like normal male pattern baldness. Also if it is the cause of this thinning how long will it take it to start to grow back the treatment is done. I am 14 years old 150 pounds and 6 foot.
Avatar m tn I can say, nothing has helped the way accutane has. I got a hair cut and made the mistake of getting my hair texturized. My cousin made a comment about my hair so, now I am concerned about it thinning. Upon further inspection, it feels thinner near the crown but, she did texturize my hair. Also, I was laying on it in a certain spot. I took a video with my phone for further inspection finding nothing but I will keep a close eye on it. Is rogain out of the question while on accutane?
Avatar m tn For the past few months, I've been losing a lot of eyebrow hair. In the beginning, it was only a few hairs which I thought was completely normal but I began to notice that as the months went by, I was losing a lot of hairs at the same time on both my eyebrows, every single day. Lately, my brows have also been itchy and the skin on my eyebrows have been so so flakey which leads to more hair loss.
Avatar m tn For the past few months, I've been losing a lot of eyebrow hair. In the beginning, it was only a few hairs which I thought was completely normal but I began to notice that as the months went by, I was losing a lot of hairs at the same time on both my eyebrows, every single day. Lately, my brows have also been itchy and the skin on my eyebrows have been so so flakey which leads to more hair loss.
Avatar n tn The best cream is Aquafor , you can use it on your lips, face and hands. You can get it at any rite aid, duane reade or cvs, I wouldn't use the Elizabeth Arden stuff, (Unless it's fragrance free and hyper allergenic) because it's best to stay away from lotions that have fragrance. I was on accutane and I used all fragrance free items, dove unscented, aveeno face lotion for sensitive skin (with pink cap) etc.
Avatar n tn Hi- I will be starting accutane shortly and I usually use a cream bleach (Jolen) for facial hair above my upper lip. Should I not use the cream bleach while on accutane? Can I use Nair or something similar.....
Avatar m tn joint pain, flushing, redness, rosacea, depression, chronic fatigue, Seb derm, hair loss.. even teeth breaking). I don't mean to scare you but this appears to happen too often (see Isotretinoin was first developed as a chemotherapy agent, and to this day they don't exactly know how it really affects the body long term, hence why many are rightfully cautious about this medication.
Avatar m tn Hello, Weight loss is one of the side effects of taking Accutane and it may cause anorexia as well. Eat a healthy nutritious diet and consult your doctor if weight loss is a major problem. You may need to be put on some other medication for acne rather than Accutane. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.
Avatar f tn Hello. I currently suffer from major depression and anxiety. I have had it for about 3 years, and have been on meds for over a year, and am still trying to figure out which meds and dosage will help me get over it. My question has to do with the cause of my depression. All of these things happened freshman year of college, or about 3 years ago. 1) In college, I didn't make any friends and was put on academic probation after my grades dropped.
Avatar n tn Hi, This seems to be a condition called keratosis pilaris.Keratosis pilaris (KP, also follicular keratosis) is a very common genetic follicular condition that is manifested by the appearance of rough bumps on the skin. Keratosis pilaris occurs as excess keratin, a natural protein in the skin, accumulates within the hair follicles forming hard plugs (process known as hyperkeratinization).
Avatar n tn s not listed, although almost every other possible horrible side effect is, including hair loss. It is extremely important not to get pregnant while taking this drug.
Avatar f tn Does anyone know about the scarring after-effects of accutane? I've read several reports of scarring left after it's use. I'm sure that scars are to be expected, as with any open wound, but I don't know if these reports are by anyone with abnormalities with healing/scarring. Here is the situation... I have mild, maybe slightly moderate acne. I get keloids on other parts of my body, but thankfully not my face. I still get abnormal facial scarring though.
Avatar n tn I have undergone 2 4 month courses of Accutane. The first starting in Aug of 2006, and the 2nd in Aug of 2007. My question has less to do with acne and more to do with a skin disorder that only surfaced after using the tane. Shortly after my 1st course of tane I developed a case of scalp folliculitis. It dissapeared completely during my 2nd course of tane. To my surprise the scalp folliculitis has returned even after the 2nd course of tane.
Avatar m tn 25 first 6months, 0.5 mg for one year and 1 mg for 1 year till today), In october 2016 my derm put me on accutane 10 mg and minoxiline(100mg) for treating my mild acne, I had been drinking heavily for 5 days before starting my accutane course, 10 days into the course, I started to have Gyno(Unilateral, right breast with a movable tender lump), I dropped accutane and minoxiline and also propecia after 23 days.
Avatar n tn If that is the case, the doctor could have treated it with something other than accutane. How long have you been off accutane and how long have you been treated for depression/anxiety? Was it during the time you were on accutane or once off of it? My gut feeling is that once the accutane is completely out of your system, your depression and anxiety will get back to where they were before.
Avatar m tn after that i had Shaking in my hand (for 3 month then it removed) and bad concentration (i did not know till now why i did not go dr may i was thinking that is not problem ) after 4 year i did a test for thyroid and the result was positive for hypothyroidism , i want to ask if there is connection between the medication (Isotretinoin and accutane) and hypothyroidism and if it reversible
Avatar m tn E for muscular health and Biotin for dry hair, lips, skin (which for sure is to occur during Accutane usage), Calcium for healthy bones, Vit. D for Calcium absorption, whichever is required in your situation, etc. Ask your doctor about those.
Avatar n tn Accutane can also affect hair, lips, eyes, nose and vagina. Skin can be fragile for up to 6 months after finishing Accutane. However, it is very unusual to still be experiencing vaginal dryness after a year. Have you changed anything else, method of birth control for example? Using a fruit-flavored lubricant will make it feel more sexy and less clinical than using something like KY Jelly. Make an appointment with your doctor, as it is unusual for this problem to persist after stopping Accutane.