
Abilify mood stabilizer

Common Questions and Answers about Abilify mood stabilizer


1029865 tn?1252418538 I use 0.5mg Klonopin as a secondary mood stabilizer to help with anxiety. I also take Abilify 15mg as the main dose.
Avatar f tn Abilify is an antipsychotic also used as a mood stabilizer. If you having racing thoughts that could be a sign of bipolar and a mood stabilizer or antipsychotic that works like one would be more helpful than an anti-depressent. They may think you have more than just depression. Ask them about that and then give the Abilify a chance.
1255530 tn?1269867619 t know how Abilify would of worked for my mood because I figured out how to stop the mood instability on my own with my mind while I was unstable and haven't experienced mood issues since for several months now which my psychiatrist seemed noticeably impressed with. My mood when it first started going out of whack used to change in mere seconds to random emotions for no reason. As for stability?
Avatar f tn For the last 6 years I've been seeing my psychiatrist every 4 weeks. For the last 2 years she's been pushing Tegretol on me. That's in addition to Abilify, Buspar, Lexapro, and Tofranil. The last time I was hospitalized for psychiatric reasons the psychiatrist there in the hospital put me on 600mg of Tegretol nightly. I was a zombie for the 6 months that I gave it a full shot.
Avatar f tn s preferrable to use Abilify (AP) or Lamictal (AC) since both work well for depression and both are a mood stabilizer. I think what matters is the other symptoms to count whether rapid cycling or mixed symptoms....or BP1 or BP2 etc...
1806584 tn?1316208037 Lamotrogine is a mood stabilizer and keeps you in the middle; it's not just for depression. Usually, one takes a mood stabilizer, then something for the highs and the lows; hopefully, gaining equal ground.
918275 tn?1254068752 i was recently put on abilify and tegretol and felt that my mood was better, as well, but no energy or life in me to even bathe! so, i took away the abilify and take just the tegretol and feel better. i suppose my answer about abilify is that it is not for me. i'd rather want to take baths, cook, etc. sounds crazy, but i'm sure u get my drift if u are on this forum. lol! was in the hospital and this dr. told me i have soft-bipolar and to never get on any antidepressants again.
Avatar m tn Abilify is a mood stabilizer that I have seen works miracles when added to other mood disorder medications. Abilify tends to turbo charge the effectiveness of other meds and is dosed between 5 to 40mg. At low doses of Abilify (20mg or less), most of the patients I have seen say it gives them a boost in their energy and mood. Above that amount, I start hearing that it takes them down a notch (which is sometimes what they want).
Avatar n tn Trileptal is an anti-convulant that is prescribed as a mood stabilizer but it can be less than effective (although each person responds differently to each medication). Abilify is specifically FDA approved for both mood disorders and psychotic disorders. If a person has a mood disorder that would have any type of psychosis as part of it they would most likely need an antipsychotic.
Avatar n tn of depression meds as a mood stabilizer. I have read in many blogs about people gaining lots of weight when put on Abilify. I am terrifed of putting on weight as I feel that a med that would make me gain weight would just depress me even more as I would no longer feel good about myself; thus defeating the purpose. Can you please tell me what the likelyhood is of a person gaining weight on Abilify and some suggestions of other mood stabilizers that would not cause this side effect?
12043143 tn?1423151465 Abilify is FDA approved as a mood stabilizer. However some people are unable to tolerate it although each person responds differently to each medication. You seem to have difficulty with side effects of many medications. Has your psychiatrist tried some common mood stabilizers such as lithium, Depakote and Lamictal and other known options? It would be worthwhile to ask them what options they are willing to consider.
Avatar m tn That's another thing I'm worried about is them adding a mood stabilizer because I already gained weight from Abilify and I don't feel like dealing with more side effects. Hopefully my previous psychiatric records help them realize they don't need to do anything except maybe tweak the doses of the meds I take already.
Avatar m tn Zyprexa is an antipsychotic that is FDA approved as a mood stabilizer as well. Extreme anger and other mood changes can be part of mania which it should be treating as well.
Avatar n tn As anti-psychotics can create diabetes and tardive dyskinesia if a person has straight bipolar (as opposed to bipolar with psychotic features where an anti-psychotic is absolutely needed) there is the potential to change to a mood stabilizer, none of which have the risk of creating tardive dyskinesia and out of all of them Lamictal has the least potential for weight gain and is generally safe and effective. Perhaps you could ask your psychiatrist about Lamictal.
505907 tn?1258369340 However, If the Zofran (I took Clonidine before it) did not serve as a mood stabilizer (in me, its not been researched for that) I would experience standard mania and depression as well. I agree Lamictal is a good mood stabilizer and one psychiatrists often use. Unlike Abilify it has no risk for tardive dyskinesia and diabetes. However, if a person has bipolar with psychotic features, they need an antipsychotic as well. Make sure to find out what your diagnosis is.
Avatar f tn You could speak to your psychiatrist about adjusting the dose or adding another mood stabilizer and then potentially reducing the Abilify but that judgment is up to your psychiatrist. Talk to them about your concerns.
1100992 tn?1262357216 I have been on the same mood stabilizer for 10 years and another one since july 2009.If you are diagnosed as Bipolar you have to take mood stabilizers for a long time.
574118 tn?1305135284 I agree this is not the forum for a response from a professional but within my knowledge as a consumer I'll give you what I know as the question is not very complex. A mood stabilizer treats bipolar disorder or other mood disorders. That doesn't mean the medication was first approved as a mood stabilizer. There is only one medication that was originally approved as a mood stabilizer first. That is Lithium.
Avatar n tn Trileptal unlike Tegretol or lithium does not generally require a blood test. Abilify is used as a mood stabilizer but its an antipsychotic as for its original use. You need to find out what his diagnosis is, how the medications were benefiting him and where the side effects might be coming from. We have some webpages linked up where you could find out information.
Avatar f tn I know that if I ring my psych and tell her all of this, she will put me on either an anti psychotic/mood stabilizer and I will go back to feeling depressed, empty and numb again. I have tried two other antidepressants and went hypomanic on both - so that is why I can recognise the signs. But I love feeling hypomanic so I don't want it to end. Is it likely to pass after a few days? Can I just wait it out and see what happens?
Avatar f tn Besides getting him a punching bag, I wondered if anyone has had better experience with a different mood stabilizer--maybe something new? We tried tegretol with no effect when he was first diagnosed. Lamactal is not indicated, since he does not need anything with antidepressive effects. Would appreciate any advice. Oh--and he is also on a nutritional therapy program, which has helped with his attention deficits but not with his auditory hallucinations or much with the mood swings.
575214 tn?1218040360 That's a fair amount of medication for a child. He may be reacting to the Concerta. That I'm not sure. Depakoate is a good mood stabilizer. But he's on two antipsychotic as well (Seroquel, Abilify). I have schizoaffective disorder and generally did not need more than one antipsychotic. Did they diagnose any form of psychosis in him? Benzotropine is a side effect pill.
918275 tn?1254068752 Abilify is an antipsychotic used as a mood stabilizer. You could ask your psychiatrist if you need another mood stabilizer in addition. Mood stabilizers are supposed to treat both mania and depression. Anti-depressents can be used but there is the concern that they will worsen mania. For myself sometimes two mood stabilizers were needed.
7773352 tn?1394065574 Hello, I take Lithium and Seroquel . The Seroquel increase's appetite and weight gain but i have no issue's with Lithium except dry mouth and dehydration sometime's ,so i drink lot's of water . It's a mood stabilizer and work's well for me and you need regular blood test's so your Lithium levels are not too high .
Avatar n tn It's obvious the SSRI's don't work for you, they don't work for me either. I would suggest you ask your doc about a mood stabilizer such as Lamictal or Abilify. You also may need Lithium or another drug to help balance you out. I am about to have my meds changed because I feel much like you do, at the end of my rope! I wish you all the best!!