
Abilify klonopin

Common Questions and Answers about Abilify klonopin


Avatar f tn Hi I have been on 5 mg of abilify and also klonopin since jan..09.Recently i have been having severe dizziness.,y ear hurt so wen to dr put me on antibotic...Abilify has helped my depression so much but im wondering f it would start causing dizziness after being on it since jan 20 09...
Avatar f tn I take 5mg Abilify for about 21/2 months. Lithium 900mg for about 5yrs., and Klonipin a long time at diff dosages. Current dose for the last 21/2 month is 1mg plus one 0.5mg. I I havent't a clue so could you give me a ball park. I do realize everyone is different.
Avatar f tn t know anything about abilify but I take zoloft and I am taking klonopin( used to take ativan ) I think I am going to wean off klonopin...only been on for a couple days. How are you feeling?
Avatar m tn Could you prescribe an antidepressant that might work?(SSRI).I am taking Abilify and Klonopin) for a month.I live in Romania wich is a undeveloped country.My session with my psychiatrist last only 10 minutes,he doesn't ask what other medication i may be taking,or other things wich a psychiatrist should ask,i only tell him my issue and ,he doesn't tell me a diagnosis he just prescribes this things.
Avatar f tn Any one on Klonopin and abilify for depression and anxiety...Does any one take thesse natural products witht them.
873773 tn?1257560602 I went to the doctors yesterday he wants me to start Abilify? Does anyone know anything about this medication good or bad? He also wants me to Up my Klonopin to 4mg 's a day . He said if he were to change me to adavin he would have to put me on such a high dosage as much as 12mg? Does this seem right i am seriously thinking my doctors nutts :( Everytime i went to the Emergancy room after my dad passed i was given a shot 2mg;s of adavin it calmed me down so i could think ..
Avatar f tn I would recommend trying hypnosis for fear of flying. One session worked for me including them teaching how to self hypnotize so you can do it every time for future trips. Much handier than obtaining and packing meds - if you try it, they recommend that you read about it first because the more you understand about it, the easier it is for the session to work.
Avatar f tn t mean to hijack this thread, but would happen if someone just started taking Abilify 15 mg, Celexia 10 mg, and Klonopin 1 mg (all generic) for five days and then just stop cold turkey? No prior medication were taken.
Avatar n tn s transitioning you off Zyprexa to Geodon that makes sense as Zyprexa is the worst offender for diabetes which is a common risk for all atypical antipsychotics, the lowest rate being on Abilify. Abilify is considered safer than Geodon because of the risk of heart arrythmia in Geodon. I experienced some heart palpitations on Geodon and was taken off it.
Avatar m tn I had a bad reaction to that first pill, so I refused to take it again. I was then given Klonopin .5mg and told to take that once a night. Sometimes I take it or just a piece of it (half or a quarter), and sometimes I don't take it for a few days if I feel I don't need it.
Avatar f tn My son took Cymbalta for a while, at higher doses, plus Abilify. It wasn't very helpful to him. I asked the doctor to try it, because there was a woman who posted on here, a couple of years ago, how well both of her daughters did on high doses of Cymbalta plus Abilify. But what works for one, doens't nececssarily work for another. The two meds that have been most helpful for my son are Doxepin and Klonopin.
Avatar n tn My daughter is currently taking a combination of depakote, lamictal, and abilify for a mood disorder. However, her doctor feels the overwhelming problem with her is an anxiety disorder that is not being addressed by the current meds. The doctor wants to ween her off the lamictal completely and start her on klonopin wafers. I am concerned about the "drowsiness" side effects. Do these eventually go away?
Avatar f tn I happen to take 4.5 mg. of Klonopin and 90 mg. of Cymbalta -- this combination of drugs has worked for me for a good number of years. In December my Doctor did increase my Klonopin by .5 mg. because I was just diagnosed with kidney cancer -- which did cause a wee bit of anxiety (cancer free now - thankfully - going on four months now!). The increase worked pretty good. I also have Ativan as PRN. If I happen to begin to get anxious, I can either swallow or place one under my tongue...
Avatar n tn My Dr put me on 3000 mg of Depakote, 4 / 250mg's 3 x's per day. Psychiatrist did this along with Vistaril 50mg 3 x's day, Klonopin 1mg 3x's day and Benztropine 1 mg, levothyroxine 125mcg, trazadone (100 mg -bedtime). I am constantly tired and gained 30 pounds. Fought her on depakotes dosage as even her nurses were in shock. She advised my blood level was at 91% optimal. Any suggestions...please.
603543 tn?1255294450 dr iscontinued my abilify due to too many side effect...i was taking 2.5mg, tapered it to 2mg, the withdrawel is horrible, i feel like i have the flu, my head hurts, im shaky, anxious, it is horrible..after this should i just tsop the abilify or continue to tper till i get low, i am very sensitive to meds , but dont want to feel like this all the too exhausted to do anything....or if anybody has some solutions for the withdrawel symptoms that would be great..
358304 tn?1409709492 check out my post on lexepro and talk to your dr, or psyc. about possible adverse to ssri drugs. i tried five different ones and i don't care who says what on here, i have struggled for about a year with anxiety and panic attacks since i tried 1, 10mg. lexepro 1 year ago. before then i never even knew what anxiety and panic attacks were. today it's klonopin and just stopped abilify (mood stabalizer) having bad panic attack pretty much right now. only took abilify 1mg.
1258608 tn?1269552597 I am currently on 160mg of Geodon, 200mg of Zoloft, 5mg of Abilify, 2mg Klonopin, 60mg of Propranolol. I also suffer from major tremors that are pretty much constant and very noticeable to others. I have a hard time driving because I get tremors in my legs and feet. The tremors have gotten worse over time. I could really use some support right now and any advice that you may have.
Avatar m tn Liann how much klonopin were you on and for how long? Did you taper? Stopping cold turkey is not advised. You stopped adderal, klonopin & Oxys all at the same time? Please provide some more info.
Avatar m tn i just want toh think everybody that help me with my question . i took abilify before and it didnt do anything . now this time i can sleep,but when i walk up to used the bathroo m i never make it in time. do you think is a side effect of the medicine .
Avatar m tn I also take a small amount of Abilify and Klonopin. I have started taking liquid fish oil and I think that it's affecting my medications. Is that possible? I'm feeling a little depressed, angry and annoyed. Any answers and suggestions appreciated!
Avatar f tn Weight gain is a known common side-effect of Abilify. I have attended inservices with Abilify marketers where weight management techniques (diet and exercise) were emphasized. As suggested, speak with your doctor about it. If it becomes a problem, maybe a weight-neutral antidepressant (Wellbutrin, for example) would be equally effective. However, it's important to continue to take the meds as prescribed while discussing your concerns with your MD.
Avatar f tn I have been taking Wellbutrin XR, Lexapro and Klonopin (as needed.) Last year we added Abilify and the results were incredible. I came out of a very dark place, laughed, chatted, felt positive emotions and, for the first time in 15 years, felt like a "normal" person. But after a month or so I developed severe akathisia. It was so unbearable that I stopped taking Abilify. This year I moved to another state and began seeing a new psychiatrist. I decided to give Abilify another try.
Avatar n tn I am currently taking Seroquel, Klonopin, Depakote, Cymbalta, and Abilify (day2). I had been taking 600mg of the seroquel and my md lowered my dosage to 300 adding 5mg of abilify. For the past two days (first two days on Abilify) I have experienced extreme mood swings and seem to snap at relatively small things.
Avatar f tn After trying different meds, the combo that seemed to work best is 2 mg Abilify w/200 mg. Zoloft, in the morning, with 1 mg. xanax up to 4 times a day as needed. After about 10 months, he is groggy, has short term memory loss, sleeps a lot, and seems to be "out of it" a lot. Is it the Xanax? I am worried sick.
Avatar f tn any info at all on this med would be helpful............also im on klonopin and 1/2 of a 25 mg seroquel(as needed for sleep) I dont think i like how the seroquel makes me feel.............the dr said lamictal should help my depression...........i was on abilify and i feel i gained weight on it plus develepoed awful dizziness had to stop it after 3 months.
Avatar f tn Also, if adding klonopin to this mix would help for the social anxiety but not counteract the other medications.