Abilify for tourettes

Common Questions and Answers about Abilify for tourettes


Avatar n tn Hi, My 13yr old son has mod-severe ADHD + OCD + Tourettes. In 2006 he showed a normal EKG. He has been taking Concerta ( 126 mg ), Abilify ( 6mg ), Prozac ( 40mg), Intuniv ( 4mg ), & clonidine at bedtime (.15mg). Since the last EKG he has tried diff SSRI's & SNRI's with some pos results. He is coming off the Abilify to try Haldol. His tics are very bad & last from 3pm after school until bedtime. We tried Risperdal yrs ago, but he wet the bed.
644988 tn?1236364548 Finally at age six and attention issues and obsessions creeping in and tics going on pretty strong on and off for a year the neurologist called it tourettes and gave him meds called Abilify. It seemed to work well at first but wore off and we had to up it a couple times to 5 mg now. Then this fall the tics were worse and the anxiety and we added zoloft 12 mg. It doesn't seem to be working. He is more argumentive and defensive and harder to get along with. Today the Dr.
Avatar n tn Lamictal is for his mood disorder and Focalin is for his ADHD. It you have any insight or answers, we would appreciate it. It is very difficult with the questions and stares from other children as well as even some uninformed adults.
Avatar f tn and i would highly recommend you consider the potential of your tics being mistaken for Tourettes and the potential of these tics being in someway related to your complex preexisting medical conditions and or medications, and it might be in your best interest to see a Tourettes specialist and be officially diagnosed, which will likely include re evaluation of your medical diagnostic history too. I hope that helps....
Avatar m tn Well he has to get blood test for a med he is on that is clozapine. Today a nures called and said his White blood count went down and absolute neutrophils. so they were low and they were in the past do to the meds. He can't be lowered brings out some more more bipolar and tourettes in him when lowered just a little. Hes been on it maybe when he was 12 or 14 im not sure cause i am younger then him im pretty sure he was the first kid in our county on it doctors said.
Avatar f tn tourettes syndrome is a hereditary disease that will run in the family..for example...my father had tourettes as well as a cousin in my family has tourettes. i now too have a severe case of tourettes.i was diagnosed at the age of 10 and have done nothing but gotten worse. a small head injury will not cause a child or adult to contract tourettes a day later much less 7 years later! to have tourettes one or more parent or someone in the family line must carry the gene...
Avatar f tn t much, but my understanding this drug is only officially approved a last-ditch antidepressant for those for whom nothing else worked. I assume there are good reasons for this limited approval. (Keep in mind doctors can use these meds for anything they want once they're approved, but knowing what they're approved for gives some information on what studies showed). As to that particular side effect, any drug that affects the brain can make one sedated or the opposite, overstimulated.
Avatar n tn Is there any connection between Parkinsons and Tourettes? I have Parkinsons and my grandson has Tourettes. Both can be treated with deep brain stimulation. They both involve dopamine. Has anyone studied the relationship?
Avatar f tn II have a loved one that has been diagnosed with everthing since childhood, ADHD, Tourettes, OCD, Chronic Depression, PTSD, SIB (which was never treated) Now Bipolar, and some neurological based problem. IThey have taken every SSRI that exist before the age of 25, Seroquel caused extreme weight gain as did Anafrinil but when being taken off of it they say they cannot sleep. Ambien caused aggitation. Abilify does not seem to work.
Avatar f tn Hi. I know often Tourettes exists in people alongside other conditions like OCD, ADHD etc so perhaps your daughter has also got a behavioural condition as well as Tourettes? It's definitely likely unless she is just feeling tense from coping with Tourettes but you said these behaviours were present before the Tourettes appeared. I think it would be a good idea to get this checked as well because if there is a condition there a diagnosis will be the most beneficial thing to help you.
Avatar m tn Most kids do out grow it but speaking from a kid that had Tourettes, I wish my parents would have taken me to see a doctor or neurologist for medication...even that even had medication for Tourettes back them. Kids can be so creul and it can cause self esteem issues down the line. There is medication to help control the Tourettes and if I were the parent, I would not hesitate to take my son to the doctor.
569026 tn?1216982293 Taken several SSRIs in the past for anxiety. Adderall XR for ADD, Wellbutrin too. I have been seeing a therapist for about 4 months and he had me go for a psychiatry evaluation a few days ago. The two concrred that I am "complex" and could be a combination of BiPolar 2, Adult ADD and even...Borderline Personality Disorder (god I hate that name). Anyhow, one of the main symptoms we all agreed upon was the mood swings.
1460021 tn?1445735958 My mother suspected that i had it when my father was diagnosed with tourettes when i was about 5, during his diagnosis she asked the doctor if i could have tourettes and the doctor said that ADHD can stem from tourettes. Seeing as my father refused medication for himself and my mother was scared of him, i never got diagnosed or treated.
Avatar m tn Abilify is actually an antipsychotic drug that has anti-depressant properties. Usually Abilify is used for schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and as an adjunct therapy (add on therapy) for major depression. The treatment prescribed depends on your psychiatrist’s assessment of your case. However, the dose prescribed is the lowest for the drug. Treatment for depression usually begins with a low dose of SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Some doctors prescribe benzodiazepines too.
Avatar m tn Every so often, I may notice a slight tic in my son. But, it is always a very minor tic. And now at 29, he is not even on medication for the Tourettes. I might also add that with the Tourettes, he also had ADHD.
282524 tn?1348489012 Hi. I am a 17 yr female. I have a small form of Tourettes. You will want to go to a Neurologist. This is a doctor that helps with your Nervous System. Tics are the main cause. Any kind of Nervous defect can really cause it though... Most people are born with it. I was, and yet it was not noticeable until age 6 or 7. Some Long term problems are outburst, flinching vigorously, or any other sudden moments. Hope this helped.
Avatar n tn my doctor has given to me abilify and wellbutrin, is it good for quit smoke and go school well? i cant go school well. i cant stay in classroom. even i cant go to school. i always want to stay at home. i am out of my home, i quickly want to go back my house. also i smoke 3 packet cigarette in a day. also i have serious sleep disorder. i explained my problems to my doctor. then he gave me wellbutrin and abilify combination. what do you think about it?
Avatar f tn thankz for the advice its hard for me to look for medz especially with a mother that just dont understand how serious this disorder is...
585414 tn?1288941302 Weight gain and the potential of diabetes is a potential for all currently available antipsychotics. Abilify has the least potential to cause this. Abilify and Geodon are activating and can make some people feel anxious. As for Fanapt and Saphris they are newly released and are clinically similar to Abilify but that doesn't mean they will have the exact same profile.
Avatar n tn Hi I had ADHD and tourettes most people with ADHD show signs of autism or tourettes there all connected in some way, I think the way you've described things sounds as if it's tourettes, I've been 2 many behavioul specialist, good luck with it and don't worry x
Avatar f tn Okay, looked it up for you---- in children with tourettes---- tics usually decrease or go away completely during sleep. Does that answer your question or is there more to the question? By the way, not all kids with tics go on to have tourettes.
Avatar f tn I can assure you and have assured the phychiatrist that every word that comes out of his mouth is completely voluntary and is NOT a tick. Do they use any of these drugs for tourettes? At this point I have taken him off of all meds and stopped seeing the psychiatrist. Wouldn't you need to see a brain scan to confirm this Dx?
Avatar m tn Hickoy5, I can only tell you I had a mild case of Tourettes as a child, I blinked my eys without even knowing I was doing it. After it was brought to my attention I made efforts to try and control, eventually it went away after a year. I would make an appt. with a Physchartist and if he could not help you, I would make an appt. with a Nurologist. Perhaps the medication that was precribed was not the correct medicine for him.