
Abilify for sleeping

Common Questions and Answers about Abilify for sleeping


440120 tn?1211724496 I found out that my Pharmacy has a program for me to get Abilify for free so I want to give it a try. I was wondering if there are any bad side affects to look out for.
Avatar n tn I am having lots of Anxiety and no sleep becasue of the anxiety. My dr. put me on Remeron 30mg. Then I was sleeping great. But the anxiety during the day was the same. So he added Abilify. With one dose of 2mg I felt increased anxiety and irrablity. Is it possible that I do not have depression and because I'm my healthy, how would the Abilify effect me?
16773127 tn?1451336964 I also need Seroquel to sleep decently (have been an insomniac since childhood), and it would be the perfect medication for insomnia if not for the weight gain problem. To make things worse, a few years ago I was also on Abilify. I was fat and happy for a while there. When the doctor changed & took me off the Abilify, I was astonished that I lost about 20 pounds without changing anything.
Avatar m tn My Dr and I discussed it and he said i may be a good "candidate" for Abilify. Right now im taking 100mgs of zoloft, and .05mgs of lorazepham. Been on those meds for 2 months now and while im not having as much panick attacks, its still there and im having trouble sleeping. Im seeing a threapist tomarrow as my Dr told me to do,cause he wants to get a second opioun on weather i should take abilify or not...Has anyone here taken that medication? What are your thoughts?
13126824 tn?1428652469 I take Zoloft and Abilify for bipolar disorder. My sugar levels were heightened due to Abilify, but I am now taking Metfforman to level out my sugar level because Abilify has the ability to heighten sugar levels. I am not a diabetic. Does cholesterol have anything to do with this cramping?
569026 tn?1216982293 I believe Abilify is similar to Lamictal, which I take along with Lexapro. At first I felt better except for extreme upset stomach which went away after a week or two. I also had extreme insomnia which lasted about 4 weeks -- I was tossing and turning all night, got about 2 or 3 hrs of sleep if I was lucky, so bad I was actually afraid to go to bed at night. My psych doc told me to hang in there, as my body adjusted it would get better.
Avatar f tn t much, but my understanding this drug is only officially approved a last-ditch antidepressant for those for whom nothing else worked. I assume there are good reasons for this limited approval. (Keep in mind doctors can use these meds for anything they want once they're approved, but knowing what they're approved for gives some information on what studies showed). As to that particular side effect, any drug that affects the brain can make one sedated or the opposite, overstimulated.
Avatar n tn Just started on increase in Abilify. Woke up this morning with stiff neck. How do I know if it's related to taking the Abilify?
Avatar m tn Other meds, 600 mg Lithium 2x a day and 1000 Depakote 2 times a day.
918275 tn?1254068752 I wonder how many people are like me. I am reading that alot of people have trouble sleeping with depression. I have the opposite problem and sleep excessively, say about 5 out of 7 days. By excessive I mean around the clock, getting up only to eat a bit and then right back to bed and sleeping. When I asked my pdoc if she could give me something to help me up and she said she didn't want to give me anything to stimulate me cuase she is afraid it will cause me to go into mania.
918275 tn?1254068752 I am on 20mg of Abilify, but I really don't think that is the problem. I am sleeping four and five days at a time, then I will be up for a day or two or sometimes three, and then right back to sleeping. To say this is excessive is putting it mildly I know. However, I keep complaining to my psych about it, who just seems to brush it off. I just had a full blood work up and was told that there was nothing too unusual in my results. Then what the heck?
1700643 tn?1464846682 Im looking for advice/experience anyone has adding abilify to there current anti depressant.Im asking for bith myself and my husband.He takes 50mg if zoloft&refuses2take more because@100 he experiences serious sexual side effects&doesnt want2switch to a different kind of primary A.D. I take300mg of effexor XR.We both feel like the meds we r taking r helpong to keep us out of a severely depresse state but know we can feel better.
569026 tn?1216982293 Taken several SSRIs in the past for anxiety. Adderall XR for ADD, Wellbutrin too. I have been seeing a therapist for about 4 months and he had me go for a psychiatry evaluation a few days ago. The two concrred that I am "complex" and could be a combination of BiPolar 2, Adult ADD and even...Borderline Personality Disorder (god I hate that name). Anyhow, one of the main symptoms we all agreed upon was the mood swings.
Avatar f tn You know the drugs cause weight gain sometimes but they may not cause it in you. I attended a bipolar support group and everyone who was high functioning said they would choose weight gain over illness any day. I know it's not a fun thought, gaining weight but there are things you can do to control the amount of weight you gain-IF any. I take Abilify and I haven't gained any weight.
447130 tn?1225470866 I'm on Abilify plus other Bi-Polar meds and my Psychiastrist told me that Abilify starts working almost right away it's fast acting.
603543 tn?1255294450 so not sure if i should just take the abilify 2mg for a little whil and see if thats ok then talk to the dr about tapering off...I just dont want to be on all these diff meds you know???
Avatar m tn hi...i've since taken my self off of geodon. as a refresher i was taking 120mg and dropped down to 60 mg for a week. i've read lots of exteme withdrawal symptoms but in the 3 days i've been off i'm not experiencing anything. i'm thinking it's going to take about 2 weeks for my brain to adjust without any geodon and another 2 weeks to hopefully see if my sleep returns. would that be a good time frame to expect a change?
Avatar m tn Abilify is actually an antipsychotic drug that has anti-depressant properties. Usually Abilify is used for schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and as an adjunct therapy (add on therapy) for major depression. The treatment prescribed depends on your psychiatrist’s assessment of your case. However, the dose prescribed is the lowest for the drug. Treatment for depression usually begins with a low dose of SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Some doctors prescribe benzodiazepines too.
Avatar f tn t you just wish sometimes that there was a magic pill that worked for everyone...anyways thank you both for your comments and input! i greatly appreciate it!
603543 tn?1255294450 dr iscontinued my abilify due to too many side effect...i was taking 2.5mg, tapered it to 2mg, the withdrawel is horrible, i feel like i have the flu, my head hurts, im shaky, anxious, it is horrible..after this should i just tsop the abilify or continue to tper till i get low, i am very sensitive to meds , but dont want to feel like this all the too exhausted to do anything....or if anybody has some solutions for the withdrawel symptoms that would be great..
Avatar n tn my doctor has given to me abilify and wellbutrin, is it good for quit smoke and go school well? i cant go school well. i cant stay in classroom. even i cant go to school. i always want to stay at home. i am out of my home, i quickly want to go back my house. also i smoke 3 packet cigarette in a day. also i have serious sleep disorder. i explained my problems to my doctor. then he gave me wellbutrin and abilify combination. what do you think about it?
Avatar f tn thankz for the advice its hard for me to look for medz especially with a mother that just dont understand how serious this disorder is...
585414 tn?1288941302 Weight gain and the potential of diabetes is a potential for all currently available antipsychotics. Abilify has the least potential to cause this. Abilify and Geodon are activating and can make some people feel anxious. As for Fanapt and Saphris they are newly released and are clinically similar to Abilify but that doesn't mean they will have the exact same profile.
Avatar n tn At first it was for depression then after a month or so the Dr. thought she maybe Bipolar weened her off Prozac and put her on Abilify. Total disaster very bad reation after only 1 day. Stopped that went back to prozac for the last 1 1/2 months or so. She has just started showing strong signs again of manic and obsesive behavior. Dr.s thinking prozac has backfired. She's been very agitated, angry, compulsive, crying, not knowing what's wrong or why she feels like she does.