
Abilify doses

Common Questions and Answers about Abilify doses


Avatar f tn I am wondering about Abilify instead of Geodone. What is your experience with this drug? Does it work as well as the atypicals? It should for how much it costs. I also take lamotrigine 200mg/day and trazodone 50mg for sleep.
1305767 tn?1361192676 Just told me to exercise, and eat better. Gave me Abilify instead of that Seroquel and told me to come back in two weeks.
Avatar m tn Abilify tends to turbo charge the effectiveness of other meds and is dosed between 5 to 40mg. At low doses of Abilify (20mg or less), most of the patients I have seen say it gives them a boost in their energy and mood. Above that amount, I start hearing that it takes them down a notch (which is sometimes what they want). Bottom line is no two people will ever react the same which is why it is a trial and error approach that the doctor must take.
Avatar f tn My son took Cymbalta for a while, at higher doses, plus Abilify. It wasn't very helpful to him. I asked the doctor to try it, because there was a woman who posted on here, a couple of years ago, how well both of her daughters did on high doses of Cymbalta plus Abilify. But what works for one, doens't nececssarily work for another. The two meds that have been most helpful for my son are Doxepin and Klonopin.
574118 tn?1305135284 He substituted tegretol with Abilify as my MS. I heard well of Abilify and I happen to have come across . To tell you the truth I became happy because I know tegretol needs blood tests, etc…while abilify has a few side effects except some anxiety. I only became suspicious about its potency as a mood stabilizer. Otherwise why do pdocs recommend always one of the triads (lithium, depakote, tegretol) or lamictal lately.
1325865 tn?1275121408 Monday, 6/7, I began experiencing lack of coordination - bumping into furniture, walls, door facings, and tripping over things; also dropping things sometimes, but not as much as bumping into things. The fronts of my legs are covered with bruises. It is still occurring, though doesn't seem as severe. I had begun taking Abilify 5 mg po daily on 6/3, so I'd had only 4 doses when this began. Yesterday, I also began having palpitations and tachycardia, so have stopped the Abilify.
Avatar m tn I recommend these doses. I would like to know side affects of sex drive, sense of humour, weight loss? And can I use paracetomels with this mix? And green tea slimming pills? I have a drink at the weekends which seems to be ok. A few bottles of wine.
Avatar n tn Does any one take Abilify if so for what reason and does it work? my Dr. just put me on 2mg for anxity and i want true answers I just hate to take something thats not gonna work and then I have to try something else..
Avatar f tn My view which i expressed here many times yet never took abilify myself is that i have the feeling that lamictal+abilify is not a best combo because both work upwards, i happened to correspond with a lady in a fifferent forum who took both and was anxious so i advised her to ask her pdoc why not lamictal+seroquel and she did and since last january i haven't heard from her because she withdrew from the forum, upon writing to her she said she is doing fine and quite stable, so no need to rea
569026 tn?1216982293 Abilify is kind of like a combo Wellbutrin/Prozac--it works on the same neurotransmitters. In high doses, Abilify has been known to make people sleepy. People who get anxiety from it are often on lower doses. I was on a low dose. It made me shake and my eye twitch, so I dropped it and went back to the Wellbutrin/Prozac combo. Eventually that combination caused anxiety, so now I'm down to just the Wellbutrin.
526311 tn?1229286330 hey anyone heard of addiction or abuse of abilify? its an anti-psycotic ive recently been put on and im scared, as everyday medicines seem to get me. (no more phenobarbital btw) Id appreciate info.
Avatar n tn I was on various doses of Abilify for the last 6 months. My med shrink was convinced this was the med for me. I kept having reactions to it and I finally put my foot down and said, "NO MORE." The last reaction was severe pain in my jaw radiating on the left side of my face and down to my neck and shoulder. It was excruciating! I saw my primary doc who diagnosed Trigeminal Neuralgia and prescribed Gabapentin.After 2 days of being on Gabapentin, the pain was gone! NO MORE ABILIFY!!!
574118 tn?1305135284 One thing you might ask your doctor if you can try is stopping the seroquel and starting abilify in its place. Abilify is approved as a monotherapy or adjunct treatment for BP I, and is also approved as an antidepressant add-on, so if depression is your problem, it might work. You could also try other mood stabilizers like depakote, which has pretty good antimanic effects, or tegretol, or lamictal if you mainly get depression. Also, have you ever tried lithium?
1257808 tn?1322762215 Just understand that it might take long. Always hang in there, never give up hope to feeling better.
Avatar n tn m back at 225 mg a day in two doses (150mg morning, 75 mg evening). And I take Abilify to enhance the effect. My opinion is that the Efexor is loosing some grip but I'm back in 'control', I hope. I exercise mindfulness, Taï-Chi and I'm seeing an acupuncturist every 14 days. Since he is working on the 'problem' too, it might even be that I'm taking a to high dose of Efexor.
574118 tn?1305135284 Without any responsibility on your part, contemplate the matter concerning (B) I remember at 150 seroquel when feeling lethargic I reduced it so become less depressed and more energetic, because after all seroquel is antimanic and antipsychotic reduces dopamine. the mechanism of this drug is not understood well at high doses antimanic very low doses help sleeping disorder at perhaps 100 antidepressant effect.
Avatar f tn Abilify is often activating. Lamictal can make a person manic in higher doses. I did stay on Lamictal comfortably for 10 years but I was only able to last a week on Abilify as it had a caffeine like effect. If they need you to start on an antipsychotic there are other choices and recently a new antipsychotic (similar to the current ones but each person tolerates each one differently) Saphris was FDA approved so when that is released in the pharmacies that's one more choice.
712802 tn?1274645485 I have been on Cymbalta (30mg 2 X day) for a few weeks (about six) and my doctor gave me some Abilify samples (2mg) to try along with the Cymbalta. I have not been having irrational or psychotic thoughts, but I have been tired a lot. The hope is that the Abilify will give me some energy without side effects. I'm 57 year old male and have been on pain meds for five years due to disc issues, stenosis, severe arthritis, and fibromyalgia.
Avatar f tn Hi everyone, I saw my psychiatrist yesterday, my 3rd session with him, and he has now told me I have Bipolar I. It wasn't a shock, I was expecting it, and I am actually not too bummed about it because at least now I know what is wrong with me. He told me I meet all the signs & criteria for this & because I have had several severe manic episodes which have severely affected my life at times.
Avatar f tn After trying different meds, the combo that seemed to work best is 2 mg Abilify w/200 mg. Zoloft, in the morning, with 1 mg. xanax up to 4 times a day as needed. After about 10 months, he is groggy, has short term memory loss, sleeps a lot, and seems to be "out of it" a lot. Is it the Xanax? I am worried sick.
Avatar n tn Therefore, I want to have her take the maintenance dose of abilify like the psychiatrist wants. Can she also take the sam e along with abilify? It appears that sam e has been used safely with SSRI's. I am also hoping that her blood tests will be OK when taking both together.
Avatar f tn My doctor prescribed 300 mg of Effexor, plus 5 mg of Abilify 7 years ago. Last year I decided to ween myself off. At the start 2012 I started to take 150mg everyday in addition to the 5mg of Abilify; 6 months later I then started taking the 150mg everyother day. Now I am trying to go every 2 days; by the second day I am really feeling the withdrawal effects. Today is Thursday, the last time I took the meds was Sunday. I keep pushing myself each day to NOT take the Effexor.
1039200 tn?1314912008 Is it better to change the medication or persevere with the same one in higher doses? Which is safer? Also does this mean my condition is getting worse? I am new to all this and would welcome any opinions.
Avatar f tn I came across an article saying high doses of antidepressents help the nervous system. Well Dr. Grubb had her on one but a low dosage. So we put her at a high adult level with a booster(abilify). Within 2 days of going from 90 to 120mg and abilify she has been symptom free for 10 months. She went from barely functioning to totally normal. No symptoms gastro or other for 10 months. It is amazing. It has been great.
Avatar f tn I'm on week 3 of Pristiq after Cymbalta pooped out on me after 5 successful yrs on it. First tried to switch me to Zoloft and that made me worse (February 2014). Until 3 weeks ago, they tried to add things to the Cymbakta (Abilify, buspar) but it wasn't working (for deoression/anxiety). 3 weeks ago to Pristiq 50mg.
1018985 tn?1257523238 My doctor just started me on Abilify 10mg for bi polar disorder. I took it for the first time yesterday at around 4pm and I felt kinda loopy, the doctor told me that it should be stimulating and not so sedating, and wants me to take it once a day. I am suppose to take it again today but scared to take it early in the day because I dont want to have that loopy feeling again. Does this medicine make anyone else feel loopy, or is it just me? Maybe the meds work differently on me?