
Abilify and tardive dyskinesia

Common Questions and Answers about Abilify and tardive dyskinesia


Avatar n tn As anti-psychotics can create diabetes and tardive dyskinesia if a person has straight bipolar (as opposed to bipolar with psychotic features where an anti-psychotic is absolutely needed) there is the potential to change to a mood stabilizer, none of which have the risk of creating tardive dyskinesia and out of all of them Lamictal has the least potential for weight gain and is generally safe and effective. Perhaps you could ask your psychiatrist about Lamictal.
Avatar n tn Yes I would say that sounds like tardive dyskinesia. Temporary movement disorders such as akathesia vary during the day as the anti-psychotic wears off or side effect pills such as Cogentin wear off. I have severe forms of tardive dyskinesia including tardive psychosis (which is in study).
Avatar n tn i was switched to saphris to replace the abilify-------------anyone have info on this drug-----------------and lunstra and trazodone to replace the seroquel for sleep i don't feel well. i feel like i have a stomach flu. i'll call my dr tomorrow for advice on the new meds. maybe this will go away.
Avatar n tn t on an antipsychotic and it still persists I would be surprised if its not tardive dyskinesia but post in the neurology forum for more of an answer on that. Tardive dyskinesia exists in all forms (as I have, you can read my journal entries) and there is tardive akathesia which could describe what you are going through. You would need to consult a movement disorders specialist.
Avatar m tn There can be withdrawal dyskinesia after stopping Ability but after two months if it has not gone away tardive dyskinesia should be ruled out. Tardive dyskinesia is generally treated with Mirapex, Bachlophen, Requip, Aricept and Botox injections for focal dystonia. Zofran has been shown to work experimentally as well as the natural remedy rhodiola (when taken under the supervision of a neurologist).
Avatar f tn the max is 50mg a dose abilify gave me neuroleptic induced tardive dyskinesia which maybe become permanent like mine its constant permanent movement and tremors so be careful and ask your doctor about that mix ok?
Avatar f tn Linguofacial Dyskinesia, Oral-facial Dyskinesia, TD, Tardive Dystonia and Tardive Oral Dyskinesia. Have you been on any of these medications? If yes, then any one of them could be the cause of tardive dyskinesia. I suggest you consult your neurogist to change the medication Refer: http://www.schmidtandclark.
1109293 tn?1258329623 Clozaril is the only currently available antipsychotic that won't cause tardive dyskinesia. I acquired tardive dyskinesia from Lamictal but that is statistically rare. If you have tardive dyskinesia any medication that causes it will mask it will worsening it. Cymbalta and Wellbutrin can cause it on occassion.
Avatar f tn t cause tardive) and I had advanced tardive dyskinesia. Best to ask about approved medications first. My testimony about the usage of glycine was to providers and they are understanding it better and they can make the decision about when it should be used from there. Thanks.
Avatar n tn That is not an established criteria and still unknown but Zofran was quite helpful on it and it is being researched on tardive dyskinesia and helpful on it as well and some of what I experience is seizure like (for anyone reading this the study on me is of course tentative but is at a well known movement disorders clinic that works within standard treatment methadology). Have known conditions ruled out first though. Good luck.
Avatar m tn The doctors in the ward treated him with several medications including Prozac and eventually Abilify and Respridol and those types of Anti-psychotics. I'm not sure why they gave him the anti-psychotics but they did. With drug and behavioral therapy, He finally improved to the point where and they sent him home after about 3 weeks the second time he was in. He was getting back to a normal life until he started exhibiting an even more bizarre behavior.
Avatar n tn Those are movement disorders that are temporary but he is also at risk for permanent conditions such as tardive dyskinesia which I have and in myself is as bad as Parkinsons and can emerge after the antipsychotic masks it while it is progressing. It is irreversible. Of course people with schizoprhenia need to take antipsychotics to function. Fortunately there are new medications in development that are safer and more effective.
Avatar f tn My study will be published soon in a psychiatric journal and I will post a link to it. In addition there is treatment for tardive dyskinesia. Zofran is an option that has worked well for me. A movement disorders specialist could identify more. But I would ask about tardive dyskinesia and am surprised they didn't consider it as a diagnosis. But ask them specifically and give your history of taking antipsychotics and they be better able to help you from there.
Avatar f tn The mood stabilizer I take Lovaza is an anti--cholesterol medication that is used off label for bipolar. The use of it is still experimental but some psychiatrists (especially psychopharmocologists who specialize in how medications work) will prescribe it. As its not specifically approved for this purpose they are just learning how it works. Generally the more common mood stablizers (lithium, Depakoate, Lamictal) are used first.
Avatar f tn Disease except that is caused by a neuraleptic or similar medication and will not worsen after it has been discontinued and at its most severe such as I have (tardive dystonia, tardive akathesia, tardive tourretticism, tardive myoclonus, and tardive psychosis which is in study) all of these diagnosed by a neurologist who is a movement disorders specialist can have a wide variety of abnormal movements resembling it.
Avatar n tn Tardive dyskinesia is a long term movement disorder that appears similar but is long term. Tardive akathesia is one variant of tardive dyskinesia. I have tardive dyskinesia in advanced form. However it is treatable and there are an increasing number of options, some in clinical study but FDA approved and could be prescribed off label if standard treatment options don't work.
1243620 tn?1274790697 I took abilify for 2 years i got 2 different types of tardive ...tardive dystonia and tardive whole torso twist and turns and bends backward so hard i make terrible grunting sounds..this went on for a long time until a nuro dr. took me off abilify and all symptoms left within 2 weeks... i felt whole this halted my life considerably i couldnt drive or anything... a month ago i started taking lipator for high cholesterol and i started having TD's again ... one Dr.
Avatar n tn Well I can say for myself that I'd be concerned taking more than one anti-psychotic at a time. That's how I developed severe tardive dyskinesia to begin with which the rate of developing it as my psychopharmocologist stated "with typicals 5% per person per year and atypical antipsychotics 2.5% per person per year". Every antipsychotic you are one are atypical antipsychotics but I would see no reason you should be on more than one.
Avatar m tn Were you on any atypical antipsychotics, like Seroquel or Abilify (which can be added to SSRI antidepressants)? The antipsychotics can cause tardive dyskinesia, which is a movement disorder that is sometimes permanent. You should talk to your doctor about these tics, since they're new and seem to be drug related.
Avatar f tn Look this is complex. I know strokes of course will cause abnormal movements. And I know that akathesia which is temporary will be mitigated by Cogentin. But some motions are clearly indicative of tardive conditions. As for your "jaw going from side to side". When did that start? How long have you been on anti-psychotics, even if it was in the past as the effect is cumulative.
440120 tn?1211724496 I take Abilify and it had less side effects than the Geodon I took before it. It did cause me to gain weight however and doesn't work as good as the Geodon did in some aspects but works better in others. Abilify disrupts my sleep as well much like ILADVOCATE experienced but it also sedates me at the same time.
444937 tn?1307226385 Your post concerns me. If you have tardive dyskinesia and you are on any antipsychotic other than Clozaril it will get worse. The antipsychotics themselves can mask it and it can emerge full fledged. In myself it is as bad as Parkinsons'. If you were diagnosed with a temporary movement disorder such as akathesia some treatments can be of help and that is not dangerous.
Avatar m tn I can't stop sucking in and swallowing on my tongue and lips. It has been happening for a week now. I went to the hospital and the doctor, who was an intern said it was tardive dyskinesia, but that it would go away. On the discharge papers it wrote dystonia. I went to my doctor the following day and he said he didn't think it was tardive dyskinesia. The following day I went and saw my psychiatrist who also didn't think it was tardive dyskinesia.
Avatar f tn ve read into this on the internet and said it could be tardive dyskinesia. Has anyone else experienced this? Thank you!