
Yeast infections and natural treatments

Common Questions and Answers about Yeast infections and natural treatments


Avatar f tn Im at 8 weeks and I've got my second yeast infection in 2 weeks. I know yeast infections are common during pregnancy but is it common that they come this frequently???
Avatar f tn Anyone else have constant yeast infections? I don't know what to do. Doctor keeps telling me monistat 7. Any natural remedies or suggestions?
Avatar f tn I've heard you can take monistat for a yeast infection. But I would talk to your doctor first. Treatment for a yeast is different than bacterial, and you should make sure you don't have any other complications before starting something.
1434838 tn?1285404132 okay are yeast infections bad because ive never had one and im 17 and i just feel like i have aids or somthings because i think a yeast infections is that bad but i dont know what my boyfriedn gone say and how he gone take it
Avatar f tn Douching upsets the natural balance of bacteria and yeast in your vagina and will cause infections. 2. Avoid bread and sugary foods as much as possible. If there is yeast in your vagina it is in the rest of your body too and sugar will just feed it. 3. Use condoms if you have sex. You CAN give a yeast infection to a guy (they usually get no symptoms) and then he will just keep passing it back to you. 4. Eat yogurt with live cultures in it - sugar free is best, but any kind helps. 5.
Avatar f tn I have been having complications with yeast infections, someone suggested taking a natural supplemental probiotic, since I can't stomach yogurt, has anyone ever done so while pregnant? I've read online and can't seem to get a straight answer.
Avatar f tn how do i safely treat yeast infection? Is there a natural supplement to help during pregnancy?
Avatar f tn m in my first trimester and pregnancy is already making me experience the wonderful world of yeast infections. I went to the doctor to make sure it is indeed a yeast infection and it is. He didn't prescribe me anything because he said it's too early and to wait until the second trimester, but I've heard of natural remedies, such as the garlic clove in the vagina that cures yeast infections. Has anyone tried this during pregnancy? Is it safe?
1648058 tn?1330927302 I have herpes and i have to take antibiotics for it almost everyday to keep it from recurring,but this gives me non stop yeast infections. i am in pain everyday and nothing i do helps. i haven't had sex with my husband for 3 months straight. i am in a lot of pain. i would stop taking the anti,but i cant b/c my herpes breakouts are terrible! PLEASE help i answers badly..thank you!
Avatar f tn Has anyone had multiple yeast/BV infections? I've had 3 so far and I think I'm having another! I'm going to ob tomorrow and I'm sure I'll get some meds. It's frustrating. Anyone Else?!?! Please help.
Avatar f tn I am diabetic and I am prone to yeast infections so I had to ask in case. They told me pro b for prevention and Monistat 1 not the 1 day but 3 or 7 and do not insert more than an inch. I hope this helps.
Avatar f tn I began having constant UTI/Kidney infections and then I would get a yeast infection. I went to the natural health food store here in my town and I was told to take a pro biotic and that should help. I take PB 8, it works great and I also try to drink at least one glass of cranberry juice per day and eat lots of yogurt especially when your taking your antibiotic so it can replace the good bacteria so you don't get yeast infections. Here is the link for the PB 8, it works great http://www.
Avatar n tn Hi, I thought it was yeast and self-treated as I've gotten them before. I'm pretty sure its yeast but since posting this I did experience another OB. Initially it started off as a yeast infection and the meds for it stopped the itching and treat it but I realised that the itching persisted and it felt more like how I felt when I had my primary OB. I was still taking the acicyclovir since my first OB around June 8 I've just increased the intake during this OB. I'm treating the Y.
Avatar f tn And although some kinds of yeast infections are more common in persons with HIV, vaginal yeast infections are not among them. On the other hand, diabetes is a common factor in persistent vaginal yeast; and certain antibiotics can also do it. But HIV does so rarely. Most important, HIV test results always overrule everything else. Your test results -- especially the combination of negative RNA at 2 weeks and antibody tests at 6 and 12 weeks -- prove you don't have HIV.
Avatar n tn Please look up information on Vestibulitis and Vulvodynia. And please, please, please see a doctor to ensure that you don't have any other infections going on. Also, know that sometimes using yeast medications when there isn't a yeast infection present can further irritate and aggravate your tissue and nerves in that I would stop those treatments unless a doc has diagnosed you with a yeast infection. (Unfortunately, I learned that one the hard way!
1276160 tn?1279129852 Yeah I'm 13 and I am a virgain and I have clear thick sticky discharge like stuff that comes out after I go pee, what is it, Is it a yeast infection?
Avatar n tn I have frequent yeast infections and my Dr says it's normal but I'm just wondering if it's commin.
Avatar n tn What has worked for me is keeping his diet low in products containing yeast and high in good yeast, like yogurt or go to herb store and buy capsules of it to put in his food. Adding the good yeast helps get rid of the bad yeast. Secondly I use Gentian Violet a natural herb you get from the pharmacy and swab the area 2 times a day for 4 days. Watch out its purple and does stain. sometimes these funguses live in the mouth and can go unseen, so swab a little around his gums also.
Avatar f tn You cant have vaginal sex and then go right to anal sex or vice versa. Its not healthy and it brings bacteria. The yeast infection you probably had, but had sex with your husband anyways before getting treated and then you keep passing to each other. That happened with me and BF. But...if you have no signs of a yeast infection, then your husband is the one that needs to go to the doctor to get medicine to clear it up.
525485 tn?1314361301 I know that during pregnancy, you are allowed to use Monistat or over the counter treatments similiar to monistat (store brands) to treat yeast infections, but I was wondering if there were any oral medications you can take. I know that you cant take diflucan (fluconazole ~generic for diflucan) but I was wondering if there was anything else. My doctors office is not open yet so I will be calling them when they are available, but was wondering if any of you ladies knew anything about this.
Avatar f tn What you have described sounds like a yeast infection. There are some over the counter treatments for yeast infections that you can try. If the symptoms persist, you will have to see either your regular doctor or your ob/gyn. Sometimes yeast infections don't clear up with the vaginal treatment and an oral treatment is needed as well. I am not really sure about the baking soda and water wash. You should ask your doctor about this as well.
Avatar n tn You probably have Candidasis. Overgrowth and mutation of normal canadida in the intestines which can be caused by birth control pills, antibiotics etc. You will need Nystatin to kill off the bad candida and also replace the acidophillus that has been killed off as our body does not replace it. You can be tested for this, most people either have chronic diarrhea or constipation with this.
1245078 tn?1268578722 Me too. I took metronidazole fort bv and took diflucan, and got yeast and on and on it went. Except my husband has sex with me anyway. It's really awful. I was prescribed boric acid once. And this was the only thing that worked. Good luck getting rid of that nasty.
Avatar f tn Keep in mind, even with those treatments if there is a definite and bad odor, as specialmom says, that's not the primary symptom of yeast infections. I mentioned yeast infections first because you said "cheesy." My second guess would have been bacterial vaginosis (BV), as she mentioned. It won't hurt to try an over-the-counter preparation for a yeast infection, but if the smell persists, she should definitely see a doctor and get a run of antibiotics.
Avatar n tn I'd rather use the creams. I'm currently battling an external yeast infection that has affected the top of my inner thighs (where the leg and vulva meet), my vulva and it's creases, lower abdomen and the very bottom of my butt. Also, near my vaginal opening I scratched myself too hard so there's scratches and it burns like a mother when I pee and the urine flows downward onto it. I am on the larger side of the body size scale (about 5'6 and over 300lbs).
Avatar f tn Hello - I am 59 and have atrophic vaginitis. There is an area in the (introitus?) that has almost no skin covering due to the thinning tissue. It burns terribly all the time. I have had numerous vaginal infections over the past few months including gardnerella, a yeast inf., & 2 cultures showed large amounts of enterococcus faecalis & klebsiella.
Avatar n tn s book called The Yeast Connection was new, and when drs (and certain family members who will remain nameless) sneered at the idea of systemic yeast infections. Around that same time, diflucan-type antifungals (that is, systemic treatments, not just vaginal cream) were finally invented, and I talked my GP into giving me a prescription (it was four days, 1 pill a day, back then). I remember the day I took the first one -- it was like being hit by a truck.
512442 tn?1216259500 to avoid the grossness of putting yogurt on your hoo-ha, try yogurt pills (acidophillus) or buy AZO Yeast, I've used AZO Yeast pills for all my yeast infections and it relieves it in a day or two. These pills are a combination of natural herbs and yogurt cultures and it balances your vaginal PH. That stuff is awesome, it relieves the itching and burning in a couple of hours too. Yogurt is ok but doesn't work as fast.
1373602 tn?1373026364 I whent to an doctor but he said will not pass will just come back , i already took two difrent treatments and the work but only for couple days and then came back i just wonder if anybody give birth haveing yeast infections and if all was ok with her and the baby ? And if is anything natural that can help with it?
Avatar f tn So im a ftm and i am just wondering is it normal to get yeast infections alot.