
Staph infection hives

Common Questions and Answers about Staph infection hives


Avatar n tn and said it was a staph infection and told me I should get into an antibiotic. I have 5 big hives but it is not all over my body and I am currently taking antihistamines and I am applying triple antibiotic topical to the surfaces of the hives. I there anything else I should do? I really cannot make it to the hospital and see a doctor rigth now.
Avatar f tn At first pus-filled blisters developed on my elbow and forearm, it was treated as staph, came back one month later and treated as staph again. Finally lab results revealed it wasn't a bacteria infection, but by that time it was also popping up sporadically on my shin, toes, back, chest and unfortunately even my face. A dermatologist thought it might be bed bug bites, but my husband hasn't had any issues and I've washed our sheets a bunch of times, etc.
Avatar m tn m concerned about a staph infection or something of that sort. Any ideas what it could be? Should he see a doctor and how soon is it okay to wait and monitor? Thank you!
Avatar f tn Since December 7th 2015 I have been experiencing hives breaking out all over my body it all seems like it started after I was admitted to a hospital with an ectopic pregnancy once surgery was complete I felt something was not right and was back to the ER 3 or more times I was readmitted with a staph infection in the surgical area underneath my skin I was treated and released by December 24th I began to break out in hives terribly I tried Benadryl I tried oatmeal baths I went to a dermatologist e
Avatar m tn I went to another doctor for a second opinion and he told me the same thing but diagnosed it as a staph infection, prescribed cream that didn't seem to be effective. So I came back to the 2nd dermatologist and got a skin culture done to a blister around genital the area 9 months after the initial outbreak. It was negative for herpes and a staph infection.
Avatar f tn I was siagnosed about a year ago. It has been the worst diagnoses along with my death sentence of MRSA Staph infection. I thought it was a string of bad luck for me but bad luck shouldn't last my whole life or at least to what I have left. I'm on medications for this chronic urticaria. the following is Doxepin 25mg, Rantidine, and my epi pen. My doctors described this as something related to my staph infection or stress.
Avatar f tn suggested that Joshua had never probaly had reactions to insects it was staph all along, o.k. but I have killed ants and mosquitos on him and noticed the same reactions which are red hot raised about inch dia. all around with small blister clear discharge and they itch. What do I do, I dont know how to protect him and I dont know really what the cause is. Pediatrician is trying to fiqure it out but Joshua was misdiagnosed about 6 times before ending up in Scottish Rite.
Avatar f tn But It says it can happen at any age and the description of cracked skin sounds like it and the biopsy matched. Although it does say you can get a Staph infection along with herpes sometimes with it. So, starting over do you have any photos of the lesions or pimples, anything like that. I don't want to see the whole thing just what the sores would look like? Did they look like the photos of pemphigus? Herpes looks like tiny blisters.
Avatar n tn hmm ive never heard of boils being related to drug use. From my understanding it is a STAPH infection that causes boils. I would be concerned that he has them. Are you sure they are boils, and not hives or somthing else? If he does indeed have actual boils all over his body, he needs to go to a Dr. asap, he will need antibiotics for the staph infection! good luck to you!
Avatar f tn Is it Staph epidermidis or Staph aureus. Ask them about that too. If staph epi then it is just normal bacteria and doesn't need treatment if Staph aureus it depends on how much you have of it. If only a few bacteria then they may not treat it but if you have a lot then they will give you an antibiotic. It depends on how what term you are in in your pregnancy if they can give you antibiotics. But the antifungal is a topcial so it should be okay.
Avatar n tn infectious disease dr got involved and did all blood work to rule out infection. All which came back negative for MRS, STAPH and all they could do after IV ANTIBIOTICS (she needed iv Benadryl as the rash and itching became unbearable.) is send her home to an allergist. allergist ran a few tests including autoimmune testing. New bloodwork came back positive for drug induced lupus! her rash and itching are not getting better despite on being on so many antihistamines.
8221281 tn?1397570972 I was given shot of Clindamyacin, initial DX was clinic acquired Staph infection / possibly MRSA. I was on Clindamyacin for 10 days. The condition improved a lot in that time but was not completely gone when I completed the antibiotics. April 6th the condition not only spread but was a lot worse. the doctor cultured one of the older lesions by removing the scab and sending it to the lab. He gave me another shot of clindamyacin and then a 5 day course of Doxycycline and RX Muciporin.
Avatar m tn Several months ago i started to have a mild acne on my forehead, I did some exams and came out positive for staph aureus infection and staph epidermidis in two different labs. I took a treatment with antibiotics called ofloxacin 400 mg for ten days, my tests showed to be sensible to this drug. During the treatment the acne almost vanished but after i stopped it the situation was as bad as always.
Avatar m tn Hello, Since you are having staph infection, so if your girlfriend has been diagnosed with staph infection then chances are there that the infection got transmitted during physical contact like sexual contact or skin to skin contact. It is very surprising that the infection has not shown much results with antibiotics, In such cases, it is advisable to get the culture sample from the sores and a biopsy skin done which will confirm the diagnosis.
Avatar m tn My dermatologist said that I will basically have a staph infection forever and will have to treat is as needed. Is this a proper diagnosis? Why can't I get rid of it? I have already tried antibiotics and other drugs that have helped for a while but it comes back.
Avatar n tn Currently, my husband has a staph infection and is on antibiotics. This is number 4 outbreak in a year. He has never had any staph infection before and has an autoimmune disorder since his youth. He suffers from hypothyroidism and alopecia. Why now? How do we get rid of it and is this going to be an issue for a long period. As my son too has an autoimmune disorder, alopecia should I be concern for him as well?
Avatar n tn Folicullitis is usually from staph. Under-skin infection may be from staph or strep. Infection usually invades under the skin if there is any (even slight) skin injury, fissure If it was contact dermatitis (soap, new clothes or washing detergent), there wouldn't be under-skin fluid, I guess. It may help, if you check in google using "staph scrotum", "celullitis", "staphylococcus groin", "streptococcus groin" and related terms.
Avatar n tn can a recurrent staph infection caused by a foreign body left from surgery cause permanent nerve damge?
Avatar n tn I had a break out in my mouth last week and by Friday I had a sore on the bottom of my foot that woke me up because of the pain shooting up my leg. Went to doctor and he thinks it is a staph infection put me on antibodic and gave me a shot. Told me if it got worse to go to hospital. I have had these same sores for over 8 years and repeated upper respiratory infections.
Avatar n tn My wife has a staph infection she had to be admitted in to the hosp. She's on antibiotics throuh iv. Night she bumped the sore by acceident and puss came out and she is more pain than before is this a good thing that it is draining?
910014 tn?1242727443 My 24 year old daughter was admitted into the hospital with staph infection on her side. She had a fever and was in severe pain. They have her on antibiotics via IV. I am very worried I have read that this can cause a brain abcess or liver or kidney dammage. My question is; what to expect and are there any alternitives to the treatment she is recieving????? Help please.....VERY WORRRIED MOM!!!!
Avatar m tn So a few weeks ago I got this big boil on my waist that was like an ingrown hair and eventually after about a week went away on its own. You could still see discoloration there but there's no bump and no more pain. However, now I have one on my butt and it's almost the same thing. So I went to the doctor and they told me that it's a bad staph infection and they prescribed me Bactrim. Before I took it the boil was very painful and it hurt to even sit down.
Avatar m tn Hello, Since these red splotches appear and disappear, so they can be hives. Hives (medically known as urticaria) are red, itchy, raised areas of skin that appear in varying shapes and sizes. They have a tendency to change size rapidly and to move around, disappearing in one place and reappearing in other places, often in a matter of hours. Many cases of hives are "idiopathic," meaning no cause is known. Others may be triggered by viral infections or medications.
Avatar m tn The Description you gave of your Throat w/ the White Streaks, along w/ the Symptoms of Fatigue & feeling run down, as well as having a Loss of Appetite Sounds like Strep Throat or Mono, but did you have a Sore Throat or Fever at any point?? Taking Antibiotics, like Penicillin/Amoxicillin would've Helped if it was Strep, & IF it was Strep w/in 24hrs of starting Antibiotics you're no longer Confessors. I actually just learned all about Strep, bc about 1.