
Ovarian cysts pain in leg

Common Questions and Answers about Ovarian cysts pain in leg


Avatar f tn This will give them a good view of your ovary and any cysts that you may have. Please rest assured that ovarian cysts and cancer have most of the same symptoms. 95% of ovarian cysts are non cancerous. It is common to have pain during exercise, sex, and sitting for long periods of time when you have an ovarian cyst. Please keep us updated on how you are doing.
Avatar f tn For the past year, ive suffered with sharp shooting pains in my pelvis, and a sciatic like pain down my left buttock and leg. I frequently get pains in my lower back, and it always seem very tender and sore. My doctor told me i had sciatica in my left leg, and that it would go after 3 or 4 weeks on its own, but it hasnt, and im starting to think my symptoms are maybe that of a cyst/cysts on my ovary.
Avatar f tn These symptoms could be ovarian cyst , very similar to what i have had , the hip pain in the leg lower back pain, bloating, stabbing. Have you been to your doctor yet? Go to your doctor and ask for a scan. These cyst can cause horrible painfull symptoms so get it sorted.
Avatar n tn I try to pull my leg up so I can lay in the fetal position, but the pain on my left side radiates down my leg and i literally have to pull my leg up with my arms. The pain subsides at times then it will act up again for no reason. It is distressing to me and I don't know what else to do as far as stressing to my doctors that I do have this pain and they don't seem to be concerned. What type of test can you reccomment I get to rule out cancer.
Avatar n tn can my leg pain come from the ovarian cysts pressing on nerves in my pelvic region???
Avatar f tn I have also tried rubbing caster oil on my thyroid cysts and leg cyst. The thyroid cysts went down after 2 hrs but my leg cyst just reduced in size- I have had the leg one for 20 yrs vs the thyroid cysts for only 7 yrs.
Avatar n tn My doctor used an ultra-sound to check the placement of the IUD and all was fine. However, she discovered that I had multiple cysts. She perscribed pain medications, and sent me on my way. My question is how long are they supposed to last? It is now mid-May and I still get the same severe pain. It shoots down my left leg, (sometimes the right) and across my back. It of course is in my lower abs, and makes me completely useless. It's daily.
Avatar f tn Scared that i might have Ovarian Cancer, because of the symptoms that i am having. I have pain in my leg, it gets weak, pelvic pain,stomach pain around the right side.
Avatar n tn What you are describing can be symptoms for many things. These can include ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer. Since it is pretty rare for women your age to have ovarian cancer and since more than 95% of all cysts are benign let's asssume you are dealing with a cyst. I had all the symptoms you are describing and had benign cysts. You should check out the health pages (top right) and look at the listing for types of cysts and symptoms.
Avatar f tn Hi, As someone who lives with chronic pain from a failed back surgery from an L5,S1 micodisectomy and constant nerve pain in my back and right hip and leg, I understand how confusing this all can get. I have a 5cm cyst on my left ovary that has been around for a while and now it's coming out in July because it should have shrunk when I went into menopause and it didn't. The surgeon is pretty sure it's benign but can't give me a definite answer till the biopsy when it's done.
Avatar n tn I recently had an mri for leg/hip pain which ended up being an enflamed tendon. The mri also reveals two small cysts in the "left adnexa" measuring 1 cm in size. The RN at the orthopedic office said it was my ovary. Should I be concerned about this and see my gynocologist? I had a hysterectomy approximately 15 years ago and am 58 years old.
Avatar n tn I just had a hystercomy may 6th-uterus removed, cervix, fallopian tubes and cluster of cysts removed. I have had bad pelvic pain going down my left leg... confused and stressed! This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Ovarian-Cancer/Abnormal-ovary/show/1801681">Abnormal ovary</a>.
Avatar f tn suggested you do ? Ovarian Cysts and ovarian cancer can cause many similar symptoms. There is absolutely no way to tell for certain unless and until surgery is performed and the path results come back. Having said that, cysts are very very common and 95% benign. The best course of action is to speak with your physician to see what his recommended course of action is. They may possibly suggest removal, but sometimes, they prefer to wait awhile to see if they resolve themselves.
18454502 tn?1465007523 I went to FastMed for lower abdominal pain lower back pain(right) hip and my whole leg was hurting. I assured it was a UTI since i had all the symtoms for it. Yet i had right leg pain.. that was weird i even had light blood show when i wiped. I saw the dr and he didnt seem sure of what he was diagnosing.. so he just gave me antibiotics in case there was an infeccion and pain pills. He also sent me in to simonmed to get an ultrasound on my bladder and kidneys.
Avatar n tn I try to pull my leg up so I can lay in the fetal position, but the pain on my left side radiates down my leg and i literally have to pull my leg up with my arms. The pain subsides at times then it will act up again for no reason. It is distressing to me and I don't know what else to do as far as stressing to my doctors that I do have this pain and they don't seem to be concerned. What type of test can you reccomment I get to rule out cancer.
Avatar f tn Hello, There are specific types of ovarian cancer that are more often found in children and adolescents that are different from those found in older women. In children and young girls ovarian cancer usually presents as an ovarian mass and typically they only report pain if the ovary twists and its blood supply is cut off. So, ovarian cancer in young people is overall uncommon, but definitely occurs. Your symptoms would be atypical.
Avatar f tn I have been having increasing pain and bleeding. I am very fatigued and have shoulder and leg pain. I am worried about ovarian cancer. I am 33 years old. Any thoughts on if this could be cancer or not would be nice. Thank you so much.
11091907 tn?1415221745 I also found out that I have a blood clot in my left leg. I am now having a lot of lower back pain. Been to the doctor and they gave me some pain meds and scheduled me for another ultrasound to determine when the surgery is. I have not felt pain like this since I was diagnosed. Sometimes it hurts so bad to even walk. Not sure what to do. Called the doctor and they told me to keep going to the ER to get the cycts looked at. Don't know how much more of this pain I can take.
Avatar f tn Hi There I'm 29 years old and have been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst 3 days ago. The doctor prescribed Hyospasmol tablets and Paracetamol. It seems to be helping for the pain and I've been keeping a warm water bottle on the area. My problem is that the pain is still there but not as much and has first moved down to my upper right leg and today it's all in my lower leg and I can't walk properly. Could it be because of the cyst or the tablets.
12220546 tn?1424111721 Hi I wonder if someone can reassure me, I've had lots of ovarian cysts and endometriosis removed over the the moment I'm battling with leg pains and ovarian pain and bloating from ovulation to the onset of menstruation...ive had a barrage of tests including colonoscopy, endoscopy, CT scans, transport vaginally ultrasounds and xrays and also had a ca125 test because I was really worried about ovarian cancer....
Avatar f tn I am 31 & have 4 kids. I was told that I hae several complex ovarian cysts on my left ovary. The largest is 6.2cm. I'm not sure what they're plan is for me, I'm waiting on a call from the dr. I also have a CKD called FSGS and have had 2 blood clot in my left leg. They said that this would complicate things a little. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks.
Avatar n tn 99% of ovarian cysts, masses, and tumors are benign. The symptoms for cancer are the same for benign cysts, too.
Avatar f tn As I wait to see an OBGYN in a few days (and after my period when everyone tells me cysts typically begin to shrink), I am in even more pain, especially in my lower back. I can't stand up straight, and when I move or reach, the pain takes my breath away. My question is is this kind of pain, to the point where I'm having trouble functioning, normal with a typical ovarian cyst or is my body telling me that something else is going on?
Avatar f tn I have ovarian cysts and I keep getting this stabbing shooting pain in between ovaries in my pelvic area so bad to the point I could cry. Only last a few seconds but are coming every like thirty seconds. Its worse when I lay down. Could this be because of the cysts?
Avatar f tn I am 57 and have been menopausal for 8 years. I've had ovarian cysts before and never bore children because I did not get pregnant. A year ago I went to the doc because I had discomfort in the right side of my belly and told her I thought I had cysts, which she almost scoffed at because of my age. I do have 3 large cysts, fibroids and possibly endometriosis. There are calcium deposits in many places.