
Ovarian cysts and loss of appetite

Common Questions and Answers about Ovarian cysts and loss of appetite


Avatar n tn Most of that is gone now since the complex cyst is gone (about 2 weeks ago) I still have loss of appetite. I am wondering if loss of appetite is a symptom of ovarian cysts? I am only hungry for breakfast. Some days Im not hungry all day and only eat because I know I have to. This has been going on for 2 months now. I had a great appetite before all this started. Can hormonal imbalance cause loss of appetite as well? I am getting really worried.
Avatar n tn What is the difference between ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer. I haven't had a period for 3 months now and I have a sharp pain in my lower right side, as well as back pain, especially in the mornings. once in a while i am off balance when walking. i am bloated, and a lot of times i don't have an appetite.
Avatar n tn I had been having some troubles with diarea and loss of appetite for a little over a month now, and then started to get some pretty even lower back pain the moved into my pelvis. The pain got so bad last night that i went to the er and they told me after an ultrasound that i have a complex ovarian cyst on my right ovary about the size of a thumb, with lots of bubbles. When i asked them if it could be canceous they were very vage.
Avatar m tn I have been reading the post and have found a lot of helpful information. For the last 4 months I have been feeling awful. Loss of appetite,weight loss, nausea,severe pain in back and under ribs and stomach area, excess gas I kept going to my GP and he brushed me off basically telling me I was fine. I kept enduring the pain. I demanded he give me back xrays and ct scan. They both were normal so they say. Iwent to the ER last week and they told me I had a bleeding cyst.
4349241 tn?1358287277 While most ovarian cysts may be asymptomatic, it can also present symptoms such as pain or bloating in the abdomen, dull ache in the lower back, difficulty urinating, frequent need to urinate, nausea or vomiting and loss of appetite. Stress may indirectly be a factor also especially if surgery is approaching. It is best that you inform your attending physician about this symptom also for proper evaluation. Take care and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn I am having a colonoscopy done on 25/7 to see what comes up, but have a few symptoms (pelvic pain and cramping like period type pain, frequent urination, pain with intercourse, loss of appetite and feeling full quickly) doesn't quite fit with GI related problems, although I guess I can't know for sure as I'm no doctor. Thank you, guess will just have to wait for the colonoscopy and see what happens from there. Best wishes to you too.
Avatar f tn its been light pink and almost non existing it was also four days late. I have had a loss of appetite and when I do eat I usually get sick. I have had cramps really bad and I am always tired and my bf says I'm really Moody. My breast have been really ten,der and my back has been sore. do you think I could be pregnant.
Avatar f tn What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts and tumors? Often, ovarian cysts don't cause any symptoms. You may not realize you have one until you visit your health care provider for a routine pelvic exam. Ovarian cysts can, however, cause problems if they twist, bleed, or rupture. If you have any of the symptoms below, it's important to have them checked out. That's because they can also be symptoms of ovarian tumors. Ovarian cancer often spreads before it is detected.
Avatar f tn Symptoms of ovarian cysts include pain or bloating in the abdomen, difficulty or frequent urinating,dull ache in the lower back, painful menstruation and abnormal bleeding, nausea or vomiting and loss of appetite. If the the cyst has ruptured, severe pain and possible bleeding internally may be observed. It is best that you have this checked immediately by your attending physician for proper management. Take care and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn and loss of appetite and general loss of enenrgy and strength makes me think it could be.. I appreciate your kindness and reply.
Avatar f tn Weight gain is a common complaint after hysterectomy. I don't know how much is loss of ovarian hormones (even when ovaries are kept) versus some other metabolic effects (there is about a 40% chance of ovarian failure post-hysterectomy). I was never one to gain weight - could eat everything and as much as I wanted without gaining a pound. Since my hysterectomy, my hunger "mechanism" does not work properly. I rarely feel hungry and do not have a sense of fullness either.
Avatar f tn My symptoms are what is bothersome, spotting between periods, pressure in abdomen and pelvis, short of breath, abdominal discomfort and feeling bloated, nausea and sometimes loss of appetite, hard time losing weight, feel full all over when I wake up and excessive gas. I have read symptoms of ovarian cancer and of course it seems I have pretty much all of them so now I flashback to that unexpected pregnancy result last year thinking was I really pregnant or God forbid it's ovarian cancer!!
1548979 tn?1293918019 severe pelvic pain, vague lower abdominal discomfort, weight loss, irregular menstrual cycles, back pain, pelvic pain with bowel movements, indigestion, lack of appetite, nausea , and inability to ingest usual volumes of food. Do I have polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis or something completely different?
4032497 tn?1363221695 There are different types of ovarian cysts such as polycystic ovaries, endometriomas, cystadenomas, and dermoid cysts. These may present with pain or bloating in the abdomen; difficulty urinating, or frequent need to urinate; dull ache in the lower back;pain during sexual intercourse; painful menstruation and abnormal bleeding; weight gain; nausea or vomiting and even loss of appetite. Treatment usually depends on the type and symptoms present.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately, I cannot comment on anything but the ovarian cysts. Cysts are very common and most resolve on their own. If yours are not large (over 7 cm or so) and you do not have a predisposition for / family history of ovarian cancer, then they can usually be monitored via periodic ultrasound.
1324051 tn?1275414812 ve had a transvaginal ultrasound that showed 2 functional cysts and what appeared to be a ruptured cyst, though I never felt any great discomfort from that (unless the uti symptoms were that). Maybe I had a uti and coincidentally my ovarian cysts started causing issues at the same time? Anyway, it's been a month and a half and I still feel vague pelvic discomfort, like below my pubic hair line. It sort of feels like burning sometimes and it comes and goes, doesn't affect my sleep.
Avatar f tn I had many of the same symptoms you have after my hysterectomy except bloating and feeling full after a few bites (although I did not eat much because I had no appetite). And bariatric surgery is associated with its own set of adverse effects.
Avatar f tn She had all the scary symptoms, weight loss, lack of appetite, she was very tired and had persistent bleeding and still all turned out well. So I hope that is reassuring to some people, as all your posts were very reassuring and encouraging for me as we waited to get this all done.
Avatar n tn Two yrs, ago, I had an emergency uterine ablasion due to excessive menstral bleeding. I have a history of ovarian cycts and have never had any removed. They have all gone away by themselves, within 3-5 months. Currently, I have a 4cm on my left ovary and my symptoms are far more intense with this one vs. those in the past. I have gained approx. 5-7 pounds in the last few months and I can't stand how bloated my stomach is by the end of the day.
Avatar f tn bloating, constipation, headaches, right side gripping and stabbing pain with pelvic, groin, leg and back pain as well, nausea, lack of appetite, emotions everywhere, sore breasts, pain with sex, fatigue and weakness.
Avatar m tn In addition to the transvaginal ultrasound, ask the doctor to order a CA125 blood test, these two tests will give your wife and her doctor good information, and rule out the possibility of OVCA as well. My symptoms were bloating, lack of appetite after a small amt. of food, loss of weight and urinary frequency. Good luck to your wife. Let us know what the tests show.....
Avatar f tn which was light spotting came oct 21-23 but i was suppose to start that 23rd of oct . and now im 4 days late this month i was suppose to start on the 16th . found out i have an ovarian cyst can those stop your menstrual or can i possibly be pregnant ? when should i take a hpt ?