Omnicef lyme disease

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Avatar f tn We visited a child Neurologist last week and he immediatly said that our son did not have lyme disease since lyme disease was not in the state of GA. He also looked at our sons MRI results and said that he did not see any of the white spots that the 2 radiologists had seen. The office performed an EEG test on our son that day and we are suppoed to find the results out next Monday.
Avatar f tn -- Biaxin (clartihromycin) and Omnicef (cefdinir) for Lyme. However, I have seen references in various places online to Flagyl being used against babesia. If you search "babesiosis flagyl" you'll find what I did. Take care!
Avatar f tn I never had any problems with anger or depression prior to getting Lyme disease, but that is who I am now. I fly off the handle over the stupidest things that seem like life or death to me at the time. There is that irrational thought. I am a 38 year old grown woman with a license to practice registered nursing and I drove my car down a walking path because I needed to get my daughter out of the rain.
Avatar m tn I was only on two antibiotics at the same time, and didn't have the kind of discomfort you report. Ask your doc what can be done, whether other treatments would be less problematic, etc. Also I would NOT take any herbals or medicinals or anything in that frame of reference UNLESS your Lyme doc okays it as to what meds/supplements you take at what doses for how long. Herbs and pharmaceuticals are all just chemicals, and mixing them without a doc's okay is just asking for trouble.
Avatar f tn My sodium level was low and my white blood count and granulocytes were very high and my lymphocytes were low. The Dr. put me on Omnicef for 10 days. I went back to the doctor a few days ago, and everything else turned out normal except now I had high Calcium and High Total Blood Protein. My Total Protein was 10.6. I am worried about the possibility of a Parathyroid Tumor with Cancer or something serious.
Avatar f tn Since I am breastfeeding, I cant use doxycycline but is Omnicef effective in its place? If I do have Lyme, I would like to see a Lyme literate MD as my husband and I were planning to try for our second baby this fall. I am feeling overwhelmed and scared at the prospect of Lyme and being cured since I have a child to care for and would like to have another. The info onthe Internet is making my head spin!
280418 tn?1306325910 I wish I could tell you. I have been through several years of several different treatments and after a couple weeks off the treatment my symptoms always return. sometimes even worse because of the rebound affect. What type of treatment are you getting? What symptoms of Lyme have you experienced?
Avatar f tn wughead My LLMD would say that you have lyme specific bands and if you were having symptoms of lyme disease, he would treat you. He says that antibiotics help like 97% of people with specific bands for lyme with symptoms. Do you have a lot of neurological symptoms??
Avatar f tn Two out of three urine samples were positive for the Lyme bacteria. My doc prescribed omnicef about two weeks ago and as of yesterday, I started feeling awful again. He thinks its a herx. I've been on multiple abx for about 9 months. Anyway, he also started me on Flagyl today along with the omnicef. He said to start the Flagyl once the herx is over. He said if the Flagyl doesn't work then he will start IV abx. I'm a wreck.
Avatar f tn Mepron/atovaquone and Zithromax/azithromycin for Babesiosis first, then when that was extinct, Biaxin/clarithromycin and Omnicef/cefidnir for Lyme. Took 15 months, start to finish. Overt symptoms had been few, mainly tiredness but not the crushing fatigue others of us have had. Tests were initially run on the family only at my stubborn insistence, and I was dead-dog sick with the same things, Lyme and Babesiosis. Go figure.
Avatar n tn Hello my 12 year old was taking omnicef for a ear infection and 10 days into it she got hives all over her body and they come and go and really ichy do you think it's from the Omnicef?
Avatar f tn I had tinutitis before I knew I had Lyme and co's. Then when I started going to an LLMD, she said that it was from BARTONELLA. It just kind of went away when I started rifampin.
Avatar f tn Please help me as I'm supposed to start a new regimen of meds for lyme. Currently on biaxin, omnicef and about to add plaquenil. I've read good things about it but also bad side effects. Can anyone please help me with this. I don't want to take anything that has really bad side effects. I'm doing well with my progress and back to work and the four week flares are starting to get better but still there.
Avatar f tn clarithromycin) and Omnicef (gen: cefdinir), and then switched to Zithromax (gen: azithromycin) and Flagyl (gen: metronidazole). As I recall, the switch in meds was because I was having a bad reaction to treatment, but it may have been that the doc didn't realize my problem was the probiotic I was taking and not the antibiotics. I don't know. So ..
2115102 tn?1334756923 So I got curious and read a lIttle bit about the Marshall Protocol. I am definitely confused. It includes "post Lyme Disease treatment syndrome" with a list of various autoimmune disorders as conditions treatable with the MP. This is consistent with the IDSA's view that Lyme cannot survive a month or two of antibiotics and ongoing symptoms are a result of an overactive immune system. But LLMDs believe ongoing symptoms represent continuing infection.
Avatar f tn Considerations for dysmyelinating etiology such as adrenoleukodystrophy should be considered as well as lyme disease, and multiple sclerosis and potentially secondary demyelinating disease. Pediatric neurological consult is suggested. The following week a child neurologist performed an "EEG test" on my son and the results came back: "Abnormal" slow frequency on right side sharp/ slow waves in the same location epileptic tendencies shown More seizures may occur The DR.
Avatar f tn So, after a massive setback starting on Memorial Day, I am now on Rocephin shots and Rifampin. Getting the Rocephin shots was a royal pain, with my insurance company's mistakes resulting in weeks of delays. I couldn't believe it when one infusion pharmacy rep (at a major Bay Area health system) completely changed her tone of voice when I answered "Lyme Disease" to her question of the diagnosis.
Avatar f tn ) I put myself on a yeast-free, sugar-free and grains-free diet 3 months ago -- I got a yeast infection that was giving me serious bloating and brain fog. It just seemed like Lyme, but it was yeast. It was a little hard the first couple of days, but I've adjusted to it very well. Did your dr say why s/he put you on that diet?
Avatar n tn About 1 year ago I as given Omnicef for a bacterial infection. After 3 days of tumultuous diarrhea, I finally stopped this drug but not soon enough. Ever since then, I have had stomach problems. It first started out as irregular and often BM’s, and then progressed to A constant gnawing or burning between my breastbone and navel in addition to erratic BM’s and gas, bloating, and just an overall lousy feeling within the digestive system.
Avatar f tn Well after the positive lyme test, their daughter refused to accept the lyme diagnosis and treatment for lyme. Why ? Because she was already addicted to painkillers and I think the lyme disease had by then affected her decision making (as well as all of the drugs she had been taking). This young woman had been taking so many painkillers, that when the producers and camera crew arrived at her apartment to film her, they found her unconscious on the floor.... glass shattered around her !
Avatar f tn Are positive Lyme Disease Titers registered in the chronic stage of the disease?
Avatar m tn Many docs say it is, but there is a substantial minority opinion that Lyme is a much more complex disease than run-of-the-mill infections and requires much longer treatment, because the Lyme bacteria have particular characteristics that allow them to evade a short course of abx: the Lyme bacteria have a very slow reproductive cycle, and antibiotics are effective mostly when the bacteria are dividing, therefore a longer course of treatment is called for, as is done in tuberculosis (usual treat