
My tongue in your tail

Common Questions and Answers about My tongue in your tail


577144 tn?1218229447 Hello, I'm Kim, and I am owned by a beautiful fur ball named Elizabeth. She is 16 months old, and was the runt of her litter, so she is still very tiny. She does the strangest thing and has since she was a kitten. She nurses on her own tail, as though it were her mother's nip. Any ideas as to why she would do this or how to possibly get her to stop. I have tried so many things, all the way to putting lemon juice on her tail. I am just not sure what else to do!
Avatar f tn Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this. Let me tell you though, my neighbor who I mentioned that never took her cat to the vet and the tail fell really did heal up nicely on its own and the tail looks just fine. Grew back the fur and you really wouldn't even notice it other than the fact the tail looks a little short and if you didn't know better, would think the cat was born that way. I think the only difference will be YOUR cat won't be in pain like my neighbors cat was.
1310633 tn?1430224091 a small electric toothbrush (a very, very low-power electric toothbrush mind you) INSIDE me, at the base of my spine/tail-bone, somewhere in my intestine(?). It lasts for about 60 seconds, then goes away for a minute or two, then starts again and lasts for another 60 senconds'ish. I'm having difficulty putting what I'm feeling into words, and an even more difficult time comprehending what it actually might be.
Avatar n tn I see no one has answered you so I'll try to help. Sounds like your dog has a bad bacterial skin infection. You should be on anti-biotics and medicated baths - probably for an extended period of time to clear this up. Your vet will have to do this for you. The happy tail does not have anything to do with the skin infection. some dogs just bank their tail on walls and furniture and once they get a break in the skin and a bloody wound it is next to impossible to cure.
Avatar f tn late night/early morning tv is horrible. LOL. My tail bone is killing me because I broke it a few weeks back, so laying here hurts!! I'm just glad my baby girl is ok. And I'm having contractions, which is annoying. My poor fiance is asleep in the hard chairs... I feel bad.
Avatar f tn Hello--I want you to know there are others out here that have the same thing and it is exasperating not getting any answers. My left sided tingling and novacaine feeling started just in my left foot in my early 30's and through the years progressed to the entire side of my body. Feels like an electrical current running through it and pulls my shoulder up. Affects my eye, throat, tongue. I get spots that itch severely and spots that feel like the skin is burned.
883607 tn?1241847511 Just been there, I had two weeks of no sleep, the first week I took sleeping pills then I ran out and went 72 hours with no sleep at all, my doc has added to my mix and I am now sleeping, the first few nights were broken but last night I think I had my first sleep solid in quite some time, I had a major episode before xmas and have been mixed cycling ever since, for the first time in 2 years I feel like I am back to my old self again. Contact your doctor and see what he can do.
Avatar f tn Oh my gosh yes girl my hubby is always massaging my lower back and tail bone!
Avatar n tn I'm 7 weeks pregnant with my 4th child & I'm having sharp pains on the right side of my tailbone & a bit in my right hip... Has anyone had this? Suggestions on what to do to fix this? Thanks in advance!
Avatar m tn my dog died today after being operated on. he lost a lot of blood and then his heart stopped. he was 12 and a half and 2 vets said they couldn't remove the tumor on his tail and then a year later I took him to the vet down the street and he said he could. The tumor grew so large and started to crack open and spill blood all over which caused my dog to lick at it and make it worse. he knew my dog had been on prednisone for a year now.
711242 tn?1275003402 This has been happening for about 2 Months Burning pain in my right upper arm halfway between my shoulder and elbow. When standing with arms to my side I would consider it on the outside of the arm a tad toward the front. It doesn't hurt any more with activity than without, it does not hurt more when I move it so I would conclude that it has nothing to do with muscle strain or anything like that. It comes and it goes but it is very intense and almost unbearable when it is there.
Avatar f tn My 8 year old redbone coon hound has cushings, yes, we went thru all the test.. It is in his pituitary, but didn't look enlarged. He is 95 lbs, will be 9 in Nov. Has been neutered. The symptoms are food obsessed,going thru trash, tearing open anything he might find looking for food, frequent urinating ( not too bad ) doesn't want to go on walks, doesn't wag his tail anymore, doesn't drink a lot of water. No bulging stomach, no skin infections, I think I caught it early.
Avatar m tn Please take your dog to the vet. My (show quality--although never shown) chihuahua walks with her tail up and prances like a Clydesdale horse--interesting for a 3 1/2 lb chihuahua. All I could tell the vet was that her tail was now down between her legs when she walked. He watched her walk and diagnoised rup. discs in her back which was confirmed by X-ray.
3135744 tn?1342664666 My 5 year old beagle mix had a mass removed from the middle of his tail 2 weeks ago and it did not heal correctly. When the vet took the bandage off the stitches ripped out and it left an open wound. My dog is in pain and will not stop licking the site. What can I do?
Avatar f tn Not to mention I feel a serious almost painful amount of pressue in my waay lower back/bottom area. My activity level is shot. I get up for anything and instantly ache worse. Im 31+ weeks and also a FTM so I know to expect pressure and pain, but at what point - if at all - should it become concerning?
Avatar f tn Hey, everyone! I have a 4 year old cat that continues to lick a spot under his neck, to the point where it is very irritated and raw. It's probably about a 1-2 inch circle which he now has no fur. He had been licking on his back right at the top of his tail but hasn't done that for a while, just his neck. He is otherwise in good health and has been eating and drinking as normal. His skin on the rest of his body doesn't seem to be dry to irritated.
Avatar m tn Anyway, I pulled out and looked down at her vagina and saw this skinny pink tail like looking thing coming out of her vagina. It looks like a really thin tongue (coming to a point). Any ideas what this is? Her vagina does feel a little different than the other girls I've fooled around with, like more puffy and smooth inside. After sex, she said, I think we should use lube next time. I really doubt I did this because there was no blood or anything.
Avatar m tn My partner likes it when I stick my tongue inside his ear(s) and lick his ear lobe(s).
Avatar n tn **This was posted in the Dental section as well.** Don't know if I'm posting in the correct section but the problem is in my mouth. Every morning when I wake up, I have this Brown gunk that's in my mouth. It's on my tongue, the roof of my mouth, on my teeth and in the back of my throat. If I drool during the night, it leaves a brown patch on my pillow. It's gross!
Avatar f tn Yeah its more than likely just your joints relaxing and your hips separating to prep you for labour. Sorry to tell you that it will get worse before it gets better...and more things start to hurt :-( I'm 32 weeks. And something is always aching...
Avatar f tn I'm 15 weeks an have a funny taste in my mouth at all times! I don't really know what this can b, should I b worried?
Avatar f tn It could also be a fungal infection, which is more common in dogs with floppy ears. The ear fold keeps in more moisture than in pointed-eared dogs. It would be a good idea to have your vet take a look so you're not blindly throwing things at the problem that may not work, or may make the situation worse. It's also a good idea to occasionally check for, and remove, any ear wax that is visible. We swab ears with a Q-tip about once a month.
Avatar m tn my tongue burns on the left side when ever I eat something with salt on it.